Life in the Shallows

Matthew 13: 5 – 6            NIV

Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

Last week I wrote to you about venturing out into the deep water. This was a metaphor I used to encourage you into a deeper life with Christ. I said that the reason why it is important to encourage believers into the deep water is because so many are suffering and failing. This passage shows this truth dynamically.

Today’s verse selection is from Jesus’ parable of the sower. Jesus said this is the foundational parable. It shows us the impact of the seed on various types of soil. The seed is the Word of God; the soil is our hearts. We have the opportunity to prepare our soil ourselves. The condition of our soil determines how successful the seed will be. If we have no value for the Word of God, we are like seed which was sown along the path. It does not take root (v. 4). If we are shallow, if we don’t launch out into the deep things with God or place a high value on the things of God, then we experience lack and loss. Today’s verse reveals that we wither and die.

I wish this was all metaphorical but I see these truths manifested in real life every day. Do you see that shallow Christians are living in more peril than those who are going deeper? In the parable above, because the soil was shallow, the plant had no root. When plants or trees have shallow roots, then they are more easily toppled in the storms. This is what Jesus was trying to teach us about life. if we live a shallow faith, we won’t have strong roots either. When the storms of life hit, we are easily felled. 

Jesus said, “Whoever has ears, let them hear” (v. 9). There is a reason why I and other ministers are beckoning believers to come in deeper. There is safety, security, success and peace in the deeper water and much more besides. Shallow Christians are in a better place than non-believers but the more immersed we are in the Word and in God, the better our lives will be. We want your life to be anointed and blessed; we want to see you protected from the storms. It is not for ourselves that we call to you. It is for your sake. 

As a final thought consider this – when a hurricane or other strong storm threatens, large ships head out to sea, out to the deep water, rather than remaining in the harbor. They are safer in deep water than they are at shore. Mmm . . . there may be something there. He who has ears, hear.


Ephesians 4: 22 – 24

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Dr. Jim Richards of Impact Ministries ( has a break-through program called Heart Physics. It is a powerful tool for moving forward in life, breaking through those things which have held you down and just generally improving the quality of life. One of the strategies that Dr. Richards teaches is to put off the stuff which is binding you and to put on the freedom which Jesus purchased for you. 

As Dr. Richards leads us through the put off and put on I often imagine myself wearing a robe like would have been worn in Jesus’ time. I see myself taking off my old robe and putting on a brand new one. You can get creative with your mind picture. Perhaps you see your old robe as beige to brown; maybe you notice the signs of wear, dirt and even some stains. As you begin to don your new robe, the one Jesus went and bought for you, you might see him taking it out of a box and holding it up for review. It is pristine white and even shines. Watch as he holds it for you to slip into. Together you wrap your body in that beautiful robe which almost looks as though it is made from white, white light.

We can change our old garment for a new one. We can exchange old images and beliefs for new ones. Heart Physics is a methodology whereby we can actually write truth on our own hearts. Most of us have been fed lies at some time or have believed something untrue about ourselves. In fact, much of what we once believed about ourselves has been eradicated by Jesus’ ministry. Therefore, one of the most powerful aspects of Heart Physics is that you can go onto your own heart’s website and erase what is there and rewrite the story. Here is a visualization I use for that process. 

Tabula Rasa is a Latin term which goes back to a Roman tablet which could be used for writing, erased and written upon again. You will see that it is understandable that Tabula Rasa is rendered “blank slate” in English. It is a philosophical term which has strong implications in Western Society but we can also use it as a spiritual device. I imagine my heart as a large whiteboard; perhaps it is 4’ X 6′. This is my tabula rasa. I watch myself approach the whiteboard which is covered with writing in many different colors. Then I watch as I pick up the eraser and erase everything that is there. I am left with a completely white board, a completely clean writing surface upon which I can inscribe whatever I want.

What would you write on the tablet of your heart if you had the chance? Would you draw a picture, write your name in different colors, or even post pictures of yourself as you choose to see you? Well, it is your board, do as you wish. Here are a few thoughts though. Get into your heart zone first. If you don’t know how to do this go to Impact Ministries’ website and discover Heart Physics. When you do see yourself standing before a completely white board, write truth. Write upon that board, which is your heart, what Jesus says about you. See yourself through the Father’s eyes and post that picture. Then under that picture write: redeemed, beloved, saved, restored, glorified, justified, cleansed, healed, renewed, full of grace, and so on. Go back every day and look at the truth about you. Keep adding to your board. Put up a second board if you need more writing room. Tape up a picture of Jesus and you together. Add fabric, color, whatever you want. Maybe you can see Jesus writing on it. Make it real, make it yours. Anytime anyone’s opinion or image of you, other than Jesus’, appears on your board, erase it. Oh how fun that may be. Have fun. Be creative. You are your own tabula rasa and you own all the crayons. Write your story!

