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Ezekiel 22:30

I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

First of all, I do not believe for one moment that God is out to destroy us. This virus is not His handiwork, nor His will. None the less, I believe His gaze is roaming the earth for those who will stand in the gap for the world, who will lift up a voice of faith and let truth be heard.

I wrote to you on March 24th about two outstanding observations. One was the complete lack of teaching on how people can support their immune system. The other glaring absence, to me, is the lack of leadership in this time of crisis. I can only speak to what I see in the United States and I hope other countries are faring better in this than we.

In this country, I think we are experiencing the loss of Billy Graham. For many years Reverend Graham was our unofficial National Pastor. He came to us in times of trouble and encouraged us. He spoke with strong conviction about the power of our God and the love that would rescue us. No matter what ever assailed this country, Billy Graham was there with a strong voice of faith.

There are voices out there, don’t get me wrong. Mine is one of them, but none of us has the national attention that could bring encouragement to a nation of citizens in need of the Good News. The media does not seem to be beating down the door of the faith people in search of encouragement. It may just be me. Perhaps you are seeing those interviews. Most of us, it seems to me, have to turn to the internet and YouTube. It is an individual search for peace and comfort rather than a nation that calls upon its faith leaders to speak into the most dire situations of life. I definitely miss the days of old when Men of faith spoke from a national pulpit, when a nation turned to people of faith and received the Good News. We seem more isolated by the lack of a national focus and voice than by the stay home order. You can spend all day reading information about covid-19 but ultimately it is just information and I believe, too much of it will suppress your faith and lead to depression. We have more news outlets than ever, but no galvanizing centralization of bold, faithful leadership. We are a gigantic ship without a rudder.

The world has changed dramatically. Do you know who the voice of faith is now? Actually, it is you. We are dependent upon you to spread what God shows us. This crisis is also a crisis of faith because we are challenged to do church differently than ever before. If you do not share the good news, then it will not spread.

The stay home order should work to our advantage. People could read their Bibles, pray and share the teachings of pastors with all their friends and family. We have time for our own meditative prayer when God can speak to your heart. We can burn up the airwaves with the power of prayer and with the Good News of God. We could even join together in prayer that a voice of faith will be heard throughout the land.

There are people out there hurting. We know that. Many of us are passionate about reaching those folks with the Good News. Our God loves and He saves. His love protects and keeps us.

Will you pray this with me? “Give us, Lord, someone who will stand in the gap for us all and who will lift you up with a voice of faith. And let it begin with me.”

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