Out of This World

John 17:16

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Why should you be troubled with the problems of the world when you are not even part of this world? Above we see Jesus telling us that we are not of this world. Therefore, the problems of this world do not have power over us. Moreover, Jesus told us that He has overcome the world with its tribulation. Since He is already victorious and we have our life in Him, what then should be our standing with the world?

We are overcomers with Jesus. We should not bow and cave into the distresses of the world but rather stand against them. We are the defense that God has put here to stand against the forces of the enemy. We are supposed to be praying and standing on God’s word. We need to pray for the unsaved asking God to rescue them from the terrors of the world. We cannot very well stand up for the defenseless if we are victims to the schemes of the enemy. First, we must claim our own victory and not give ourselves over to the problems that the world is infested with. We’ve got to stand on the Word of God for our own deliverance and believe God that the enemy has already been defeated on our behalf. Then we can begin to stand up for the rest of the world. Dare to believe God and dare to believe His Word. You are the hope of the World in Christ Jesus.

See the Light

2 Corinthians 4: 3 – 4

If our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

There is a lot going on in these two verses. Let us take the latter point first.

When one reads this passage, thoughts of the unsaved come to mind, and that is a valid perspective. However, there are many unbelieving believers. People accept Christ as their savior but it is only then that we embark upon the journey of discovery of what it means to be in him and in his glorious victory. Therefore, we must understand that this verse is referring to each of us in certain capacities. You may absolutely believe God for physical healing and yet have small or no faith for emotional deliverance. Some people have not yet learned how to believe God for finances and others can’t seem to embrace the relationship aspects. The point is that even though we believe in Jesus, we are not always believers in everything he has accomplished for us. This is a growing and learning process, a journey.

Some of us have been blinded to certain aspects of Jesus’ overcoming victory for our lives. Who, though, has blinded us? The Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthian believers, says that the “god of this world” is the culprit. Now here is where we sometimes run into difficulty. Paul was referring to Satan as the god of this world. Jesus is victorious; Jesus has defeated the devil but to the degree that we are blinded, Satan is still able to steal from us.

The body of Christ has really struggled with this idea. We know that Jesus overcame all the works of the devil and yet look around, do you see Jesus’ victory displayed everywhere in your life or everywhere in the world? Of course not. You see the devil’s influence very pervasively in the world. He is able to deceive and influence people. He has an army of fallen angels whose doom is assured, but who still contrive to bring destruction to the heirs of the Kingdom.

The real key to this verse is that it was written on this side of the cross. Jesus had already been taken up in glory when Paul wrote these words. He knew of the victorious Christ and yet he called Satan the god of this world. God gave the world to Adam and Eve but they gave their authority to Satan and he has been doing his best to disrupt humanity ever since. So, he is still a viable character out there. He is still influencing people, lying and blinding as much as he can. You, however, can overcome him in the name, authority and blood of Jesus. Satan can be defeated in every area of life. He has no absolute power, only stolen authority. He continues to “blind the minds,” but Jesus has come that we might have life.

Do not be afraid of the devil. Do not think you cannot overcome every trick he throws at you. However, do not be naïve. If you pretend he does not exist, has no power and no influence you will be vulnerable to every stupid little blinding lie he attempts to deceive you with. I do not want you to be afraid but I don’t want you to be blind-sided either. There is no cause for fear but do not discount the devil’s machinations. Many Christians allow themselves to be targets for Satan and his horde because they pretend he doesn’t exist or is completely without influence. Jesus has won our victory but it is we who must step into it. Satan has only the power we allow but naivety allows him freedom to roam and to interfere. The study of God’s Word will always open your eyes and the eye which God has opened the devil cannot blind. It is really that simple. God will show us all revelation and wisdom when we allow Him. He unveils the devil’s lies. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Don’t let the devil tell you otherwise.


Revelation 12: 11

And they overcame him (the devil) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.

Jesus told us that the devil comes “to steal, and kill, and destroy” (John 10: 10). But we are over comers (1 John 2: 13) through him that came to bring us the victory. “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith” (1 John 5:4). You see, Jesus overcame the world. He has done his part. In John 16: 33 he told us to take courage for he has overcome the world. And yet some of us are not walking in the full measure of Jesus’ victory. Why? How can that be?

It seems that we have a part in this victory as well. While Jesus has overcome the devil and all of his minions through his blood we must include ourselves in that victory through the use of our testimony, or our confession, and our faith. This means that our words have something to do with the measure of Jesus’ victory we will walk in. Satan is overcome by Jesus’ shed blood and our confession. Faith is believing God’s word, even in the face of contradictory evidence. The expression of faith is the confession of our mouth. What comes out of our mouths demonstrates exactly where our faith is. Are you sick, going to get healed, getting healed or healed? You see, those words indicate levels of faith. There is no condemnation if you are not yet confessing the greater part of faith. It just shows where you are currently. Tomorrow you can be in a different place altogether. Further, the more your confession matches the Word of God, the more of Jesus’ victory you will experience. 

We must all learn to order our words aright. Every one of us must be vigilante regarding the words that proceed from our mouths. Proverb 18: 21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. We need to learn to wield that power to our benefit. We will thereby overcome the devil and all of his machinations.