
1 Chronicles 15:13

“It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the Lord our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way.”

Last week I posited that Jesus intends us to partner with him in our life tasks. However, isn’t that a bit of a puzzling concept? How do we actually partner with Christ? I believe the answer is revealed in today’s passage.

The key seems to be, inquire of the Lord as to how to do whatever it is that you have in mind to do. It’s one thing to agree that we should partner with the Lord. It is quite another to figure out exactly what that looks like. First, we should embrace that this can be an everyday encounter and that is certainly a good aspiration. I also think we should begin our projects with a good brainstorming session with our God. Before we launch out into the deep waters, we can get a game plan together with God. What is natural for us is to put together a plan and ask God to anoint it. That is not really partnering because God has no say so in the operations. That model treats Him like a magical fairy. Instead, what I am proposing is that God’s paradigm for partnership involves Him in the decision making. Essentially, it is inquiring of Him and letting Him speak.

Of course, what good is it to inquire of the Jesus or the Father if we cannot hear their reply. An inquiry should yield a response. Many Christians do not believe we can actually hear the voice of God. That grieves me. Many of you know my story, how I chased God to San Diego because I was determined to hear His voice. You know what? It worked. I heard Him alright and it was an amazing week. It was begun by two factors. First, I believed we should hear the voice of our Father, and second, I was not hearing His voice. Had I not been certain that God wanted to speak with His kids in general and me specifically, I would not have chased Him and would not have gained the victory.

That leads me to my second point about partnering with God. “Now seek the Lord your God with all your heart and soul,” (1 Chronicles 22: 19). It seems to me that partnership must include seeking the Lord. Isn’t that the essence of partnering with someone, especially when your partner is the Almighty? So, the model looks like this to me. Seek the Lord. Inquire of Him. Hear His input. Partnering requires all three steps. Otherwise, it’s just us going along our merry way and hoping He will bless it. There is a much better way to do life. Partner with Christ!

Don’t hear your Father speaking with you? Ask me how.

Partnership II

Proverb 2: 6 -7

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.

The Word of the Day you read last Monday was written back during the summer. Since then, I have thought about and talked with God about partnership a good deal. This verse resonates with me within the concept of partnership.

I asked the Father how this partnership works. I see how He works with me but is my example the only way He partners with us or even the single most significant way. God answered me by showing me his storehouse of wisdom.

His wisdom is one of the ways He leads us. Imagine beginning a project of any type or even beginning your day. What if Father began your day by giving you His wisdom. I will tell you what happens. You end up spending your time more wisely. You are more likely to have the right things to say in a situation which moves your goals forward and again, helps you save time because you get to your goal more quickly. You don’t end up having three meetings. Instead, one gets the job done and that is a big deal. Also, you end up at the right place at the right time when you have His wisdom. I cannot tell you the number of times I have run into someone I needed to see just because I allowed the Father to arrange my day.

Of course, there are two bits to this infusion of Godly wisdom. Although, He has stored it up for us and desires to give it to us we must first ask for it. God will not thrust His wisdom upon you any more than He will impose His will on you. You are a sovereign being in His sight. Therefore, we must ask Him and do so daily.

Second, we must listen. I find this can be an incredible challenge because it requires us first, to slow down. I have trouble with pausing, just like you do. I can say though, that my life works much better if I slow down, inquire of the Father and then take the time to listen. Also, some of us have so much noise in our heads that we find it difficult to discern the Father’s voice out of the cacophony within. I could teach an entire series on this topic. In fact, I have taught on how to quiet yourself down and how to hear God’s voice. Search the devotionals on our website and let them speak to you. Or, you have my email address.

Press the pause button of your life, ask the Father to give you His wisdom, ask for His guidance today and then quiet your mind and listen. Breathe. Let the Father do His part which is to guide you with His vast storehouse of wisdom. He is the wisdom and the plan. You are the hands and feet. Let Him instruct you. Then, all your ways will prosper. I believe!


Joshua 23: 9 – 11

For the Lord has driven out great and strong nations from before you; and as for you, no man has stood before you to this day. One of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you. So take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God.

I didn’t include this passage in yesterday’s devotion because it was already getting lengthy, but I felt you needed to see this for yourself and us discuss it a bit further. Truly, though, the two go hand in hand.

The key to this passage is the partnership. It is loud and strong. The quick summary is, “The Lord fights for you. Therefore, you will put thousands to flight.” If ever there was an expression of synergy, this has to be it. One of us can put to flight a thousand enemies. That is what the passage says but to read that sentence without its partners is to misunderstand scripture and to misunderstand our God.

Likewise, were we to read this passage and only hear, “For the Lord your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you,” then we fail our faith and understanding of scripture again because it is not only that our God fights for us but that we stand in partnership with Him. Any other reading of this passage is a distortion. The loud message must be “Teamwork.” If you truly want to understand this passage, read the last sentence first. The key language is “Take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God.” That is powerful, powerful stuff!

Do you see how this ties so strongly with yesterday’s devotion on praise, worship and offerings? It is in these expressions of love for our Father that real power resides, and that partnership is utilized. We are nothing, alone. Even Jesus said he could do nothing on his own, but in our Father, we can be very effective partners. He is our source, our strength and our wisdom. You don’t want me to rely on my wisdom for the Word of the Day, do you? Of course not! These devotionals only have meaning if our Father speaks. Further, I couldn’t do this without Him anyway. I would be powerless, empty.

The challenge is for each of us to partner with Him every day, in all we do. When I worship my Lord, when I praise Him, my heart opens to Him and I am able to connect with Him more strongly than ever. Giving a donation does that for my inner self too. God doesn’t need my money, but it is a way for me to connect with His ministry that subsequently empowers my heart.

It isn’t just the warrior who puts a thousand to flight. It isn’t only Father fighting our battles for us. The reality that we are learning is that victory is in our cooperation with the Spirit of God.

I hope this blessed your heart. Email your questions, comments and prayer requests to us at