Parked Car

John 16: 13

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth.

There used to be an expression, “God can’t steer a parked car.” The point of it was that the Holy Spirit has been sent here to steer and direct you but you have to get the car off of the curb first. You must start the car and put it in gear and then the Holy Spirit can direct you. What does this mean in practical terms? It means that you cannot just sit around and wait for God to drop something in your lap and have great success. The reason is that He directs your steps not jump starts you. You’ve got to get involved in your own success. Talk to the Lord about the things you want. You can still tell Him that it is most important to you that you follow His directions. You’ve got to start heading somewhere, then He can tell you which turns to make and which paths to take. But don’t just sit in your car waiting for him to start the car and drive too. It is not going to happen. Start doing something. Head in some direction and He will let you know if a course correction is called for. But first, get out of park.

This Way ->

Isaiah 30: 21            Index Card 15

And your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it.”

Well, today is the last index card but it really is a good one and certainly one which I have relied upon extensively. This is a promise from God and you can hold Him to it. First it means that we will hear God speak to us (See Word of the Day – Opened Ears, 3/24/16). That is a great promise all by itself but let’s not stop there. It also means that He will give me direction, He will guide me in the way I should go. God has opened our ears and is using the communication lines between us to show us the way (read all the puns into that you want). His voice guides us daily. If at any time we do not hear Him leading us then we have only to stop and recall this verse. Then we set our intention back to hearing His voice and there He is, still on the line talking.

Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit would be our guide (John 16: 13). He also revealed that the Holy Spirit would take whatever He hears and disclose it to us and believe it, the Holy Spirit keeps pretty good company. So, we really have it made. God the Father has promised to speak a word in our ears and Jesus commissioned the Holy Spirit to speak to us and guide us. Now we know the way.

The Promise

Numbers 11: 16 – 17

The Lord therefore said to Moses, “Gather for Me seventy men from the elders of Israel, who you know to be the elders of the people and their officers and bring them to the tent of meeting, and let them take their stand there with you. Then I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take of the Spirit who is upon you , and will put Him upon them.

This “Spirit” spoken of is the Holy Spirit of God. God reveals to us in this passage that His spirit was “on” Moses. That is a powerful revelation for anyone who has ears to hear. 

Moses did gather the seventy elders and God did put His Holy Spirit on them too so that they could help shoulder the burden of caring for the Israelites. When God put His Spirit on them, the Bible tells us that they began to prophesy (v. 25). That is the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is the same spirit which was spoken of in Acts 2. God promised in Joel 2: 28 that He would pour out His Spirit on all mankind. This outpouring was a monumental occurrence, the fulfillment of a long awaited promise. In fact, if you study all the verses which speak about the Holy Spirit you will see numerous references to the promise of his coming. Then in Acts 2 we get to witness the outpouring of the Spirit. 

In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came “upon” people as was the case with Moses and the seventy elders. This resting of the Holy Spirit upon people gave them tremendous ability and power. Jesus told the disciples that when he left he was going to send the Holy Spirit (John 16: 7). He also told them that the Holy Spirit was coming to live IN them (John 14: 17). 

This is a new dispensation, if you will. We are talking about the same Holy Spirit which brooded over the waters in Genesis 1: 2. However, a new thing was happening. Jesus was sending the Holy Spirit into the world to stay. Not only that, but importantly, the Holy Spirit was sent to us individually rather than collectively. That is an important distinction. The Holy Spirit was with the nation of Israel as they sojourned to Canaan but He did not live “in” them. Jesus has now sent the Holy Spirit to each of us, to live in us and to be our constant companion. He said the Holy Spirit would be to each of us a go along, a teacher, a guide and a helper (John 16: 7, 13, John 14: 26).

Certainly there is an aspect of our own responsibility. We must each receive the Holy Spirit personally. He is not going to set up house within you without your permission. However, when you invite Him in, the power, authority and ability that was with Moses comes and takes up abode IN you. You become the vessel, the carrier of the power of God. This power and authority does not just rest on you and then remove Himself, He is with you and in you all the time. That is a much better arrangement than the Old Testament saints had.

I invite you to meditate on today’s verse and ponder the role of the Holy Spirit in today’s world but most importantly, in your own life. I pray that the Spirit who was upon Moses will come rest in you and with you today.

Hear Me

John 16: 13

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

Okay, so here is my question. How is it that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is supposed to “speak” to us? Well? You see, I was reading in the book of John when I read this very familiar verse. I mean, it’s highlighted in my Bible. I know this verse and yet as I was reading it, I just stopped in my tracks. I have always assumed so much as I read it. How, am I to hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking? How is he going to guide me into all truth? This is a big verse with several really big disclosures in it. Are we all prepared to hear him?

I am aware that there are a lot of people who never hear Yahweh speaking to them. I’ve got to say, my heart grieves over this fact. Most of you know my story and how I was desperate to hear God talking to me. I literally chased God down in my pursuit to hear His voice. The Bible says to seek Him but I was way past that. I flew 2500 miles to a conference to get Him and I told our Father that I was coming back with the ability to hear His voice. And you know what, Dad honored my desire. I got what I wanted and Dad got what he wanted, me. Life has not been the same since.

There is no reason why you cannot hear God, the Holy Spirit and the Son speak to you too. There certainly is nothing special about me. Maybe you can hear Him now but just not as often or as clearly as you would like. My advice to you is, “Don’t settle for anything less than everything.” Ephesians 3: 20 casts our mind out beyond normal, common or perhaps even possible. Father wants us thinking beyond our boundaries continuously. Today’s boundary is tomorrow’s history. He is the God of “exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.”

Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to us was a really big deal. This is the age of the Holy Spirit right now and we really need to connect with him. He was sent here for us, to help us and to be always at our side. We can talk with him, we can see him. He is here, in the earth, for us. It is he who leads us into victory daily.

I want to encourage you. If you don’t hear God’s voice routinely or you just want to improve your connectivity – Press In. Call on God. Chase Him down in the streets if you must. He is willing to grant you this interconnectedness with Him where you feel His presence and hear His voice. There is more that He would do with and for all of us but it is beyond all that I can think or ask in this moment. Let’s rally together to call on God and receive everything that Jesus won for us, especially that we hear all the Holy Spirit speaks.