Out of This World

John 17:16

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Why should you be troubled with the problems of the world when you are not even part of this world? Above we see Jesus telling us that we are not of this world. Therefore, the problems of this world do not have power over us. Moreover, Jesus told us that He has overcome the world with its tribulation. Since He is already victorious and we have our life in Him, what then should be our standing with the world?

We are overcomers with Jesus. We should not bow and cave into the distresses of the world but rather stand against them. We are the defense that God has put here to stand against the forces of the enemy. We are supposed to be praying and standing on God’s word. We need to pray for the unsaved asking God to rescue them from the terrors of the world. We cannot very well stand up for the defenseless if we are victims to the schemes of the enemy. First, we must claim our own victory and not give ourselves over to the problems that the world is infested with. We’ve got to stand on the Word of God for our own deliverance and believe God that the enemy has already been defeated on our behalf. Then we can begin to stand up for the rest of the world. Dare to believe God and dare to believe His Word. You are the hope of the World in Christ Jesus.