
Exodus 28: 36, 38a

You shall also make a plate of pure gold and shall engrave on it, like the engravings of a seal, ‘Holy to the LORD.’ It shall be on Aaron’s forehead.

Aaron was appointed as God’s high priest and God specified exactly what clothing he was to wear when he approached the alter to minister. Part of Aaron’s accoutrement was a golden medallion that he was to wear affixed to a turban so that it was always on his forehead. The medallion was engraved with the words, “Holy to the Lord.” Anytime Aaron went before the Lord, the engraving went before him. It announced him as he entered.

You wear the same sort of pronouncement on your forehead. When you enter God’s presence, He sees the blood of Jesus proclaiming “Holy to the Lord.” The blood of Jesus clothes you so that His righteousness is on you like Aaron’s medallion. When you enter God’s presence Jesus’ blood calls out, “Holy to the Lord.” That is what you are, holy. Jesus has made us holy. Don’t consider yourself a lowly worm because the writing on your forehead announces you as God’s chosen, one who is holy. Your stature is from nothing that you have done so that none of us has reason to boast, but it is precious and sacred because of Jesus. You should enter God’s presence knowing that He sees you as holy, but your boasting is in Christ instead of yourself. You should not call yourself lowly because that is an insult to the blood sacrifice. Just be grateful and full of thanksgiving that God has made you righteous and holy by the blood of Jesus.