Deuteronomy 31: 8

“The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

To what can you apply this verse in your life? You know we all have areas of our lives where we don’t stand quite as firmly. When we find them, though, we can throw this verse at them and be renewed in our faith.

Every word of this verse is wonderful, but I love the idea that the Lord, our God, is going before us to prepare the way. By the time we get to the situation, He has already been there and fixed it. Man, we’ve got to get a revelation of this. What do you dread? Is there a situation that challenges you like an upcoming physics test or doctor’s appointment? Or, is there a person who is a source of discomfort? Maybe you’ve got an ugly project at work that you keep putting off.

One recent example of that for me that was getting the tax information pulled together to give to the accountant. The accountant is doing the hard work, what was I dreading? Well, it is a laborious process and it takes time. I would rather work on a project where I can throw physical energy at it and accomplish it. None the less, it had to be done. Well, Father goes ahead of you to work out details, to line-up the proper people for you and to lay at your feet all the resources you need. Yahoo! It works! I did need some resources and they were there, the people I needed were available and all of the information is at the accountant’s office. Yea! I needed to yield myself to the Father’s presence, then all was well.

No matter what the situation or project, Dad promises that He will not abandon you. He is going to be with you all the way. Better yet, He is even going to get there before you do. While you are still worrying about it and procrastinating, He has already gone before you to prepare the way. You’ve gotta love that.

The part we all need to hear the loudest is that He will never leave us nor will He ever forsake us. Even when you feel alone, He is there. Whether or not you can feel His presence, you can know He is with you. He will not fail you, ever!

Most of all, do not fear! Do not be dismayed! The Lord is with you. What have you to fear? Does anything have you in its grip right now? Relinquish it to your God and lean into His presence.

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