Peace and Prosperity

Psalm 122: 6

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”

As Christians, we have an interesting heritage and lots of homes. Like the Jews we have roots in Jerusalem as our home because we have been adopted into the family of Abraham. So, through our adoptive family, our roots lead back to Jerusalem. At some level, Jerusalem is our ancestral home. We also look forward to the new Jerusalem in which we have a part. Our current home is as much, one might argue more, in heaven in the New Jerusalem as it is here.

The most important thing to realize is that we are tied to the health and well-being of Jerusalem. We ought to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because, if for no other reason, our own wellbeing and prosperity are tied to her. All who love and honor her are blessed with prosperity in all aspects of life. This applies to us as individuals and as a nation. It goes well with us as it goes well with Jerusalem.

I have heard some beautiful prayers for Jerusalem, and you may count this psalm among them for that is what it is, a prayer for Jerusalem and those who love her. As Christians we may feel that Jerusalem is remote from our experiences, but she is part of our heritage and lineage. We do well to pray for Jerusalem and for the peace of that holy city for in her security lies our own. It is the land of Jesus, the very streets he walked and because of that our hearts are tied to her as well. Peace for Israel, peace for Jerusalem and peace for each of us. I do believe that to be a good prayer.

Grace and Knowledge

2 peter 3: 18

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

A friend and I were talking yesterday when he said he feels like he has lost a year of his life to Covid. I well imagine a lot of us feel that way. It gave me pause, though, and I have two responses to it.

First of all, the year is not over yet. So, I ask you, what do you want this year to stand for? You’ve still got several months to turn this year around if you don’t like where you are right now. Further, I would suggest we all begin to think about next year as well and decide what we want out of it. You do not have to give your life away to Covid. Sure, there are restrictions. Not all is as it was, and it may be a while before we return to life as we knew it. Still, you can make something good out of this bad situation.

In that light I wish for you to consider today’s verse, and this brings me to my second comment. We get to decide what life will be for us, at least to some degree. We were not meant be stagnant. We are meant to grow and learn. Every day of our lives is meant to be part of the transformation  to which Christ invites us. So, I ask you again, what do you want? What do you want to be able to claim at the end of this year? This verse says we are to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. It is not too late to do exactly that. We don’t have to throw 2020 away entirely. We can grow. Most of us are not as busy as we once were so there is more discretionary time to put towards growing in Jesus.

Please, don’t be a victim of this time of challenge. Be an aggressive learner. There are so many ways you can turn these challenges in to a positive. We know that people are really struggling and even suffering. You could help those people. Don’t waste a single day of your life. Don’t look back and say, “I wish I had read my Bible more or prayed more or joined the prayer team.” Write some letters, start exercising, take a class, buy a book on the Bible or a Bible figure. Do something! Make these last two and a half months meaningful. What do you want? What do you want to say you gained out of 2020?

Let’s be champions of what Jesus has done for us. Let’s grow in his grace. Let’s grow in the knowledge of him. This is our moment, let us not waste it!


Psalm 144: 3, Psalm 22: 6

O Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You think of him? But I am a worm and not a man.

Who am I, Lord, that you should take notice of me? Who am I that you should care for me when I am just a worm and unworthy? I will tell who I am. I am a worm for whom Jesus bled, suffered, and died. Do not look at me for I am but a worm. I have no intrinsic value. If there is anything in me or of me that is attractive, it is Christ in me. He is remaking me into an image of himself. While I am far from the duplicate reflection of his grandeur, none the less, what kindness and generosity you find in me, is him. Jesus chose to give his life to me and enter into this transformation of my life with me. I didn’t deserve it; I don’t. But I am a worm that he loves and chose. Bless the Lord O my soul. Bless His holy name!

Word Works

2 Kings 20: 5

Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you.

As the people on our prayer team well know, I have really struggled with my back this year. Fortunately, I have an exceptionally good chiropractor, who, is also a Christian and no doubt prays for me in addition to his other healing ministrations. I have had the benefit of the power prayers of the prayer team, which is no small thing. Above all, I, like you, have the love and devotion of a God who has healing power in His hands and is eager to share that with me.

This has been a very challenging time. I have had to fight this physically, yes, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I found myself thinking that I might not recover this time. I had to counter that thought every time it came to mind. If I had ever given in to it, I don’t think I would be enjoying this manifested healing even with the very good prayer cover I have received all year. My doubts and negative thoughts could have canceled out the pray-ers good work. Fortunately, I was able to cooperate with their words.

Today’s verse is the verse I have repeated to myself day after day. I had to have it to hang on to. These are our Father’s own words. He brought them to me, and I believed. I am not saying it wasn’t still a battle, but this verse put a sword in my hand. No other scripture stood out to me like this one, not even some of my favorite healing scriptures like Psalm 107: 20.

I bless the Lord for giving me this outstanding scripture. I am also grateful for outstanding medical care and a prayer team who is insistent and persistent. I am enjoying renewed strength and health. I could not have done this on my own. It seems my part was just to keep myself in agreement with the Word and the prayers and follow, diligently and obediently, the advice of my chiropractor.

