Home Address

John 2: 17

His disciples remembered that it was written, “ZEAL FOR THY HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME.”

Today’s passage comes from the story of when Jesus overturned the tables in the temple, running out the merchants and money changers. It is a great story; one with which many of you are familiar. I want to put a New Testament spin on it for you today though.

Remember, when Jesus went through the temple overturning the money changers tables, the Old Covenant was still in operation. The new dispensation only came in with Jesus’ victory over death, sin and the grave. Therefore, when the temple was discussed in those times the reference would always have been to the building known as the temple. There is a new message about the temple on this side of the cross.

For we are the temple of the living God,” (2 Corinthians 6: 16). Bearing this verse in mind, reread today’s passage. Now what do you see? You better believe that Jesus is zealous over the temple. Don’t you imagine that when he went through the building in Jerusalem he had you on his mind? This event occurred when he was about to go to the cross. He had been in that temple many times. Never before did he respond to the commerce going on within. Why this time? The answer is that it was because he had you on his mind. He was on his way to the cross to “cleanse the temple.” His outward display in the church that day was a symbol of the cleansing he was about to do through his sacrifice. Jesus was consumed with zeal for God’s house but it was not the brick and mortar building that captivated him. He was consumed with his love for you. It was that love; that consuming, burning love that gave him the strength to endure the cross.

He had his Father’s mind and his Father’s thoughts. He knew the plan and he understood what he and his Father would accomplish through the cross. The real question is, do we? “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3: 16). There is your key for understanding today’s scriptural quote. Because of Jesus’ zeal for you, he endured the cross. He had the end in mind. He wanted to be able to make his abode in you so that he could be with you at all times. You are that which Jesus is zealous for. Let this truth sink into the deep part of your being. Absorb it. You are the temple of God. You are Jesus’ home address.


2 Chronicles 20: 20

Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established.”

It is a little bit hard learning to trust someone you can neither see nor hear. If you have never stepped out in faith and believed God for something, then you might appreciate some guidance in learning how to walk in faith. Start risk free with something small. It might be some task you are working on without a lot of success. Maybe you need to write a thank you note and the words just aren’t coming out right. For me, it was leveling a refrigerator.

It was late at night and the freezer door was not staying closed because I had moved the refrigerator and the floor was not level. I had already inadvertently thawed an entire bag of chicken breasts. So, I was lying on the floor turning the leveling legs and it just wouldn’t work. The whole thing defied logic. I was getting tired and frustrated. Finally, I stopped and prayed. Then as I looked back at the refrigerator, I had the idea to lengthen the left side. Now, that was just opposite of what you would think but I did it anyway since I had prayed. You know the end of the story. It immediately fixed my problem and the freezer door stayed closed. I was shocked and flabbergasted but really relieved at the same time. It only took a minute to fix the problem once I prayed but I wasted a lot of time messing with the thing before. I learned an important lesson that night; pray first.

That refrigerator was one of many small ways I learned to trust God. Though I am still learning, now it is much easier for me to trust him in bigger things. As we go, we begin to turn problems over to him more quickly and we learn to take our hands and thoughts completely off of the problem. You will find that you even quit talking about the problem that you have handed over to God because you have such an awareness that it is His problem and He will handle it. It takes seeing Him come through for you a time or two before you really begin to believe He can and will affect our lives here and now. Until you have witnessed it yourself it is easy to think of God as uninterested and removed from our daily lives. Once you know the truth, though, you will be thrilled at how involved with you He really wants to be. Go ahead. Look for some little thing that you can trust Him with and soon you will have fewer and fewer troubles that you have to deal with.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving


Psalm 100: 4

Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

We have much for which to be thankful. Expressing our gratitude to the Father improves our quality of life. I pray you have a very blessed time with family and the Lord.


Happy Thanksgiving!



Hebrews 10: 35

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.

When your confidence is in God and in His promises, it yields its own great reward. Why? Confidence in God by another name is faith. When you are living in faith that He is well able to perform all of His promises, then you are actually exercising spiritual power. Your faith and trust in God’s ability will move mountains. One of the things that happens when you are living in your confidence is that you automatically get out of God’s way. When you do that, there is room for Him to work. He cannot work on something until you let go of it and give it to Him. Your trust and confidence in His word is the spiritual material God uses to fashion the miracle you need. And by the way, they are not miracles to God. What is a miracle to us is just everyday business to him. So put your confidence in Him and in His word because that confidence is the substance of your breakthrough and it will bring forth the answers you need. When you are tempted to worry, just remember this verse and get yourself back over into trust.

