Finding God

Deuteronomy 4: 29

But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Yesterday, we saw that God gave us power to create wealth. One of the intended results of this power is that God may confirm His promises to us. His promises are designed to create wholeness in every area of life. God has and is giving us power to create success in all facets of life.

There are some key things which will facilitate your reception of all that God has for you. Yesterday we were told to remember the Lord our God and that it is He who pours blessing into our lives. Today we are instructed to seek the Lord, our God. We also receive the promise that we will find Him if we seek Him with all our heart and soul. I can attest to this. I chased Him and was found by Him. I was already a Christian and had been for many years but I wanted more of God. In fact, I wanted all of Him and was frustrated that I didn’t seem able to hear or feel Him the way some people did. So, I determined in my heart that I would have all there was to have and I sought God. He was good to His word and my life and our relationship were dramatically altered from that time on. Everything in our relationship change because I sought Him with my whole heart.

Most of us lead busy lives these days. There are not possibly enough hours in a day to do everything I must do much less all the things I want to do. So, I had to make some choices. Honestly, we all have to make choices daily. I saw in the lives of other people that which was missing in my own. I remember reading books about people whose lives demonstrated the anointing of the Lord on them. I wanted that for myself. I still want it so, one of the primary ways to position myself to receive everything I want from the Lord is to seek Him. Therefore, I have to decide to set aside time that is just for seeking His heart and His thoughts. You know it is not easy to find the time for such exploits but what am I going to do with my time which is more important? What better can I do to move forward in my life?

Ultimately, we must all make these daily choices which will, in the end, determine what kind of year we have this year. I adjure you to make the single most effective choice you can. Seek God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. Seek Him with all your strength. Do not let Him rest. Be relentless! I make you this promise. If you seek Him, if you really and truly determine to pursue Him, not only will you find Him but you will have the best year of your life. I join you too. I have committed to seeking Him more this year than last year. So, I know I am going to have a good year, well, as long as I actually do what I have resolved to do.

Let’s go to great heights this year. Let’s grab handfuls of clouds. Seek the Lord, seek His face continually.

Covenant Keeper

Deuteronomy 8: 18

But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

The book of Deuteronomy is Moses’ swan song, if you will. The Israelites were poised on the banks of the Jordan, ready to cross over into the promised land. This marks the end of Moses’ ministry and life. This book also represents a contract, or covenant, between God and His people. You can see that in the language of today’s verse. God reminds His people of the promises He made them and which He desires to see fulfilled in their lives.

God means to confirm His promises and His covenant to us as well. Every day we have the opportunity to cross over from the desert into the land of promise and Father wants us receive the benefits of His promises as a confirmation to all people that He is an awesome God. He wishes to bless us at least as much as we desire to have blessing flow through our lives.

At what point, though, did it become taboo to expect God to keep His word regarding wealth? The language is perfectly clear in this passage that God, Himself, is giving us power to make wealth. Sure, His design is that we do that, not in our own strength but, in unity with Him, but it is through this display of His goodness that all people will see His glory.

We have a role in this, though. We must first believe that it is God’s will to make wealth in our lives. Second, if we don’t receive this promise or its fruit, then God will appear to be an oath breaker.

For many years the church has wallowed in the false piety of poverty. We have charged God with the guilt of our sicknesses and with every other misfortune of life. The church has made excuses for failure rather than stand on God’s living Word and demand that He perform His Word. However, there is new life in the church. Believers are emerging and demanding the fullness of the gospel. They are investing their hearts, faith and even their money in the promises of God. They are living in expectation and belief and they will see their God. He has waited for a people who will believe Him and trust Him. That is us.

Let’s turn our believers and receivers to full power expecting our Father to show up and show out. The ancient Israelites certainly had no more than we, and yet look at the promise God made them. Read the twenty-eighth chapter and see the expectation level we should have. Let’s fulfill our destinies and allow the Father to confirm His Word to us.


John 5: 19

Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself.”

Is there any better news in the whole of the New Testament. Jesus, by his own admission, could do nothing of himself. Consider all the miracles of Jesus while on the earth. There were some pretty big ones chronicled in those pages. Yet, Jesus tells us he was incapable of any of it in himself. Isn’t that great?

You see, when Jesus came to earth, he emptied himself of his deity and became human. He was born a little baby just like you. He needed nursing and caring for like all children. I don’t imagine people receiving their healing just because they held the infant. Nope, there is something much bigger to Jesus, his miracles and his victory. He had a father. If you read the rest of this verse you will find that Jesus credits his power and success to attending to his Father’s example, “Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” Whatever Jesus saw God do, he emulated and Eureka (!) he had great success when he did as the father.

Jesus was born under the Old Covenant. He lived and learned as an Old Testament Jew. He read the books and listened to the Rabbi’s. He saw his Father’s ways in those old books and Rabbinical teachings. Then when he was baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit of God came and rested upon him. Then he had the witness of the scriptures and the leading of the Spirit. Those two blessings led him in the way he was to go. He walked by the leading of the Spirit daily and the power of the Holy Spirit healed and delivered whosoever would believe.

