Living Long

Psalm 55: 23

But Thou, O God, will bring them down to the pit of destruction; men of bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days. But I will trust in Thee.

So, do you want to live a long life? Well, there is a hidden pearl of wisdom here. Men of deceit will not live out half their days. Ouch!! Now you see what is happening to the life span. Honesty has life in it. Deceit carries death with it. 

Deceit is interesting. I think of deceit primarily as not telling the truth but that really does not represent the thrust of the definition. According to the New American Heritage Dictionary deceit is misrepresentation, deception. It is characterized by trickiness and falseness. Deceitful means: Given to cheating or deceiving, misleading or deceptive. Some of the words associated with this idea are deceive, betray, mislead, beguile, delude, dupe, hoodwink, bamboozle, outwit, and double-cross. So what is the point? 

Deceit is not simply telling a lie. That is part of it, of course, but the greater part of deceit is to be intentionally misleading. One could tell a truth then, answer a question true technically and yet mislead the hearer. This deception is often seen in how we couch our facts. It is deceitful to represent the facts in a way which best paints the picture you want perceived when you know it is not really truthful. It is a twisting of the truth in order to mislead someone. This is a manipulation of the truth and of the person being addressed. It is reprehensible to God and will limit the number of days of the speaker. Just ponder this for a moment. We have all seen this and some of us even been guilty of it. We speak what is 10% true and leave out the other 90% of the truth because we do not like how it reflects on us or that it won’t bring about the desired result. I have watched people completely reframe an event in order to look guiltless. They will argue they did not lie because they spoke a bit of the truth but the reality is that in cloaking the greater part of the truth they are attempting to deceive someone. Now I want you to search your gut at this moment and see if you can tell how incensed this makes God. “There are six things which the Lord hates, yes seven which are an abomination to Him” (Proverb 6: 16). Out of the seven two are about not being truthful. This deceitfulness is right in the middle of all that God hates. I am guessing that is not where we want to hang out.

Jesus is truth. We are called to be the people of Jesus, therefore people of truth. It is a slap in God’s face when we mischaracterize something even it if is not a bald-face lie. In the eyes of our Father it is exactly the same thing. And why do people lie and deceive? In the end of things it is because they do not trust the Lord, their God. How much more can we insult God? Do you want to live a long and fruitful life? Be people of the truth.

Truth Be Told

Proverb 21: 28                God’s Word Translation

A lying witness will die, but a person who listens to advice will continue to speak.

What an uncommon comparison. The first phrase of this sentence talks about a liar. We would expect, then, for the second phrase to reveal the result for a truthful person. First, is there a presumption that the person who listens to advice will necessarily be a person who speaks truth? Is that why his life and voice will continue? Is there something about a person who will humble themselves and listen to the advice of another which makes them less likely to lie? 

No one is surprised to learn that the life of a liar is in peril. There are some things which open the door to the devil getting to run around in one’s life. Anger is one. It opens the door to the devil. Speaking words of fear is another. It is an invitation. I don’t think there is anything we can do that invites more interference in our lives by the evil one than lying. Lies belong to the devil. Jesus called him the father of lies (John 8: 44). He said that there is no truth in the devil. Satan is a murderer and a liar. So when we lie we align ourselves with the devil. We have just invited him into our homes. The result is death. Once the devil gets into your house his objective is to kill you. It is what he does. He deceives lies, kills and destroys. Which part of that do you want?

Conversely, the wise person will listen to advice and will live on to speak the wisdom that she gleans from those to whom she has listened. The way of truth is life. Again, no big surprise here. Jesus said, “I am the way; and the truth, and the life” (John 14: 6)  Truth and life go hand in hand. The surprise is that so many of us have not made a quality decision to live by truth. When Jesus speaks truth into your life you receive healing in your spirit, health in your body, prosperity and well-being. All things work together for your good. So, Solomon could end his proverb with this simple statement, choose truth and live.