Inherited Blessing

1 Peter 3: 9

… not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.

Well, if you read yesterday’s Word of the Day you might have thought the Apostle Peter was going through a period of insanity when he wrote verse 8. Look at today’s verse, though. Now, I am convinced that Peter was suffering under some sort of mental illness. Of course we respond with insult when insulted and of course we fight when assaulted. What is Peter thinking? He wants us to give a blessing when we are assailed by evil or insulted? What? This guy has been listening to Jesus too much!

Well, of course, there is no such thing as listening to Jesus too much. There is only too little. When the Roman cohort went to the garden to arrest Jesus, one of Jesus’ followers drew his sword and removed the ear of the servant of the high priest (Matthew 26: 51). Guess who that sword wielding follower was. If you guessed Peter, you would be right. He was not a man who, by his own nature, returned a blessing for a threat. None the less, in his letter that is exactly what he implores us to do. What changed?

Peter was a man of great passion. He was not given to pensiveness, subtlety or passivity and yet his lesson to us is to refrain from acts of vengeance and agression. What was it that he learned that caused such a drastic change in him? While true, it is perhaps a bit simplistic to simply answer that he learned Jesus.

I believe that which marked Peter as a changed man is that he learned the Kingdom of God and that he came to have a deep understanding and revelation of the Parable of the Seed. This parable is, in fact, the model of the Kingdom of God. As you sow, so shall you reap. Sometimes I think the crop is even larger and more tasty when the seed sown is in response to adversity. Jesus said, “For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?  Do not even the tax-gatherers do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what do you do more than others?  Do not even the Gentiles do the same?” (Matthew 5: 46 – 47).

Do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. I say to you, love your enemies , and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5: 39, 44). This teaching did not sink into Peter’s spirit the first time he heard it. Perhaps it didn’t become a revelation even the twelfth time he heard it. However, by the time he wrote his first letter to the church, he had come to appreciate the power and truth in Jesus’ words. Peter experienced living in grace and learned to extend grace. He came to know the authority that resides in Jesus’ commands. We can live through Peter’s experience and follow his advice or we can continue to wade through life until by some miracle we experience the same epiphany. It seems it would be much easier for us to simply take Jesus and Peter at their word. Each of them point us in the direction of life and blessing. They want what is best for us. Peter summed it up well, this advice is given to us so that we “might inherit a blessing.”

Sage Advice?

1 Peter 3: 8

To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit.

Are you ever surprised by some of the verses in the Bible? Take today’s verse for example. I don’t really picture Peter instructing us in this way. This is the guy that actually walked on the water afterall. Shouldn’t he be teaching us about faith? Instead, he teaches us to be sympathetic. Really? That surprises me. Then he wrote that we should be humble in spirit. What does that mean? He, of all the disciples, was full of bravado and fervor. I mean, which of us would jump out of the boat just because we saw Jesus?

I am almost flabbergasted that this zealous disciple would write such a “soft” directive to us. Do you think, perhaps, that the fanatical Peter got a revelation as he matured in the things of Christ? He had his choice of what to write and yet he did not write instructions on how to walk on water, or did he? Could it be that he learned that the harmonious life of compassion and humility in spirit is the spring board to the supernatural? In a way that makes perfect sense to me because for many of us to live harmoniously, sympathetically, brotherly, kindheartedly and humble is anything but “natural”. Just living that way would be SUPERnatural. And maybe, just maybe, that lifestyle is the pathway to walking on water.

Meditate on this verse this week and note what comes up in your spirit as you do. Peter has sage advice for us, advice which will undoubtedly set us apart. Could it also contain the secret to victorious living in Christ? I will let you decide.

Got Milk?

1 Peter 2: 2

Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.

First, the Bible is a book to be revered but not worshiped. It leads us into revelation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also know that Jesus is the incarnation of the spoken word of God. Therefore, the Bible is to be given a high place in our lives. It is not, however, the end all. Our Father is the beginning and the end. The Son is first and foremost and the Holy Spirit is our need and should be our pursuit. The triune God should be the subject of our search and our first and highest priority. It is they to whom our worship and thanksgiving should be directed. Having said that, I do not think anyone will attain the Father, Son and Spirit without a close appreciation of the Word.

