Hebrews 4: 16

Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

What would you think if you heard the author of Hebrews preach this sermon in your church Sunday? Would it sound odd to you? He seems to say that we can enter God’s throne room now even while we still live on this earth. How do we accomplish that?

I believe the writer of Hebrews is telling us that we should be entering God’s throne room now. Not only that but also that we should enter confidently. We are spiritual beings even though we are currently housed in physical bodies. We can, therefore, participate in spiritual exercises like we do physical ones. For example, is prayer a physical or a spiritual exercise? The answer may have something to do with our own spiritual maturity, but I think most of us would say that it is a spiritual exercise. Most people probably recognize that we exist in the spiritual realm even while we reside in the physical realm. This should not be too hard to comprehend. After all, we can exercise mentally and physically at the same time so, also, we can exercise spiritually. Now, what I will say is that most of us spend more time on our minds and bodies than we do our spirits. None the less, you and I can operate spiritually, and we should. So, how do we actually enter God’s throne room?

The answer is that we do so in our spirits by and through prayer. How, though, does one actually accomplish this? It’s not exactly “natural” is it? Actually, it is just a step above natural and it is called supernatural. When you pray, imagine yourself walking into God’s throne room. See yourself invited and accepted. Then just talk with your father. Can you picture yourself driving a red Ferrari? You probably did even as you read “Ferrari.” You use the same method in seeing yourself in the throne room only, it is applied through the spirit and prayer. See yourself walking into God’s presence. Watch yourself boldly enter His throne room. You can still operate in humility even while you confidently approach God because your confidence is in Jesus. He has paved the way for you to enter into Father’s presence. Go forth confidently; knowing that Jesus has prepared this avenue for you. Go be with your Dad and talk with Him. He would love to spend time with you.

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