Gospel Boots

Romans 8:37           (NIV)

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

In 2002, I went through a terrible time. It was months’ and months’ worth of crazy challenges. Just one of the situations I had to deal with was three car accidents in as many weeks. Then there were the big national banks whose checks to the Law Firm bounced. It went on and on like this, one thing after another. Then my pastor reminded me of Isaiah 54: 17 which reads, “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.”

That was the beginning of my breakthrough. I needed to be reminded that Jesus had made a way for me to overcome this turmoil. I began to recall the Word to my mind and mouth. It was if a ray of light broke through the darkness and all I had to do was follow it. Then I was able to open wide the crack through which that light shown and my life resurrected out of the chaos.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that I saved me but in remembering what Jesus had already done for me I was able to stand against the storms that were battering my life. I didn’t have to stand there and get battered by the storms, I had the rock and as soon as I began standing on the rock again, those storms had nothing for me and they went away. It is just as amazing and exciting looking back on it as it was then. I took quite a beating until I realized that my Father and my Jesus were well able to protect me and to defeat every weapon the enemy sent against me. I don’t know, but it seems like the devil just realized he couldn’t get at me any longer so, as he did Jesus, he left me for a more opportune time (Luke 4: 13). I am not saying I am bullet proof, I just have a clearer understanding of Jesus’ victory in my life and that I don’t have to tolerate the devil’s shenanigans. Now it is a matter of applying what I have learned.

It is a difficult paradigm to grasp in its fullness. There is a balance which must be struck between understanding that Jesus has already defeated the devil and knowing what we must do in order to live in that victory. It almost seems like it should be one or the other. If Jesus beat the devil, why do we have to fight at all? Here is an illustration that may help.

If you sue someone and win your case the Judge will enter a judgment in your favor. That judgment represents the victory. However, until the order is executed, it makes no practical impact. You have a judgment in your favor the minute the judge rules but the effect of it is not immediate. It will be of little or no value if not executed. This is the way it is with Jesus’ victory. You already have a judgment against the devil. You have an order entered in your favor against every one of his tricks, attacks or fiery missiles. However, if you do not enforce, or ask the authorities to enforce, your rights under the order then there is little practical effect.

We have the victory. Jesus already won it for us but we must hold that order up in the devil’s face and refuse him access to our lives. We have the choice whether to enforce the judgment or not. If we do not, the devil will run all over us. This is why knowing the truth is so important. Once you know that he does not have any legal authority over you, then you can push back and resist him. When you resist, he will flee as he did with Jesus and as he did even with me. You have to know your authority though. When you do, you are the overcomer Jesus gave you the right to be.

There is no demon or devil in hell that can overcome the blood of Jesus and you knowing that is the power of Christ in you. Overcoming the schemes of the devil is a partnership between you and Jesus. So, put on your armor. Shine up your gospel boots and stand against the schemes of the devil. Put him to flight because the one who is in you, already won. Yahoo!

Take Heart

Luke 10: 19

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

I have written to you recently about the authority of the church over the power of the enemy. This is a delicate and somewhat perplexing topic but by writing to you about it I hope to encourage clarity or at least inspired consideration. The problem is that as a body, we seem uncertain about our position relative to the devil. Does he have any power? Is he a defeated foe? Why is there any Biblical discussion about “the enemy” since Jesus marched into hell and took the keys from Satan?

These are all very good questions and important ones. If you actually have an enemy but are unaware that said enemy is plotting against you, then you are defenseless. If you are conscious of the enemy, is it possible to give him too much credit and subsequently fall victim to another deception, that of chasing demons? We are not naïve. We know by now, and the scriptures inform us, that there is an enemy and his name is Satan. He has been the enemy of humanity since the beginning. The real question seems to be, what power and/or influence does he wield today? The parallel question is, didn’t Jesus’ victory whip the devil forever? Good question – glad you asked.

Today’s verse encapsulates the answer. I will state it this way even though it is a bit of an overstatement, Jesus defeated the devil, but have you? What I intend to imply is that Jesus has done his part but there is still something we must do in order for his victory to be effective in our lives. Look again at today’s verse. Jesus said he has given power to us. Okay, that is easy enough to understand but why need he give power to us if he has already defeated the enemy? He said, “nothing shall by any means hurt you.” There is a huge assumption in this last statement though, the assumption being that we have employed the power he has given us.

