
Romans 3: 22 – 24

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Glory Hallelujah! This is in keeping with last week’s word on sin consciousness. Although each and every one of has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God in ourselves, through our faith in Jesus we have been justified by grace. And not just any grace but that which Jesus so lovingly bestowed upon us with His father, our heavenly father. Their grace has redeemed us from the curse of the law and placed us under their redemptive glory. We are justified in Jesus. That sounds odd because we know that we don’t feel that we should be justified, but we are, none the less. Moreover, this grace, justification and redemptive glory have come to us not only when we did not deserve it but despite our unworthiness. While we were yet in our fallen state Jesus won the victory for us. This passage even tells us that this wonderful grace comes to us freely. We did nothing, paid nothing to acquire it.

And now we have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5: 21). And we have become worthy. Jesus spilled his blood for us so that we could stand before the throne of grace worthy and righteousness. He did not endure torture, hell and the cross so that we could grovel in the dirt like worms. He made us the righteousness of God and we ought to act like it. I don’t say that you will never make another mistake the rest of your life. I mean to convey to you that Christ purchased your holiness, worthiness and righteousness with His precious blood so that you might walk in it and so that you may go boldly to the throne room of grace. The cost to us is that we must believe. The scripture says that this righteousness comes to us through faith in Jesus. It comes to ALL who believe. “All” is a pretty inclusive word. It includes you. You are not an especially wicked sinner. Your sin was not so great that Jesus’ blood couldn’t wash it away. To think so is just to bask in self-worship and vanity. Jesus’ sacrifice, his blood is much, much greater than any sin you ever committed. So, let go of the sin and worship the holy one who gave himself so that you might walk in the glorious righteousness that he purchased for you. You are so worthy. He thinks so. Even at your worst he was willing to die so that you could be part of his family and walk in divine kinship with him. Get out of the dirt and into the throne room. Tell Father how blessed you are. Express your thankfulness to Him and never allow yourself to lose sight of who you have become in Christ Jesus.