From The Word of the Day Archives on Thursday, September 4, 2008

Psalm 37: 25

I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken.

What wonderful news to hear this morning. In times past, in times present, God has never forsaken his righteous. He is not going to begin now and he is not going to begin with you. I know that it sometimes seems he has left you and forgotten you but it is not true. He is there with you. If you are suffering, he is suffering with you. It is we who have perception problems. And sometimes we have reception problems. You might be praying until you feel blue in your face but cannot seem to find God. Don’t you waiver. Although you cannot feel him, He is there. Sometimes, no matter how desperately we pray, we can at the very same time have a very difficult time letting God in. Even though we want him, our pain and our fear block reception of all that he wants to bring to us.

It is like this. God is knocking on your door. You keep shouting, “Come in!” This goes on and on. You get frustrated and maybe even a little angry at God. Then sometime later you realize that the door was locked all along. What a faithful God we have to keep standing there and to keep knocking at a locked door. What a loving father to persist even when he knows you are getting angry at him. He knows it is not His fault and that your anger at Him is not justified and yet He keeps standing there, knocking at your door with His arms full of all of the presents he has brought you.

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