Psalm 9: 1 – 2                           (Amplified)

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee; I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.

The dictionary says that to praise is to commend the worth of, express approval or admiration of and also to laud the glory of as in song; glorify; extol. The noun is commendation and glorification. When we praise the Lord, we are to extol His greatness. This verse shows, I believe, a good example of one who knows how to praise the Lord. I imagine, though, that there are plenty of us who spend little time praising Him. I am impressed that God would have us turn our attention to praise. We need to learn how to praise Him and we need to praise him continually.

Praise is a powerful tool. It helps in our relationship with Him and it also helps unlock the power that he has stored up for us. God used praise to defeat armies. He can use praise to defeat every enemy and obstacle that you face.

Let us all learn to raise our voices to tell of his glorious nature. It is really good to praise Him in your private time. That is when you can be most free. Don’t use your time with God only to ask Him for all kinds of things. Spend some time recognizing his greatness and all that He has already done for you.

Today is a good day to turn our hearts and minds to worshiping Him anew. Praise Him with a new heart and a new voice. Let Him hear how precious He is to you and how deep your love for Him really is.

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