Isaiah 54: 17

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn.

This passage always reminds me of my former pastor. Some years ago when I was being challenged on almost every front he reminded me of this verse during a telephone conversation. Sure, I knew this verse before then or I should say, I knew of it but after we hung up I got out my Bible and read it anew. Something went off in me that day and I gained an entirely new perspective on my situation. I saw the verse perhaps for the first time and it changed my experience. From that time the parade of challenges began to recede. I got a revelation that I did not have to be trod upon by every wind of misfortune. I had something to say in these situations and even more importantly, my Father had already spoken. Nothing has authoritative power over us except the authority we give it and I chose to take back my power.

Jesus has already conquered every challenge, demon and obstacle. He has already won! He defeated every single weapon the devil had. The thing I so love about the prophet Isaiah is that he had such clear vision of the coming Messiah. He understood that no weapon formed against us could prosper because he knew that all authority in heaven and earth was given to the son. Father is our refuge but Jesus is our defender. He is our advocate and he will reveal the truth about those who accuse us. When someone speaks ill of you, back bites you or condemns you they have just signed their own prosecution. Since I have come to understand this verse I actually sometimes feel sorry for people who say bad things about me because I know what is coming. The conclusion is already written in the physical and spiritual laws of the universe. They are like Humpty Dumpty who had a great fall. You can see it coming; you can hear the plop as they hit the pavement.  Dad doesn’t even have to do anything.  It is already pre-programed.  Any weapon that is formed against you, that is pointed at you will back fire. It is going to blow up in the enemy’s face. You’ve just gotta feel sorry for the fools sometimes. Well, we can pray that they get a clue and step into the grace that Father has prepared for us all.

So, if someone has a bazooka leveled at you right now, just grin. Get out your book of Isaiah and read to them. Carry your 3 X 5 card with you so that you can deflect those shells all day long. They have no power over you. You have already won. Now that is what I call Good News!

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