Revelation 21: 5
And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
I love the beginning of the new year. Everything is new again. We all get a do over. The past is behind us and no longer need plague us. The future holds endless possibilities. We get to write on a blank slate. What do you want? What is in your heart of hearts? What is it that you are even afraid to articulate to yourself? This is the time of opportunity. Jesus said he is making all things new. That is great news! Is there anything in your life which could stand being remade? Most of us have areas that we think need an overhaul. Today is the day we get to start our new future. Behold, the old things have passed away and everything is brand new.
I hope you had a really good 2017 but 2018 holds even more promise. We will have more revelation this year than last. Jesus will be even more with you this year than last. This is the moment for which you have waited. This is the time for emergence in new ways. This is the time of new possibilities. Things that seemed impossible last year become possible this year. Things you didn’t even dare to dream become your living realities.
The secret to attaining to new heights this year is twofold. First, you must release the past. The past is an anchor. We have all made mistakes. We have all failed. In all of history there are few people who missed God’s leading more than he who became the Apostle Paul. If God can make over a man like Saul into a great prophet and guide, then what can He do with you and me? We have never persecuted and stoned Christians just for their beliefs. Let go of the past. Let it be in the past, behind you and cast your vision forward. Look to the horizon and find new dreams or perhaps revive a few old one’s.
Second, believe! Believe that Jesus is more than able to do a new thing with you. I don’t care if you are 15 years old or 115, today is a new day full of possibilities. You are not too young or too old. You are not the wrong gender or race. You are not insignificant. You are a kingdom possibility. You are God’s miracle in the making.
Do not be dissuaded from believing in the impossible. The impossible is what God has given us to pursue. If a thing is possible, where is the challenge and why would you need God? Just do the possible but seek the impossible. That is where your life with the Lord lies. Believe that with you and God all things are possible. Don’t believe the world. Believe me. Believe me when I tell you that you can do what is in your heart because that is where Jesus lives and your desire is his. He wants to do great things and he wants to do them with you. What would you do if it was impossible to fail? Don’t try to figure out how to do it, that is God’s problem. Just begin believing, hoping and dreaming. Feed that dream daily. Believe when there is no obvious solution. Believe when it is impossible.
Let us make this our year to believe and achieve. With God, truly, all things are possible so what do you want to do? How big can you dream? That is your part – dream and believe God is capable. If you focus on those two pieces, God will turn them into reality. Let’s make this the year of the Lord in our lives. This is your year of jubilee. Be free and be made new. Happy New Year!