I am amazed at how many Christians have little or no regard for the Bible. I have heard and read Christians elevate all sorts of institutions and ideas above the word. I have been to so many Christian services that celebrate a form of faithfulness but which in reality have so very little to do with God. I have sat in those services wondering if God was even welcome and asked myself what God, faith or Christianity have to do with the reason we were all sitting on those pews. I see on Facebook, posters and all sorts of media people who assert that they are offering a Christian message but who in truth worship their own minds and reasoning above God’s Word. Rubbish! This is foolishness and deception.

This ministry is marked by its openness to all denominations and to those who have no denomination at all. The Word of the Day is a call to all who profess Jesus as Lord. However, though I honor all denominations, I am not trying to train you to be a good Catholic or a good Baptist. I desire that you fall head over heels in love with Jesus and worship He and His Father with all your heart. Then choose whatever church helps you express you adoration for the Father and leads you into deeper revelations of Him The doctrines of man are not going to further our relationship with the Trinity. Notice that I did not say “our understanding” of the trinity or of Christianity. This isn’t a college degree program. Christianity is about falling in love. As a result we seek to know our Father, His Spirit and Jesus in a personal way. If, however, any of us thinks we can do that without a steady diet of the Word, then we deceive ourselves. 

Our minds will never lead us where we need to go. Our souls can be misled. It is the combination of connecting with God in our hearts and allowing the Bible to provide the structural framework that tears the veil and reveals the most intimate aspects and truths of God to our hearts. If you never crack open your Bible, you just are not going to have the milk you need in order to sustain your growth. If you think your intellect is going to get you into heaven, then you better buy a pair of asbestos coveralls. Jesus said, “I am the way”. He also is revealed multiple times as The Word. Get a revelation today. The Bible is the fire suit you need. The Word of God is the milk of salvation. Perhaps that gives a new revelation on the advertising slogan, “Got Milk?”

Fruit Harvest

John 15: 8

By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.

This is the high calling on our lives, that we should imitate the Lord in word and deed. Many people will read this verse and begin to think of all the good works they can do so that their light will shine. It is important for us to see, though, that Jesus did not ask us to perform great tasks and good works. Rather he desires us to bear fruit. This is an important distinction. The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5: 22). These are the traits that Jesus wants manifested in our lives. If we do all the good works but are not bearing the fruit, our testimony will be tainted. Good works are wonderful. There are many needs that we can individually and collectively address through our good works but they are not the end. Paul said if he did all good things but was without love it profits naught (1st Corinthians 13: 1-3). Let us focus on letting our lives demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit and in so doing we will forget not the good we can do for others.

The Robe of Love

1 Peter 4: 8

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

God is love. You know that. Because He is love then the pursuit of life is love. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him (Jeremiah 29: 13). When you find God, you have found love. Love is the one thing. It is preeminent. It’s all about love.

When you dwell in love, when you make it your abiding grace, then your actions will be colored by love as well. However, we know that none of us are perfect. We still fail. We still make mistakes but love covers them. If we have made it our life’s ambition to live by love then love is our guard and shield. It is our hiding place in the time of trouble, like a strong refuge. Love protects us.

Think of this too. Love is also our redeemer. Wouldn’t you say that is true? Wasn’t it love which sent Jesus for us? Wasn’t it love that nailed him to a cross? Love restored our souls redeeming them from the pit of hell and placing us in glory with our Lord. As is so evident, love is power. 

We have such a small revelation of love. We cling to the might of God’s strong hand but fail to see that love is the power behind His might. Whenever we fall, it is love which picks us up but we cannot know God or the power of His might until we yield our hearts to this power, the power of love.

When we envelope ourselves in God, His love becomes a covering for us. Not only does it protect us but it redeems our mistakes. It covers the errors of our ways. That is not to say that we entertain debauchery. No, as we live in love we always seek to give God our very best. We never intend to cause Yahweh sorrow by sinning for in truth to sin against God is really to sin against ourselves. We do not harm God with our iniquity. We injure ourselves. However, when we live a life dedicated to love, God covers our iniquity so that we are safe, secure and forgiven. We live with contrite hearts always seeking to express purity. However, when we do fail, when we do err, God picks us up, dusts us off and sets us back on our feet. 

Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your friends, boss, employees, family members and the nut on the freeway as you love yourself. Forgive everyone who has harmed you. Pray for and bless them. And let selflessness be your guide.

Looking for Love

Matthew 7: 7

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.

Many times I have asked the Father what He wanted me to preach on or to write about and the answer is always the same – LOVE. Above all else the message He wants communicated to all people is that He loves them. That is what He wants to tell you – that He loves you.

