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Exodus 15: 26

And He said, “If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the Lord, am your healer.”

There is healing, and then there is health. Yahweh, our Father is also known as Jehovah Rophe which is translated as either Jehovah heals or Jehovah my health. That is fascinating because, while they are similar offices, the names certainly imply a difference in application. Our father, who is our health, prefers that we walk in health. When we walk in health, we do not need healing. However, if we need a super-natural healing, just a one touch and you’re done, He can do that as well.

Today’s verse reveals God, our health. Since His plan was that we would walk in health, He is careful to give us the life strategy which will yield that end result. Therefore, He told the Israelites, “In order to walk in continual health, listen to my counsel. I will always lead you in the paths of health and wholeness.” He told them to give heed to His commandments, statutes and to follow His voice. Now some people will read this verse as a threat, as if God is saying do what I tell you or else I am going to curse you with plagues and disease. That is not the case at all. He was telling them to keep His words because He was telling them things that would prevent them from getting sick. He was leading them into wellness.

God was daily giving them the inside scoop on that which would make the Israelites healthy and wealthy and do know what, He is still doing that today. Some of the healing He wishes to give to us comes by way of lifestyle changes. Maybe He wants you to give up soft drinks or smoking. Maybe He is encouraging you to drink water everyday or take a walk. There are so many things He is trying to teach His people today about living healthy. Some of us, though, are so busy praying for a supernatural healing that we cannot hear His counsel on health. One minor adjustment in your diet may be all you need to restore you to health.

Quiet yourself down and listen to the voice of God in your heart. Pray while you grocery shop. If you will tune into God’s voice I believe you will hear him telling you many ways to be healthy. He will also lead you to scripture after scripture with wisdom for health. God’s will is for you to be healthy and whole so He always seeks to lead you in that direction. Hearken to the voice of the Lord and be made whole.

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