Do You Love Me?

John 15: 17

This I command you, that you love one another.

If you knew me would you still love me? My definition of a friend is “someone who knows you and still likes you”. Sometimes we become acquainted with someone but then when we find a blemish on their armor or find that they have needs as well as strengths, we abandon that friendship.

One of our problems is that we make judgments about people based on these perceived faults. Well, when you began becoming friends with them, did you think they were perfect? There has only been one perfect. So discovering that a person is flawed really shouldn’t be such a big surprise.

Our response to these pronounced judgments is to hide away our true selves. Hence my question, “If you knew the real me, would you still love me?” Well, I know how Jesus answers that question and it is probably why we love him so much. He sees us for who we truly are complete with all of our emotional baggage, scars and our faults and yet loves us anyway. In fact, he knew all of my short comings before he went to the cross and seeing my damage chose to go to the cross anyway. Now that is a friend indeed.

Now Jesus directs us. He has said, “Do not judge” (Matthew 7: 1). Instead he commands us to love one another. I don’t see an easy way around these two imperatives. Do you? We are very good at determining what is good and what is bad but remember, that is the fruit of the tree we were never supposed to eat from (see Genesis 3: 2 – 4). Eating the fruit of that tree is what yielded the curse and it is still producing misfortune and torment in our lives today.

We do not need to agree with each other’s politics or even religious views but we do have to accept one another. We have not been appointed to determine who is good and who is bad, who gets into heaven and who does not. Our job is but to love. Period, end of story. Now, if we could really get a revelation of that, we would transform the world.

Running Mates

John 15: 13 – 15

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

Yesterday I wrote to you about being a deep-water devotee. There are few pleasures in this earth that satisfy like finding a deep-water running mate. I once felt so alone, like few people wanted to dedicate their lives and our conversation to the pursuit of Jesus, our Christ. I am here to say today that I am blessed. I have friends, people who want to run in the fast lane of Christian quest. 

I believe Jesus shows us a model for friendship in this passage. First of all, he calls us into friendship with him. Wow, just wow! Then he shows us the dedication he gives to friendship; that he was willing to lay down his life for his friends, i.e. you and me. However, I see another key factor in this friendship equation. Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do what I command you.” I am not suggesting that a friend should be obedient to you. I do recognize, though, that we must be of like mind and spirit. In other words, Jesus points out to us that our way should be his way. We should run his path. We cannot really be friends with someone who is running a different path than we are. Sometimes that is sad. Every now and again you lose someone along the way. I grieve those losses but there is joy in the morning when you find a true running mate. When you find someone who is willing to delve into the deep things of Christ with you, who will respect your opinions and questions and call you in even deeper, then it truly is like finding a gold mine.

I dedicate this Word of the Day to my Deep Water friends. You know who you are and I appreciate you. I also wish to extend an invitation to others who wish to jump in the deep water. There is plenty of room in the ocean for you. Come on in, the water is fine and your new friends await you. 

Deep Water

Matthew 14: 29

And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

What is it that makes this story so captivating? Verse 30 reads, “But seeing the wind, he became afraid and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” We understand, don’t we, that Peter is in over his head? He is in the deep water. That is what makes this story interesting. What happens if Peter is in three feet of water? There is no impact, no meaning.

I believe this is a precise metaphor for life. All the important work of life is done out there where you are in over your head. This is a focus area of this ministry. In fact, I have thought about naming the Word of the Day the Deep Water Devotional. Why? There are ministries whose purpose is more centralized on evangelism. Their mission is to take the saving word of the gospel to non-Christians and help those people take the first step in becoming a disciple of Christ. Ivey Ministries is a second step ministry. Our focus is to take those folks and people who have been Christians for a long time and lead them into deeper water.

We want to give people what they need in order to grow in the Lord. I, personally, want to encourage and aid people in going deeper. Many of us have spent some portion of our Christian lives as little more than pew sitters. Or like me, you may have called yourself a Christian, believed Christian doctrine and believed in Christ but those beliefs didn’t affect you on a daily basis. I have been a Christian as long as I can remember. My grandmothers taught me about Christ when I was a toddler, for which I am extremely grateful, by the way. Nonetheless, while those beliefs were always important to me, I didn’t always live daily in the deep water. Jesus couldn’t call me to come out to the deep even because I wasn’t listening well. In San Diego, though, I ran up on some folks that challenged me to go deeper and I will ever be grateful to them. Now, I am most happy when I am way out in the deep water. I like to be in over my head. And really, isn’t this the only way to live? When I am in the deep water I have to keep my eyes on Jesus otherwise I will sink. If I am in the shallows then what do I really need Jesus for? Besides, I have found that life is soooo much better in the deep. There is more of everything out here, including grace, blessing, revelation, glory, etc.

