No Worries!

John 14: 1

Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.

Is your heart troubled about something? Maybe it is something personal or maybe it is something more universal like the economy or crime levels. In any event, Jesus encourages us to give our concerns to him rather than let ourselves be tormented. He invites us to exercise our trust in Him and God to assuage our concerns and worries. When you have that unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach because something is troubling you, stop and lean on Jesus. There is such a plea in Jesus’ voice in this passage. It sounds like a longing to take away our suffering; to take it on Himself so that we may be at peace. He is saying to us that if we will believe in God, really believe in God and also believe in Him, that we might be spared the anguish that otherwise affects people. Stop and take an inventory of your emotions. Are you worrying? Are you troubled? Use a few moments to roll the care of that issue or issues over to God and let He and Jesus carry the load for you today.


Psalm 84: 12

O Lord of hosts, how blessed is the man who trusts in Thee!

How blessed indeed! Do you know how little there is for you to worry about once your trust is in the Lord. It is a great and wonderful blessing not to have to worry about every single thing in our lives. The more we are able to turn over to the Lord of Hosts, the less there is for us to worry over. You don’t have to take stress management classes anymore. You are just less stressed. The Lord, our God, is carrying all of that stress for you. Each thing that you do not want to carry any longer, turn over to Him. It may take a bit of practice and perhaps this is one of those things about which we must be constantly vigilante but it sure is worth every bit of effort.

Here is one little trick that I use. I imagine one of those “IN” boxes that everyone used to have on their desks. This one belongs to God. Walk up to it and put into it the matter that is taking up so much of your thought life. If a matter is important enough to you to cause you concern, then it is important enough for you to give to God. He cares about everything you care about, even the small things. I have noticed that it is impossible to fill up His “IN” box. He always has room for more.

One Thing

Luke 10: 42

You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.

Only one thing is needed. There are many things which distract us and which seem important. However, Jesus told Martha that only one thing is needed. That one thing is the Word of God. Martha’s sister, Mary, had chosen that one thing. She was sitting at the feet of Jesus receiving his Word. Jesus told Martha that this one thing, this one needed thing, would not be taken away from Mary.

We are confronted by so many challenges in a day. Even as we seek answers sometimes we can become overwhelmed by the multitude of things we feel we must do in order to receive our relief. Thank God for the Word of God and this teaching from Jesus. When all is in chaos, we need only one thing, Jesus. 

I have been impressed that our lives could be much easier and more simple if we can grasp the deep revelation of this passage. There is really only thing we need. The Word of God will guide us, enlighten us and keep us. In our day to day lives, as well as in a time of need, there is only one thing which is needful. Like Mary we choose that best part which is the Word of God. And when we do, if we do, then Jesus insinuates himself into our every need and takes upon himself all of the worry and upsetting issues of life. Be blessed and filled in him.


1 Peter 5: 7

Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.

This is the instruction the Lord gives for all the worry and care that plague you. Give it to Him. Roll all of the care of your problems and concerns over onto Him. Take the problem and mentally see yourself putting it in God’s “In box”. Write it on a piece of paper and make an “In” box if you need to but get that junk out of your mind and out of your Spirit. Put it in to the hands of He who is well able to resolve all of the problems. All that junk just hampers your creativity and takes your mind off of your relationship with your Father. Turn off that stuff and turn your thoughts on to the God of creation. Hand the problem to Him in prayer and then move on. He is waiting to take on every single problem in your life. Give Him a job.

Worry Wart

Luke 12: 25

“And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span?”

What are you worrying about? Jesus told us not to worry about anything. What good is worry going to do us? It distracts us from keeping our thoughts on the God of our breakthrough and therefore prolongs the misery. We need to keep our thoughts on the promises of God and his ability to meet all of our needs. When we think on the problem, we elevate it in our minds. It becomes our God in that we are looking at it instead of Jesus and our gracious Father. We meditate on the problem, turning it over and over in our minds. In the end, there is usually very little we can do towards the solution anyway. Even what we are able to do may be completely out of the will of God. We need to really work on turning our problems over to Him and getting our minds focused on His goodness. Meditate on God the Father and his lovingkindness rather than the problems this world presents you. What are you worried about today?

Blessed Peace

Psalm 94: 19

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, thy consolations delight my soul.

Have you ever had one of those days when your thoughts are anxious and wearisome? Sure, everyone has. In my Bible the word multiply has a footnote beside it which reveals that the writer of this Psalm is intending to convey to us that many are his anxious thoughts. Worry can eat you up. It is a very unpleasant companion. When anxious thoughts are multiplying within you even your physiology reacts. Really, this is the cause of many sicknesses. I know I used to tense my muscles in response to that stress so that my back, neck and shoulders were a mess. But the psalmist teaches us that we do not have to live with and tolerate anxiety and worry. We have a father who can dispel that anxiety and replace it with joy and delight. Is that hard to imagine? Think of one of your worse days. Do you remember how intense the worry and stress were? See yourself in your mind’s eye. Can you see the stress in your face and reflected in your body? Now change that image. See an angel of the Lord enter the room and watch your countenance change. Watch as all of your worry dissipates and you are left with the precious peace of Jesus. What does your face look like now? Has your body relaxed?

This is the way you are meant to live. When Jesus was about to leave earth he told his followers that he was going to leave his peace here. He gave us his own peace. We, much more than the psalmist, have every reason to live in peace and comfort. God’s consolations are with us at all times in the person of Jesus Christ. Even in the old days, though, before Jesus came, God consoled His people. He was the great comforter and He has not changed. Now you have God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit to comfort and console you so that you never have to live with another anxious thought the rest of your life. Grab hold of this truth and do not let it escape you. Keep it before your eyes and in the midst of your heart because as sure as the sun comes up tomorrow there will be another opportunity for you to entertain anxious thoughts. When they come just speak right out loud to the Father of Glory and tell Him that you are giving all your anxiety and care to Him and you receive in its place the peace of Jesus. Really, God’s shoulders are a lot broader than yours and mine. He can handle our tense and worrisome situations. Rest in the peace of Jesus. Claim it and make it your own.