Because of Jesus’ victory we too can stand victorious against the devil. Too many of us believe, erroneously, that Jesus’ victory gives us a free pass. That is to say, sometimes we think we do not have to do anything in order to live the triumphant life Jesus won for us. I thought the same thing as a young person. I thought being a Christian meant that I should live a, relatively, care free, trouble free life. Well, I learned better and frankly, that belief is not even scriptural. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble,” (John 16: 33). That is a clear statement of fact. However, it is not the end of the story and here is where Jesus’ triumph over Satan comes in. The end of John 16: 33 records Jesus saying, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In other words, yes, the world will bring you trouble and you will be troubled all the days of your life UNLESS you apply Jesus’ overcoming power. Jesus said being “in him” is the victory that overcomes the world. This is the key point we must come to understand. Jesus won the victory for us but it is we who must overcome using that which he has provided. In him is peace, perfect peace. So take heart and use all that Jesus won for you.

See the Light

2 Corinthians 4: 3 – 4

If our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

There is a lot going on in these two verses. Let us take the latter point first.

When one reads this passage, thoughts of the unsaved come to mind, and that is a valid perspective. However, there are many unbelieving believers. People accept Christ as their savior but it is only then that we embark upon the journey of discovery of what it means to be in him and in his glorious victory. Therefore, we must understand that this verse is referring to each of us in certain capacities. You may absolutely believe God for physical healing and yet have small or no faith for emotional deliverance. Some people have not yet learned how to believe God for finances and others can’t seem to embrace the relationship aspects. The point is that even though we believe in Jesus, we are not always believers in everything he has accomplished for us. This is a growing and learning process, a journey.

Some of us have been blinded to certain aspects of Jesus’ overcoming victory for our lives. Who, though, has blinded us? The Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthian believers, says that the “god of this world” is the culprit. Now here is where we sometimes run into difficulty. Paul was referring to Satan as the god of this world. Jesus is victorious; Jesus has defeated the devil but to the degree that we are blinded, Satan is still able to steal from us.

The body of Christ has really struggled with this idea. We know that Jesus overcame all the works of the devil and yet look around, do you see Jesus’ victory displayed everywhere in your life or everywhere in the world? Of course not. You see the devil’s influence very pervasively in the world. He is able to deceive and influence people. He has an army of fallen angels whose doom is assured, but who still contrive to bring destruction to the heirs of the Kingdom.

The real key to this verse is that it was written on this side of the cross. Jesus had already been taken up in glory when Paul wrote these words. He knew of the victorious Christ and yet he called Satan the god of this world. God gave the world to Adam and Eve but they gave their authority to Satan and he has been doing his best to disrupt humanity ever since. So, he is still a viable character out there. He is still influencing people, lying and blinding as much as he can. You, however, can overcome him in the name, authority and blood of Jesus. Satan can be defeated in every area of life. He has no absolute power, only stolen authority. He continues to “blind the minds,” but Jesus has come that we might have life.

Do not be afraid of the devil. Do not think you cannot overcome every trick he throws at you. However, do not be naïve. If you pretend he does not exist, has no power and no influence you will be vulnerable to every stupid little blinding lie he attempts to deceive you with. I do not want you to be afraid but I don’t want you to be blind-sided either. There is no cause for fear but do not discount the devil’s machinations. Many Christians allow themselves to be targets for Satan and his horde because they pretend he doesn’t exist or is completely without influence. Jesus has won our victory but it is we who must step into it. Satan has only the power we allow but naivety allows him freedom to roam and to interfere. The study of God’s Word will always open your eyes and the eye which God has opened the devil cannot blind. It is really that simple. God will show us all revelation and wisdom when we allow Him. He unveils the devil’s lies. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Don’t let the devil tell you otherwise.

Let’s Live

Isaiah 49: 28

All flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

This verse, more than any other, defines the ambition of my ministry. I strongly desire the church of the Lord Jesus to be so strong and successful, living in the miracles and victory of our blessed Lord that all nations, all people will look upon us and know that we are the children of the Mighty One.  Everywhere we go, our lives, words and countenance should reflect the glory that is our Lord.

