Goal Achieved

Isaiah 31: 33

“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

This is the crux of the new covenant. I am especially moved by the latter part where God says that He will be our God, and we will be His people. This is where we are today. God wishes to be your personal God and you and me to be His people. There is a very personal, intimate anticipation in this. It is about the relationship that we are to enter into. No longer is God to be a distant and removed God, who can only be approached by a few select people, but rather a personal God with whom we have direct contact.

Jesus told us in John 14: 23 that He and His father would come and make their abode with us. He also told us in the 17th verse,  of that same chapter, that the Holy Spirit abides with us and in us. You see, this is a shift from the Old Testament relationship. In the new covenant, God wants to be a very personal God to us all. He no longer has His presence in an ark but rather in us as we have become the temple of the new covenant.

His Word is now a part of our hearts by the Holy Spirit and by the son himself. We have been told that Jesus is the word (John 1: 1-14). Here we see that the Word, Jesus, has come to live in our hearts. Additionally, the Holy Spirit who has been charged with teaching us and guiding us into all the truth (John 14: 26, 16:13) has made His home in our hearts. So, the Word has now been written to our hearts and is in our hearts.

The God of all creation, the God who made the sun, all the planets and every star, who made the trees, all animals and us, has come to live inside of you. He has chosen you as His temple. You are His chosen people. This is what God has been looking forward to for millennia, that we should be His people, and He should be our own God. You are the realization of His ambition.

These are the days. We are the prophesied people. You are no lowly worm of the dirt. You are the chosen people of Almighty God. You are the culmination of all of His desires and plans for thousands of years. That should make an impression on you and hopefully make you feel differently about yourself. Maybe it makes you consider your relationship with the Father a bit differently. Collectively we are the body of Christ. Individually you are a member of the body. You are important to God, immensely important. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

In and Through

Ephesians 4: 6      TPT

And he is the perfect Father who leads us all, works through us all, and lives in us all!

Jesus rattled the world when he told people that he and the Father would live in us and through us (John 14: 23). He spoke of the Father with a familiarity that rankled the Jews. Truly, the familiarity with which we speak of the Father today still unsettles some. Interestingly, only the Apostle John leaned into this revelation of Immanuel, God with us. John understood that the name applied to more than Jesus spending a short time walking the earth. It is, in fact, the New Covenant in a word. Man, that is a big revelation, one we are still grappling with.

Paul came along behind the twelve disciples. Except for John, the gospel writers mostly gave an account of the life of Jesus. Paul took those accounts and Jesus’ teachings and explained them. I said last week, he seemed to understand the Apostle John well and he continued John’s teachings. This revelation that God lives in us is so big that even after both John and Paul unveiled this great mystery, it still remains cloaked for many people.

I hope you revel in the idea that God is not only with you, but in you, even if your mind cannot comprehend it. Honestly, I cannot fully grasp it either, but I do glory in the truth of it. We don’t need to pray to a far-removed deity, God in heaven. We can turn inward and find the creator right there. Isn’t that amazing?

Perhaps I am just in the Christmas Spirit, but this seems like a good Christmas message. Perhaps it is Christmas and Easter rolled up together. This “God with us” thing is central to Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth. Jesus came to reconcile us to the Father and what a job he did. He so thoroughly accomplished his task that the Father packed up and moved in with us. Can you even grasp the enormity of that? It is mind boggling!

I hope that this Christmas season, you will enjoy Emmanuel, God with us. Every time you hear a Christmas carol, I hope you are reminded of the King who came to make his abode with you. Merry Christmas!