That is why I consider this verse such good news. If Jesus could do nothing apart from his Father, then there is hope for you and me. Jesus had to rely on the same gifts which we must depend upon. We have been given the Holy Spirit without measure. We have all that he is within and with us at all times. Everything Jesus had, we have. The power that operated in his life such that miracles were common, rests upon us; lives within us. The obvious conclusion, then, is that everything Jesus did, we can do too. Jesus said it himself, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14: 12).

Jesus did not create miraculous results of himself. He understood how to follow the Father’s example and the Spirit’s leading. The Spirit is the power but Jesus learned to cooperate with the Spirit so that the Father’s will would be made manifest in the earth. Jesus was a human who learned how to partner with divinity for the benefit of humanity. There is nothing he did which you cannot do. I find that tremendous good news. I only have to be me. You only have to be you. You don’t have to be Jesus. Isn’t that a relief? We have to same capacity to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and allow him to manifest himself to the world. He can heal our families and save the damned. He is the light in a dark and decaying place. We are vessels of his greatest. Surely we can manage to be jars, jugs, bottles or bowls. We do not have to perform the miracles ourselves, just partner with the miracle maker. Maybe we can do that and if we can, then we can change the world.

Happy New Year

Revelation 21: 5

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”

I love the beginning of the new year. Everything is new again. We all get a do over. The past is behind us and no longer need plague us. The future holds endless possibilities. We get to write on a blank slate. What do you want? What is in your heart of hearts? What is it that you are even afraid to articulate to yourself? This is the time of opportunity. Jesus said he is making all things new. That is great news! Is there anything in your life which could stand being remade? Most of us have areas that we think need an overhaul. Today is the day we get to start our new future. Behold, the old things have passed away and everything is brand new.

I hope you had a really good 2017 but 2018 holds even more promise. We will have more revelation this year than last. Jesus will be even more with you this year than last. This is the moment for which you have waited. This is the time for emergence in new ways. This is the time of new possibilities. Things that seemed impossible last year become possible this year. Things you didn’t even dare to dream become your living realities.

The secret to attaining to new heights this year is twofold. First, you must release the past. The past is an anchor. We have all made mistakes. We have all failed. In all of history there are few people who missed God’s leading more than he who became the Apostle Paul. If God can make over a man like Saul into a great prophet and guide, then what can He do with you and me? We have never persecuted and stoned Christians just for their beliefs. Let go of the past. Let it be in the past, behind you and cast your vision forward. Look to the horizon and find new dreams or perhaps revive a few old one’s.

Second, believe! Believe that Jesus is more than able to do a new thing with you. I don’t care if you are 15 years old or 115, today is a new day full of possibilities. You are not too young or too old. You are not the wrong gender or race. You are not insignificant. You are a kingdom possibility. You are God’s miracle in the making.

Do not be dissuaded from believing in the impossible. The impossible is what God has given us to pursue. If a thing is possible, where is the challenge and why would you need God? Just do the possible but seek the impossible. That is where your life with the Lord lies. Believe that with you and God all things are possible. Don’t believe the world. Believe me. Believe me when I tell you that you can do what is in your heart because that is where Jesus lives and your desire is his. He wants to do great things and he wants to do them with you. What would you do if it was impossible to fail? Don’t try to figure out how to do it, that is God’s problem. Just begin believing, hoping and dreaming. Feed that dream daily. Believe when there is no obvious solution. Believe when it is impossible.

Let us make this our year to believe and achieve. With God, truly, all things are possible so what do you want to do? How big can you dream? That is your part – dream and believe God is capable. If you focus on those two pieces, God will turn them into reality. Let’s make this the year of the Lord in our lives. This is your year of jubilee. Be free and be made new. Happy New Year!

Good Tidings

Luke 2: 8 – 14           KJV

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Sometimes I just like the poetry of the King James Bible. How about you? This passage brings back warm memories of childhood for me. Like most children, I was very visual and I would imagine what the angel looked like. Did he/she hover over the shepherds? The glory of the Lord shone all about them. What did that look like and why in the world are we afraid when we see God’s glory? Then the angel was joined by the heavenly host. What is that? Of what and whom is the host composed? Were there more than angels present? Were there animals in the heavenly host or perhaps beings we have never heard of. What did that look like? Can you imagine?

The angel said to the shepherds, “I bring you good tidings of great joy.” Hence, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.” You see there in the angel’s words that this joyous good news is for “all people.” What do you think of that? It may even include Muslims, or gays. Jesus came to reconcile the entire world and every person and creature in it to the glory of the Father. None are left out. Whether they know it or not, Jesus’ coming is even good news to the people who hate him.