Not Forsaken

Psalm 22: 1

My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?

Many people recognize these words as having been spoken by Jesus from the cross. When the sin of the world hit him, he was isolated from his father. Did you realize, though, David penned the same words and that they are recorded in the 22nd Psalm? Appreciating that fact made me think that other people have likely felt the same way at some time in their lives. I know I have. Yet, if you read the rest of David’s psalm, you hear how his attitude changed. The end of the psalm is written in confidence and gratitude for God’s delivering power.

David went through some challenges in his life but he well knew that the Lord was his strength. No matter how bad things got; no matter how worried David became, in his depths he knew God would deliver him. From deep within him, the strength of the Lord would rise up. David’s trust and confidence in the Lord would overwhelm the greatest of problems. Before long, he would be writing a psalm of praise extolling the Lord’s delivering grace.

No matter how alone you feel and how desperate your situation appears, know for a fact that the Lord has not abandoned nor forsaken you. I know it feels like you are alone but just like David, when you take your eyes off of the enormity of the problems surrounding you and put them back on your Father, you will find that He was standing right beside you the whole time. He is well able and willing to deliver you from this present trouble. Trust his love and power.


James 2: 21

Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted which is able to save your souls.

Dr. Jim Richards of Impact Ministries teaches the ultimate expression of Christianity is putting off the old person and receiving the new one Christ created for us. He calls this the Ultimate Put Off / Put On experience. That concept is exactly what is expressed in today’s verse. Put off your old self with all of its flaws, weaknesses and brokenness and receive Jesus, the Word, implanted into your very soul.

These ideas touch on the very core purposes of my ministry as well. You will have noticed that I frequently encourage your participation with the Word of God. My hope and prayer for you is that you have a personal encounter with the Lord. We all need his touch. I know if I continue to encourage you in the Word and show you how important it is to Jesus, the chance of you having a rendezvous with Jesus increases. James taught in this verse the implanted Word can save your soul. Mountains of theology can be built on that one brief statement. I wish for you to live an outrageously abundant life. Jesus came so that you could. I want miracles, health, wealth, beauty, peace, ease and glory flowing through your daily existence. The best way I know to facilitate that kind of overflow in your life is to impart the Word of God to you.

I wish to encourage you today. I realize you are busy and at times overwhelmed. Allow me and the ministry Jesus gave me to help you. Read the Word of the Day EVERY Day. If you do not have time to read my commentary, okay. Just read the Bible verse. I am sending you life because I send you the Word of God. I send you a bit of Jesus every morning since he is the Word. There is a huge revelation in that last statement. Even if that is all of the Word you get each day, at least you have some Word implanted in your soul and the implanted Word is seed which will germinate. Receive it, plant it and let it grow within you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Get a Life

John 8: 31              Amplified

So Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples.

We looked at abiding in Jesus yesterday. I posited that a key way to dwell in him was to meditate in his word. This idea is not new. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus taught that we should abide in his Word. The road to becoming a disciple of Christ is paved with Jesus’ words.

Discipleship programs are very popular. Churches host week and month long programs on discipleship. The crux of all of those programs must be abiding in Jesus’ Word. Today’s verse reveals there is more to discipleship than only reading the word. The Amplified Version highlights the active component of discipleship. We must be doers of Jesus’ Word just as Jesus’ brother, James, intones in James 1: 22. In fact, James taught those who are not doers of the Word delude themselves.

Jesus instructs us through today’s verse that we must continually apply his teachings. Disciples of Jesus live according to his Word. Meditating on the scriptures helps us to abide in Christ. The natural result of abiding in Jesus is that we follow his teachings. Our lives begin to reflect his ways when we abide in and obey his teachings. All of these ideas fit together to give us the abundant life that Jesus came to earth to give us (John 10: 10). Jesus did not come down to the earth to give us a bunch of rules. He came to give us life. One of the key ways he imparts life to us is through his Word. There is life in the Word. Let’s go get some.