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John 16: 33

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Peace is one thing the world needs more of. Peace is something which most of our lives need more of. It is an incredibly valuable commodity. In John 14: 27 Jesus assured his followers that he was going to leave his peace here in the earth for them, “My peace I give to you,” he told them. Then here in the 16th chapter of John we see part of the impact of Jesus’ peace in our lives. He taught us, he spoke to us so that even in the midst of turmoil, even when the tribulation of the world bears down upon us we can breathe. We can have peace. Jesus overcame the world so that we can live in peace.

Peace is the legacy Jesus left every believer. We have the right and the ability to live in peace even when the world is in chaos all around us. The key, though, is that we have to be in Him. These few words are so precious. They provide a test for us. I like having tests and measurable instruments. That way I do not have to weigh things subjectively. That is why, at least in part, I find this verse so valuable. Using this verse as an instrument I know I can stop my life for brief moment and check for peace. If I don’t have peace, if I don’t feel peace, if I am not walking in peace, then I am not in Him. Wow! That is powerful to me. I know that I need to stop whatever I am doing and get back in him. “Jesus, I am out of peace so I am out of you. Move me back into you and back into peace Lord. Show me where I may have jumped the track and what, if anything I need to do to get back in you. Lord, lead me to your perfect peace.” If you pray that very simple, almost naïve prayer you will find yourself back on track in no time. That is the value of a test. You can see where you are and if it is not where you want to be, you can immediately change courses.

Look, the world deals tribulation. Jesus told us that. However, he also told us that he has overcome the world and that we, therefore, have an inheritance of peace. No matter what you are going through right now won’t you let Jesus fill your heart with peace? Won’t you let him minister his sweet love to your very spirit? Don’t go through today without the peace of Christ. Don’t let the world do that to you. You are the heir to the promise. Live in it today.

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