The very first Christmas present was the Christ. This was the gift God gave us. In that gift, though, was the seed of the gift God wanted – you. Thirty-three years after the first Christmas, our God and Father sealed His wish in the first Easter service. When Jesus arose, God got his family.
I love that God’s plan involved sending a babe, born of a woman. He didn’t send a giant warrior, or the head of His legal staff. He sent a baby and that child had to grow up in this world. He lived among regular people and experienced all the things you and I experience and learn through. Jesus had to become a regular person in order to save people. He was completely at the mercy of his mother and father for his care. He had no God powers to feed himself or change his diapers. He experienced birth just as you and I. And think of this, Jesus was once a teenager. Ohhhhh! What was that like?

God’s perfect plan began with a precious baby born in a little town in the east. On that special night, wheels were set in motion that would change the world. The Father gave his only child to come to earth to be with us. That child had to grow and learn what it means to be human so that he could save all humanity.

This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of the savior, try to put yourself in the place of those shepherds and experience the glory of God’s gift to us. Let your heart hear the angelic chorus singing Hallelujah to the King. Perhaps your heart will rejoice as never before. Be free and be happy. I wish you unparalleled joy this Christmas and God’s blessings upon you and your family. Merry, merry Christmas!

Give a Little

Luke 6: 38

Give, and it will be given to you.

Sometimes I believe everything important can be learned from children’s shows. In fact, I am not sure why we don’t express the same life values in adult programming. I found this verse in Santa Claus is Coming to Town. It is the story of the Christmas Spirit, the story of giving.

Santa, Kris Kringle, is confronted by many ornery characters in the story. As he traverses the mountain between Kringle Village and Somber Town, where he intends to deliver toys, he is accosted by a mean wizard known as Winter Warlock. Santa, however, knows how to unlock even the coldest heart, with a gift. The simple act of giving a toy to the evil wizard melts his frozen heart. Winter then becomes good and a lifelong friend and companion of the Kringles.

In town, Santa explains to the children that whatever you wish to get, you must first give. If you want a little love, give a little love. He sings, “Whenever you take, give a little back.” Oh that we actually taught our children this important lesson. Even better, that we should not only be reminded of it ourselves but also embrace the philosophy. The Living Bible rendition of today’s verse is, “For if you give, you will get!” Pretty simple, huh?

Santa wins over Jessica with a gift and later she becomes Mrs. Santa Claus. He built a culture of giving but in his version, people give back. We live in a culture where people take and take. There seems to be little charity among us. We walk by the Salvation Army kettles like they are an annoyance to us rather than allowing ourselves to be motivated to support a group who is doing the work of helping others. This is not our essential nature though. It is not who we are. We are kind and generous in our union with Christ. We just allow the culture and our schedules to poison our attitudes.

So, here is my Christmas wish for you. Go get the collection of old-time Christmas animated classics. Get a big bowl of popcorn and watch them with your loved ones. Listen and watch for the message of Christ and let it melt you. Allow your love and generosity to bob to the surface. Let your tenderness show and let it have its say. I wish for you to receive greatly but I know that you must give if you want to get. Let Jesus fill your heart and bless you abundantly. That is my wish for you, immeasurable abundance of Christ in you and with you. Merry Christmas!

Little Drummer Boy

Proverb 3: 5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.

I watched the animated version of the Little Drummer Boy last night. In it, this scripture was demonstrated vividly.

The little drummer boy had a lamb which was very important to him for the animals were his family. One day the lamb was injured and all hope for its survival seemed lost. Then the drummer boy remembered that three wise kings traveled to town. Surely the wise kings would know how to save the little lamb. So, the boy took the lamb and sought out the wise kings. Finding one he implored the wise king to heal his little lamb. The king said, “I cannot help you but there is one here who can.” The perplexed drummer boy questioned, “The babe?” “Yes, go to him,” the king instructed, but the drummer boy hesitated. Looking to the wise man he said, “I don’t understand,” to which the king replied, “It is not important that you understand. Go to him.”

In two short statements in a children’s story, the entire theology of Christ is revealed. Go to him. If we do this one thing, all else falls into place. However, we, like the child drummer, don’t understand. We seek understanding when all we really need is simple faith. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,” not all your head. We will never figure out the simple grace of our Lord. His peace and love are inexplicable in human terms. The best we can do is disengage from our processing centers and plug in to our believers, even when or especially when, we do not understand.

There is a reason the children of God are called believers rather than understanders or thinkers. Belief has a place in the mind but real belief, the kind that moves mountains, is a product of the heart. Little Aaron, the drummer boy, learned this lesson and it turned his whole life around. No longer was he an embittered soul. Instead he learned the meaning of love and faith. His desperation drove him to the infant king but there in the glow of babe’s love for all people, Aaron found the love he longed for.

We have opportunities every day to trust God with the challenges of life. Sometimes we think too much and block the flow of Jesus’ creative power. We only need loosen our grip and go to the babe. Just go to him and trust him to have the answers. Let him be the savior. You no longer have to work so hard. You don’t have to figure it out, you don’t have to understand. Like the wise king told the drummer boy, just go to him.