Too often the lives of Christians demonstrate lack and defeat.  I remember when I was young, believing in Jesus and his resurrection, but wanting little to do with most Christians I met. Then I moved to San Diego and there I met people who loved the Lord with all their heart but who did not seem to be dragged down by a ministry of poverty. They were happy, successful and as they talked about the Lord, their zeal could not be contained.  It blessed me right down to my socks and I went on a hunt for what they knew that I did not.  I challenged their premises and they showed me Jesus.  I became a student of the Bible because I wanted what they had.  I have never looked back and I am grateful, to this day, for the men and women who had the courage to live their convictions.  I saw miracles happen.  I even saw miracles occur when I prayed.  I want that back.

I don’t know what has happened but I see less of the miracle working power in my life and in my associations these days.  So, this I resolve. I will be the instigator.  I will shake up my own life and challenge myself to live what I believe.  I will challenge God, if I must, to show me how to part seas or walk on them.  Every miracle that has ever happened is as viable today as ever because God has not, and will not, change. He is just looking for someone who will believe Him.  Moses believed Him and led an entire nation into liberty.  What can we do if we will band together in radical belief and radical trust?

Will you reach out to me and let me know that mine is not a solitary voice in the wilderness? It is as simple as replying to this email or posting to the site. Are you, likewise, sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you believe that your Lord means better for you than what you are currently living? Does He want to touch your body and instill health? Strength?  What can the Lord do in our lives if we will, with humble and honest hearts, lay aside all that has kept us bound and throw ourselves fully into His arms?

We have a right and, dare I say, even a duty to live up to the victorious, overcoming, overflowing life which Jesus poured out for us.  The world is lost.  People are dying without ever meeting the beautiful Jesus. With all that is within me I implore you to reach beyond where you are and grasp all that Jesus offers.  We can all live higher in the light of his glory. It’s not all just about us, though. It is about the witness each of us will be in the earth. The world will look at Christians and say, as I did all those years ago, “I want what they have.”  We can absolutely demonstrate to the whole world that our God, our Father, is great, mighty and a lover of all people. Let this be our rallying point!  Let’s live; let’s live as Jesus meant us to.  In his blessed name, Amen.



2 Corinthians 10: 4

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

Why is Paul talking to us about weapons of warfare after the death and resurrection of Jesus? Jesus has already won, hasn’t he? He marched in to Hades and took the keys of death and hell away from the devil. So why is Paul talking about warfare? Isn’t it done?

Well, I guess we have only to look around us to see that the war is not over. Yes, Jesus has won. He defeated the powers of hell for all time but that is almost useless if we don’t enforce it. Think of it this way. Perhaps there is a law on the books in your community. How effective is that law if it is not enforced? It is as though it doesn’t exist. You see, God gave the earth to us, therefore, we have authority in this realm. Jesus won the victory over sin, death, hell and the grave in his own flesh. He has given us this victory to employ in the earthly realm as well as in our own lives.

You have ultimate authority in your life, God does not. You can choose to go to hell if you want. Many are making that choice. God won’t stop you because He has given that right of choice, that authority to you. He has delegated His power in that area. Therefore, if Jesus’ victory is to be experienced, we must enforce it in our own lives. Failure to do so allows the devil run around free messing in people’s lives.

The Amplified version of today’s verse says that the weapons of our warfare are not physical. What are they then? They must be spiritual, wouldn’t you say? Also, I noted that he wrote about the weapons – plural. There must be more than one then. We all know about prayer and obviously that is a weapon straight from God’s arsenal. There really are many more though. Paul wanted us to be mindful of their existence, what they are and how to use them.

Don’t sit around on the couch expecting your salvation prayer to solve all of your problems. This is a process and that was only the beginning. Paul also told us to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2: 12). We have a role to play. God gives us the tools and the weapons but it is up to us to utilize them for our lives. As for me, I am choosing a spiritual bazooka. What spiritual weapon do you want?

For more about spiritual warfare and the weapons of our warfare, visit our webpage and go to the Daily Devotional page (https://iveyministries.org/word-of-the-day/). Search “spiritual warfare”.

No Solo Success

Proverb 11: 14

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.

There is no such thing as a self-made man, only one who’s ego is out of control because there is no success without guidance. Victory is in the abundance of counselors.