“Yeah, I know that,” you might say. I would ask you if you know that in your heart or in your head. Head knowledge about the Father’s love for us individually is almost insignificant. It is a beginning point but the knowledge of it will not change your life. It is the experience of God’s love that changes your life forever. You have heard the expression, “One touch from God will change your life forever.” That touch is a heart touch. It means that when God touches your heart you are forever changed. He doesn’t touch your thoughts or your intellect and those who are trying to live out of their intellect are fooling themselves. 

God is a heart God. Love is of the heart. None the less, many of us try to know God through our minds. You can know about God, but you can’t know God until you engage with Him at a heart level. Believe me, I was no happier to learn this truth than some of you but I am very glad that Yahweh, Father loved me enough to pursue me until I found my way. I was sincere in wanting to be close with Him so He kept pointing me in the right direction. Eventually I found the truth and that meant that I was going to have to surrender my heart and my emotions to Him. I had to let Him in to the deepest part of me and I found that was not my mind.

Now then, what does this have to do with today’s verse? Well, so many times we read this verse in terms of things we want or need or thinking of prayers we want answered. What if that for which you were seeking and asking was God Himself? Imagine that you can knock, and He will open for you. Ask for Him and He will come running. Seek Him and you will find Him. Above all the things we could seek, ask for or pursue, there is no prize greater than the Father. 

In order to know Him we must receive and know His love. When we seek Him and open our hearts to Him, He pours Himself into our lives. To seek Him is to seek love and to find Him is to find love. He wants you to not only know that He loves you but He wants you to experience His love in a very personal way. Won’t you let Him reveal His true nature to your heart in a greater way today? Will you open yourself to receiving the fullness of Him? He is waiting.

Fill the Tank

John 5: 19

Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.”

Yesterday we read 1 Corinthians 13: 3 – 7 which is commonly known as the love chapter. The Message version certainly brought out some interesting and key highlights. It put the passage into plain language for us which makes the scripture very easy for us to understand and relate to. It also makes it difficult for us to ignore though. We cannot intellectually duck below the radar, avoiding those challenging sections.

In yesterday’s Word of the Day I encouraged you to live according to 1 Corinthians 13. It was a bit unfair of me to implore you to do something without giving you the “How To” instructions so today I am going to give you the secret to living in love exactly the way Jesus did.

Some of you, when you read yesterday’s Word of the Day, made a commitment to live the love walk. You made a decision to adopt 1 Corinthians 13 as your lifestyle. Let me tell you though, this is not something you can accomplish by an act of your will. It is too big and we are not strong enough in ourselves for such a herculean effort but I do admire you greatly for you commitment to the Father.

Truly there is only one way to live the love commandment. So here is the big reveal. If you take this one big secret and integrate it into your life you will have the keys to The Kingdom. Okay – the secret is that you must receive the love of God. God is love (1 John 4: 8). In order to live love you must receive love. How can we say we have received God if we have not received love?  The two are inseparable.

May I be honest with you a moment? I see so many Christians whose life is far from characterized by love. You can see the hurt in them. And subsequently, hurt is all they have to share. Whatever you have within you is what you will communicate to others. We dedicate our lives to God. We do service to Him or for Him but far too few of us ever allow God to actually penetrate our beings; too few bare their hearts to the Father and allow Him to move in and set up house. Even those of us who allow God in don’t let Him arrange the furniture or mend the drapes. We keep Him as a guest and sequester Him to certain rooms. This is not a criticism. It is simply experience. It is the experience of a great number of Christians. So we try to live the love commandment but we don’t have the love to give. We have not received it so we cannot give it.

Look at your life and ask this question, “Would those around me say that I demonstrate the love of God?” Don’t entertain your own opinion because it is likely skewed. Would your children say that above all else you are a lover? What about your spouse? Now, don’t condemn yourself if the honest answer is that you are not expressing the level of love that you imagine God wants for you. I suspect for most of us that will be the response. The solution, though, is not to re-dedicate yourself to the love commandment. The real answer is to humble yourself before the Father and ask Him to fill you with His love. Ask Him to touch the broken places and minister His healing. Then tomorrow, you can do the same thing. This is a journey rather than a onetime experience. We heal in bits, we receive the fullness of God’s love in doses. Fill up as much as you can today and then receive more tomorrow. There is no end to the vastness of the Father’s love.

If you wish to walk in the earth as Jesus did then you must use his formula. He received everything from the Father and then gave it away. We can walk as Jesus walked but only if we have the same power at work within us. That power is the love of the Father. Fill up you tank today.