Eeeek, Not that!

Malachi 3: 8 – 9

“Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed Thee?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you.”

Let me talk to you about tithing and let me encourage you to hold on for the good news. Tithing is a very unpopular topic and many people do not want to teach about it. It is hard for your pastor to talk to you about it so here, perhaps, we can look at tithing Biblically in an unthreatening environment. I say unthreatening but that is God speaking in the verse above and it is pretty frightening if you read thoughtfully.

I don’t think God leaves a lot of room for discussion here. As a matter of fact, He is talking about more than tithing. He says He is being robbed in tithes and offerings too. The tithe is the first 10% of your income. Technically “tithe” means ten percent. And it is supposed to be the first ten percent. That means we are supposed to tithe on gross income folks. I know you don’t want to hear that, but it just is what it is and our discomfort doesn’t change God’s word.

Now I know some of you are having a hard time wrapping your head around that, so you are really going to love this next part. It is clear from this passage that God expects us to give above and beyond the tithe. Otherwise, He would not talk about offerings. He even says that He is being robbed in offerings. That indicates that the offerings are His. So, when we don’t give them to Him, we are stealing from Him. Come on! That is strong God! And yet, day after day we look at promise after promise that He has given us. The fact that He requires a little something of us really shouldn’t cause us so much heartburn. But there is little that is more controversial and misunderstood of Biblical principles. People really don’t want to hear that God wants them to give something. Isn’t that amazing with all that He has given us, wants to give us and has promised us. It’s not like He is asking for 90% and asking us to live on 10%.

I know that many of your churches have different doctrines regarding tithes, offerings and pledges, but just ask yourself this one question. From where did those doctrines arise? Are they purely from the church’s need to finance its programs? Was there a divine source? If it came from God, how can it contradict His word?

I know this really challenges some of you but there are very good reasons God has required the tithe of us. Yeah, I know some of you will say that tithing is from the “Old Testament” or the “Old Covenant.” I honestly don’t think that even deserves a response but for those of you who are sincere rather than just looking for an excuse not to tithe or give gifts let me give you two things to think about.

If the Old Testament people who were under compulsion from the law gave 10 percent of their income, how much more should we who are under grace, who have received the gift of the Christ, give? Secondly, all those promises that we cling to, that we believe and that we hold up to God, many of those are in the Old Testament too. Do you expect all of those promises to have passed away? Of course not! That would be ridiculous. The Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever,” (Hebrews 13: 8) and that is New Testament. The truth is, the things that make us uncomfortable we claim passed away somehow but the parts we like, we keep.

Lastly, why am I bothering to teach you about this? Not because I want to but because God wants you informed. He wants you to tithe. I do not stand to gain from you embracing this teaching. Most of you have a home church to which you will give your tithe. Others of you, I know, are supporting many ministries. I want you to learn this because I want you blessed and I want this entire nation to grow in the glory and blessing of our Lord. But here is the thing, it begins with you.