Our Ministry's Background
In 2005, Ivey Rorie had a personal encounter with God that forced her to answer a 30-year-old call on her life. By October of 2006, she closed her law practice and entered full-time ministry. In that same year, Ivey began producing a daily devotional called Word of the Day, and she recently celebrated the publication of the 2500th WOTD devotion. Today, the Word of the Day reaches followers in 56 countries on six continents.
What We Are

Ivey Rorie
Ivey Ministries is a ministry that works to connect Christians to God’s words and teachings. It also seeks to be a destination for anyone in search of God’s love, mercy and grace.
Ivey Ministries combines traditional Christian practices and modern technology to reach out to the local community and abroad. From its office in Lewisville, North Carolina, Ivey Ministries is working to develop its internet ministry through social media and its website.
In Fall of 2016, Ivey completed her first book, titled Journey Through the Bible, a devotional which takes the reader on a journey through the Bible one book at a time.
She is also working on her Doctorate in Theology and her newest adventure, writing a journal for Born of the Spirit, which invites you to discover what God is saying to you through scripture.
Ivey is a passionate speaker and is devoted to helping Christians fulfill their destinies in Christ. Her heart’s desire is to see the great church of the living God awakened and demonstrating the glory of the Lord Jesus. As such, her speaking and writing focus is on themes intended to empower individual Christians to live in the fullness of God’s blessings.
Ivey is available for speaking engagements. Whether it is a small group, large congregation, evening social, or Sunday sermon, contact us to discuss dates, times and the messages you may want her to share.