So, my unadulterated, unequivocal purpose in sending you these Word of the Day devotionals is to coax you a little further into the deep. I know there is a cost to you. I too have to pay a cost. There is the minister that sends me looong partner letters, the occasional long sermon which we all have to sit through, and there is the occasional long Word of the Day which costs us both time. 

I want to let you know that we timed the longest Word of the Day thus far and found that most people read it in less than five minutes. Now, sometimes you may feel that you don’t have five minutes. I get that but perhaps you should read the Word of the Day on busyness. Do what is important first and you will find yourself better equipped to do the rest. Second, that is only 25 minutes a week if all of them take five minutes to read. When I break it down like this for myself I find that I decide I can do it.

I have a passion for this and I want to share this deep passion with you. I am revealing to you what the Father is showing me. We are in our last days if not THE last days and we just need more of Jesus. Look around you. Christians are falling on their faces all over. The times are challenging. We can’t skate by on a small dose of Jesus. These are deep water times. So, jump in! The water is fine. Moreover, Jesus is here to take your hand.

Standing in a Storm

Matthew 7: 24 – 27

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act upon them, will be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and it fell, and great was its fall.”

Jesus spoke these words. He says that anyone who hears his words and acts on them is like a wise man. The rain, floods and wind represent the storms of life. Those people who hear and act on Jesus’ words will be able to withstand the storms of life. Those who do not listen to and act on Jesus’ words get battered and destroyed by every storm that blows. Do you want to be able to stand in the roughest of times? Then you must commit yourself to the Word of God. God’s wisdom is contained in these pages and through your relationship with him, he reveals the deep truths contained therein. Is there anyone foolish enough to say that he/she does not want God’s wisdom? There probably is though it is very difficult to understand. Obviously, he is without wisdom if he would say such a foolish thing. Therefore, since most of us do want the wisdom of God, let us dedicate ourselves to reading his word. This need not be tiresome. Get a version that is more readable than the King James if it helps you. Go to any Christian store and read the same passage in several different translations. There are plenty out there these days that are not written in Elizabethan English. There is also the One Year Bible if you are ready to commit to reading the entire Bible. It also comes in a couple of translations. Do yourself a favor; start reading a little each day and let the Lord of Hosts bring life and wisdom to you.


Job 22: 28

You will also decree a thing and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.

In a previous devotional we unveiled that there are spiritual laws influencing us and the world around us just as there are physical laws. The first of these spiritual laws is the law of sowing and reaping. It says, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Upon this law all the others depend.

Today’s verse is on Spiritual Law number two – you will have what you say. People chaff against this and even though most of us, in our hearts, know it is true we still resist its truth. I am not sure why we do this unless it is just that we do not want to be responsible for our results or do not want to be responsible for our words. None the less, the reality of our lives five years from now is being constructed by the words we speak today. 

This verse from the book of Job is an application verse of Spiritual Law Two. Once we know the second law, we can use it in order to establish that which we need and want. You can proactively speak and proclaim and it will be established for you. Must I say that you must believe this passage in order for it to work for you? Any time you spout any sort of unbelief, or try to get God’s laws to work for you mechanically rather than spiritually, you will fail. Speaking unbelief undermines everything faith attempts to accomplish. Mechanically spitting out some formula for Biblical success is anything but Biblical. We are called believers and everything we do is to be according to faith and belief. If, however, you believe what you say, then it shall be done for you.

So, here is the real crux of today’s selected verse. Every day we should arise and begin declaring. Recently, I wrote to you about proclaiming Jesus as Lord every single day. We have the promises of God. There is a whole book of them which I endeavor to ship to your inbox one by one. We can take those promises and speak them over our lives every day. We should declare by the grace of God and name of Jesus that we are the beloved and the redeemed of God. You are today an heir to the Kingdom of God and all that it encompasses. I proclaim in Jesus’ name that you are forgiven, sanctified, holy, precious, and glorified. Now, you start proclaiming these things over your life. Decree that your children are saved and serving God. You don’t have to declare it in their faces. You can articulate all your decrees in the shower. Whatever you decree in the name of Jesus, believing, will be established for you.

One last note, if you declare that you are getting old and your body is falling apart, get ready to spend your time in the doctor’s office. If you say you are crazy or losing your mind, you are right. Let this revelation penetrate to the very core of your being – WHATEVER YOU SAY, YOU WILL HAVE. Now start making glorious decrees!