Recently I rode, what was for me, a big bike ride. It was only 32.5 miles but it went uphill 3000 feet. That was the most climbing I have ever done. The Shenandoah Park service closed a section of Skyline Drive for one day to all motorized traffic. It was a great opportunity to get out on that scenic road and experience the beauty and grandeur of the mountains. I was so happy to have accomplished that ride but in the sober moments of life and indeed even out on the road, I was equally thankful for all the people who helped me.

You know, cycling can be a lonely adventure and I was all alone on the mountain that day. No one could help push the pedals around but I was never really alone. First, my Father was with me and I was grateful for His presence. In truth, though, there were a lot of people pushing me up that hill. Many people gave me encouragement in the days and weeks leading up to the ride and that really did help me. There were times when I was concerned about the ride but there was always someone there telling me that I could do it.

That isn’t all though. Riding in Georgia a couple of weeks before I met a woman named Varina who shared her knowledge of nutritional gels with me and gave me lots of good advice. Then there was Dr. Goldberg who coached me on nutrition and hydration. Mike, the owner of the local bike shop, spent a lot of time with me, encouraging and teaching me. Then, where would I have been without Diane who drove me to the beginning of the ride and picked me up on the other end, having to go around, of course, because the road we were all riding on was closed to cars. And then there were my prayer partners, who prayed for me and for my ride. I honestly wonder if I could have succeeded in that ride without even one of these blessed people. While it may have appeared I was on my bike alone, isolated on that mountain, the truth is that there was a team of people who helped me up that hill.

Wouldn’t it be something if I arrived at the top to declare what a great solo success I achieved? It just is not true. Additionally, all of the people who prayed, taught and encouraged learned from others. We are all standing upon the shoulders of those who have gone before. Even the technology of nutritional products these days is well advanced of what was available only a few short years ago.

That is how it is with life. We can go further faster today because of those who have gone before and because of all of our teachers, parents, coaches, encouragers and prayer warriors. I thank my God for each of you. Every encouragement you give keeps casting additional seed through the people you have blessed. I am thankful for all of the experiences my friends have learned from and for the time they have spent becoming educated. Truly no one of us is an island and even in the isolating alone times, it is good to remember all of the people who have contributed to the successes of your life.

You are never alone because your Father is with you but you also carry with you the prayers and encouragement of many people. In abundant counselors you find the victory because success is a team sport.

God is . . . not selfish

1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 5

Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own.

We have thought about arrogance, egotism, and self-centeredness in this examination of what love is. As we continue looking at chapter 13 we reach this phrase, “love does not seek its own.” What does that mean but that love is not selfish?

God’s love is not self-oriented. He loves us not for Himself, but for us. In other words, He doesn’t love us for what it gets Him or what we will do for Him. Love does not focus the camera lens on itself but instead on others. This is the essential model of love and this is essential God.

Love does not serve itself, it serves others. Love doesn’t worry itself about serving itself. It isn’t seeking its own interests. Can you see this? Real love is not concerned with filling its needs. This is what we need to understand about God. His every thought is about our welfare, not what we can do for Him.

There has been such a misunderstanding in the body of Christ about our relationship with God. I used to think our relationship was all about the tasks He wanted me to do and the roles He wanted me to fill. Now I understand that He cares very little for those things. These tasks and jobs which we think are so big and so important are as a gnat to Him. The one thing which is important to Him is us and our welfare. Think this through with me. His greatest thoughts and ambitions are about us. How does that impact all of your theology? He wants to help us become healthy, whole and happy. Everything He does is towards that end. His vision is for us to walk in complete and total victory, the victory that Christ has already won for us. God didn’t have to give you cancer to make you strong. Your victory is in Christ. Jesus won the battle. God is our strength. Besides, there is no cancer in heaven for God to send to you. He has only good things.  So, understanding that God is love defines your entire perspective about Him and therefore your theology.

God did not call you to Himself so that you could serve Him. He called you to Himself so that He could serve you and care for you. Remember Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles? He is the greatest servant ever and though we model Jesus, God did not call us as servants but as children. True love, the God kind of love doesn’t serve itself. It does not seek its own wishes. God seeks to fulfill the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37: 4). Love is not selfish; God is not selfish.