On Track

Psalm 32: 8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

I am always attracted to the many scriptures that tell us that God will lead us and teach us. It seems to me that as long as we have his counsel, that he is guiding our steps and instructing us, that there is really no need left in our lives. He can always lead us into what we need and also give us wisdom and knowledge for each situation. With God leading us, we can never go too far astray. Perhaps we do not always listen as well as we might but he is right there to help us get back on the right path. His eye is on us, looking over us and watching out for us. We are certainly blessed. Incline your ear towards him so that you will better hear the instruction of the Lord.

Goal Setting

Habakkuk 2: 2

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”

This verse is the anchor pin of a good goal setting seminar. God told the people that he was going to give them a message in the form of a vision. He then instructed them to write down the vision so that the person who reads it might be able to “run with it.” That language is used in the figurative sense. God wanted it written down so that it would not be forgotten and so that it could be reviewed systematically. He wanted it written in plain language so that it could be clearly understood by all and so they could aggressively go after the goal. God was teaching here as well. He is telling us today to write down the vision he gives us; the vision for our goals, future and calling. Having written it down, review it daily. When we do so, it is easier to daily pursue our dreams and goals. You’ve got to have it written down and in front of your eyes in order to keep you on target for the big things God has for you.


1 Peter 5: 7

Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.

This is the instruction the Lord gives for all the worry and care that plague you. Give it to Him. Roll all of the care of your problems and concerns over onto Him. Take the problem and mentally see yourself putting it in God’s “In box”. Write it on a piece of paper and make an “In” box if you need to but get that junk out of your mind and out of your Spirit. Put it in to the hands of He who is well able to resolve all of the problems. All that junk just hampers your creativity and takes your mind off of your relationship with your Father. Turn off that stuff and turn your thoughts on to the God of creation. Hand the problem to Him in prayer and then move on. He is waiting to take on every single problem in your life. Give Him a job.

All My Birthday Presents

1 Corinthians 1: 7

[S]o that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Imagine that it is your birthday. The dining room table is decorated beautifully and upon it you see a good-looking cake with your name on it, but that’s not all. The table is laden with festively wrapped packages. There must be twenty or more and they all have your name on them too. Wow! Now, here is the question – which one do you want? What is your answer?

Well, I am just a kid. I love birthdays, especially mine and I will confess I love getting presents. I love opening the presents and seeing what is inside them. So, since I am just a kid and pretty unrestrained when it comes to my birthday my answer is, “I WANT ALL MY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!”

That is the way I approach my relationship with Jesus, Dad and the Holy Spirit. I very much think of Jesus having provided me with another birthday. Through him we have all been born again. His death, blood, crucifixion, but mostly his victory have provided us with so many wonderful gifts like salvation, redemption, grace and so on. Now which one of his many gifts would I choose not to receive? How about this one, “Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2: 38). I want that one most of all. How shall I leave off the third person of the trinity? The Spirit is the power of God first unto salvation but then for victory in every area of life.

How about this one? “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance” (Acts 2: 4). Boy, this one makes people flip out and it did me too. I had no understanding about tongues at all and it just freaked me out. But here is the thing, I was not about to let one of Jesus’ gifts to me go unclaimed. So, I sought out wise counsel and guess what? It was all over the Bible. I had no arguments left and I absolutely will not be left out of anything Jesus has for me. I want it all so if it is of Jesus, then I mean to have it!

What about you? What are you leaving on the table? Have you failed to receive his gift of forgiveness? How about the bestowment of grace? Maybe like me you stumbled over tongues. Well, here is my advice. Consult with Jesus about all of these things. Consult with your pastor. Call me. Find out to what you are entitled and then begin unwrapping all those presents. Don’t let one single thing slip through your fingers. Jesus’ ministry is and was all about providing you with birthday presents. Let us not make his sacrifice of no consequence. Rather let us be enraptured with all Jesus did for us and make the fullest use of it all. Do not deny yourself the Holy Spirit, do not deny yourself praying in tongues through the Holy Spirit. Don’t let grace pass you by. Be vigilant to receive the good things of God which he has provided you through the person of Jesus Christ. For goodness sake, open all your birthday presents and enjoy them with the joy of a child. This is why Jesus came, why he died and why he sent the Holy Spirit to us. Be a child and receive.

Story Time

Proverb 4: 1

My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 

I wish to share a little trade secret with you today. We all know we should read the Bible but we also all fail to read it as much as we should. Sometimes it is hard to get out of it what you need. Well, here is the secret. Read it like it is a personal letter from Jesus to you, especially the New Testament. Insert your name in the text. Stop and talk aloud to Jesus about it. Consider it all a letter just to you. When you make it personal instead of a homework assignment it takes on much more meaning.

When reading the Old Testament, look for the story. Imagine yourself as a Hollywood producer looking for the next great epic film series. The Old Testament really is awesome but you have to be prepared to see it for its glory. 

Also, I know we are wedded to our King James Bibles and you don’t have to throw it out but get a modern version too. Unless you are an Elizabethan scholar you will get much more out of a modern language version. I use the New American Standard Bible for its authenticity but I often give NIV Bibles as gifts because although they are not quite as accurate as the NASB they are even easier to read. And don’t minimize the paraphrase versions either. I still pull down my Living Bible I received in Junior High to read really convoluted passages so that I can get the general meaning. Then I can switch back to more literal translations in order to hone in on the exact thoughts conveyed.