I praise our beloved for the healing in my back and for restoring my faith when fear threatened to take over. I bless God for the people He gave me who supported me. And I am grateful to our precious Lord for ministering to my tired and worn spirit with His Word. Let the children of God sing His praises for He is good and worthy to be praised.

And thank you for your prayers too. Guess what?! They worked!

Bless my Soul

Psalm 121: 7 – 8

The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.

There is more than one level of protection. When we speak of the Lord guarding and protecting us, we often think of the physical protection and security of our bodies and homes. Anyone who thinks that is absolutely correct and each of us should lean into that promise. In these days of such great stress and challenge, it is important to have safeguards for your soul as well. That is why I encourage you to limit your exposure to television news. It is impactful to the soul and spirit. It is easier on your inner being to get your news from print media because it engages the intellect without stimulating the spirit as much. None the less, I believe God will lead many of us to limit other sorts of media as well. This is all about God’s wisdom and His protection of us so inquire of Him and listen to Him in your spirit.

I was fortunate to get to have a vacation away from home recently. Our rules were, no social media, no work discussion, and no politics. Rather than feeling isolated or out of the loop, it was refreshing. A friend of mine just had the experience too. She had a busy week and simply did not have time for social media or internet browsing. She wrote to me saying how refreshing it was.

We need to cooperate with God in protecting our souls. It is very important that we do not allow other people to use our spirits and souls as their dumping grounds. I would rather spend time with God and let Him make deposits to my spirit and soul. He feeds and restores us. It is easy to get wrapped up in the news right now with so much going on. The news can dominate our minds and time so completely that we have less time for God instead of more.

I want you to hear from God for yourself. I am not the Holy Spirit so I can only tell you how he is leading me. I can only give you what I believe God is giving me. I believe He wants us to press into Him and spend more time with Him right now rather than less. I think a good course for myself, and maybe you too, is to have my time with Him before I turn on the TV, social media or other outlets. For my own protection and edification, I have stopped social media for now. I am journaling more and trying to spend more time quietly listening to the voice of the Lord. Today is Monday. It is a good time to go before the Lord and ask Him how to structure your day and week. Let’s both jump out at the beginning of the week to get our priorities set with a Word from God. You know, He will speak with you just as clearly as He speaks to anyone. And, one Word from God can not only change your day, but your whole life. Apply to Him today for His wisdom on protecting your soul. And, be blessed!

Fullness of Joy

Psalm 16: 11

You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy.

This passage reminds me of a verse recently used for the Word of the Day. That verse is Psalm 119: 105 and it reads, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” I believe it also goes along with the Word of the Day from Tuesday which encourages seeking God’s wisdom.

It is very easy to believe that fullness of joy exists in the Lord’s presence. How could there be anything else? When we work backwards through this verse, you understand that fullness of joy exists in following Jesus onto the correct path. He is the light which lights our way. He is the way, in fact, and the light of his presence is constantly leading us to fruitful paths. As we seek the light, he leads us onto that path of life where there is always fullness and peace. It leads us into that Jewish concept of peace, Shalom, wherein all things in life work. There is nothing missing nor broken but, in all things, there is perfect wholeness.

The key here is in seeking the Lord’s face, seeking his presence. As we do that one thing, he leads us to that perfect place of provision and peace. Seek the Lord’s face continually. Seek his knowledge and wisdom and may the blessing of his presence follow you daily.

I Am

Exodus 3: 14

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

We are still learning so much about who (and what) God is. When Moses asked Him who he should say sent him, God said, “I AM.” I get the sense that this was a hard question to answer. The answer is so obvious and so encompassing that there aren’t words to say it. You’ve been in the same position. When something just “is” then it just is. It is hard to express the very being of it.

God’s answer is so huge, I AM. In that simple answer is the complexity of the universe. It is both simple existence, Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics. It is the very state of being and the substance there of. In that one small statement, God revealed to Moses the very essence of life and matter. I am that I am. I am Me, the substance of being, the actual substance of all things which have ever been created. I am the substance of all matter. In God, in the “I Am,” was the answer to the questions not yet asked. I Am means I am the source of being.

In other words, God said tell them that the very existence of the universe and all that the earth and all celestial and earthly bodies are made from sent you. The state of being and all matter have called you this day to follow Moses to a land free of bondage. God is energy. The slightest particle of who He is, when released into any environment is light and life. “For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself,” (John 5: 26).  That is exactly why Jesus revealed himself as both life and light. He is part of the Father. God is not only the creator, but He is also creation. He is the big bang. He released a small bit of Himself and the universe began expanding. Light came into being.

If you think about the verb “to be” you begin to get the sense of who God is. He is the verb to be. I just am. There is so little else to say. I am the source of all being; the beginning and the end. This concept is as huge and as simple as possible. I hope I have been able to explain enough of my perception to start you wondering. If so, a fun exercise would be for you to look for the number of times Jesus said, “I Am.” You might be amazed. Remember, any word which is in italics in the Bible was added by the editors. Take your pencil and line through the italicized words and look at what you have. It is astounding!