I want you to read the Bible because it is good for you, it is life, health and well-being. I don’t want to make it a bore and I certainly do not want you to put yourself under condemnation when you don’t read it as much as you could. However, if I can give you only one gift and then you must travel the rest of your journey without me, I would give you the Word. I know it will keep you. if your read Proverbs 3, 4 & 5 you will understand how important God thinks His Word is to your life. Just remember, make it fun, make it personal. Jesus is talking to you specifically. I pray for each of you right now in the name of Jesus that God will give you a love of the Bible and a deep longing for it. Amen.

Getting to Know You

John 14: 9

Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me?

Philip was one of Jesus’ hand-picked apostles. He was on the executive council, if you will, of Jesus’ ministry. He walked, talked and lived with Jesus everyday for three years. They ate together, traveled together and ministered together. One would think that anyone in that position would know Jesus pretty well. None the less, Jesus accused Philip of not knowing him at all. Jesus sounds pretty astonished that they spent so much time together and yet Philip still did not have a revelation of who Jesus was.

Of course, my reaction is if Philip walked daily with Jesus while Jesus was in the flesh, on the planet and didn’t really know him then what chance do I have? The truth is, many of us call ourselves Christians or followers of Christ and yet do not know him very well at all. It should be our goal, though, to become intimately familiar with him. We can do that, you know. Jesus is still very much alive and although he is not here in the flesh he still talks with his people every day.

In many ways we have even more of him now than the apostles did. He has now made our hearts, your heart, his temple. We can, and many do, have daily fellowship with him. Reading Jesus’ words to Philip makes me cringe. I sure don’t want Jesus to say those words to me or worst yet the words he spoke in Matthew 7: 21 – 22: “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness”.

So what is the point? The point is that we, like Philip, can hang out in all the right places, partake of all the right feasts and rituals and yet come to the end and find that we don’t know Jesus and he doesn’t know us. So how do you get to know Him? Well, John 1: 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So we start with the Word, but you knew I was going to say that didn’t you?  Next, jump over to Joshua 1, verse 8 and see the advice God gave Joshua: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” So, step 2 is to meditate on what you read from the Bible or ponder it, we might say. This really isn’t an intellectual exercise although it may sound like it. We aren’t analyzing, cogitating or thinking about what we have read. It is more like mulling it over, rolling it around inside of you for its deep meaning. Through this process, revelation arises.

And then we should have the word in our mouths. That’s what God said. We speak as he speaks. We keep His words in the forefront of our thoughts and in our heart. Lastly, pray but when I say pray I really mean spend time seeking Jesus. Talk to him as you would a dear friend. Take him with you everywhere you go. Spend the day talking with him and listening to his responses. The more you hear him, the more you will get to know him. Seek him, that is the real key. If you seek him, you will find him. I promise.

The greatest reward of Christianity is getting to know Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. They can become your closest friends if you like and it is nice to know they are always there with you. Don’t get caught out in the cold. Get to know Jesus.

Operator’s Manual

John 17: 16

They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Jesus is speaking here, talking about believers. Since we are not of this world, then what are we of? I mean, if we are not part of the world, as Jesus tells us here, then what are we a part of?

Acts 1: 3 speaking of Jesus reads, “To these He also presented Himself alive, . . . speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.” Jesus came preaching that the Kingdom of God had come. His ministry was about revealing this kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the New Covenant which is sealed in Jesus’ blood. So, the answer to the questions above is that we are not of the world because we are members of the Kingdom of God. We are sanctified, meaning set apart, from the world and unto God. We are called to live our lives in the Kingdom of God rather than in the world but we were raised in the world. We learned how to operate in the world system. Mostly we have learned the rules of society and how the world system works. Now we are thrust into this kingdom and we don’t know the laws which govern it, what principles it operates under or even the rules of engagement. When we are born again we truly are born anew. It’s a whole new ballgame. One may have lived on the earth for fifty years and have pretty much figured out the ins and outs of the culture. Then, in a moment, saving grace translates them from the world to the kingdom of God’s dear son (Colossians 1: 13). All of a sudden we are babes again. We don’t know the language, how to walk and we cannot even feed ourselves. We are brand new creatures (2 Corinthians 5: 17) but without a clue.

Fortunately, this new creature comes with an owner’s manual though many don’t realize it. It is called the Bible. Yep, that’s it. I guess that is one of the reasons the Bible has been so important to me over the years, I have understood it to be my “How To” book. Because of this realization, my self-interest is very invested in learning what information and wisdom it holds. Looking back over the last 35 years, especially, I can see how important and beneficial God’s Word has been. I am very thankful for the good teachers I had when I was young who taught me to value God’s Word. If I had one thing to change in my Christian walk it would be to read the Bible more. It is amazing to me to recognize how much my understanding of the Word and of the Kingdom of God has improved over the years. I think, “Wow, what if I had read the Bible everyday for all these years?” I know that my revelation would be much greater than it is today. Still, I see things in the Bible today that I didn’t see last year or the year before. I see the whole Bible fitting together now and I can see the broad picture. Not only are there specific principles at work but over time I am seeing the broad concepts emerge.

My encouragement to myself as well as to others is, “It’s never too late.” While I sometimes regret having not spent more time in the Word, I revel in the new day. Every day is January 1st and I get to start over. Let’s not beat ourselves up over what we have not done but rather encourage one another (and even ourselves) to have a good day today. Let’s do the things which will move us forward in the Kingdom of God’s dear son. 

You are not of this world and not meant to be. You are part of God’s kingdom. If you want succeed and prosper in this kingdom, you must learn how it works. The Bible is your “How To” manual. Let it guide you.