Ecclesiastes 2: 26

For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God’s sight.

The way of the Kingdom is very, very different from the way of the world. In this verse for today we see God’s economy at work. If you understand this, it will also help you in your giving because you will see that your income and well-being is not based on how much money you make at your job. It is very difficult for us to wrap our heads around that idea but this is a mindset that we must establish.

There are those who gather and this verse tells us that those people are gathering so that they can give it to those who are good in God’s sight. That is the task He has given them. Does it make you feel guilty to think that others toil so that you may have? Many of us have trouble accepting this and that is why we struggle and continue to work hard instead of taking our proper place in God. We have our role too, don’t we? We are they who stand in prayer for those who gather. We have been called by Jesus to a completely different job. Our incomes are guaranteed through him so that we can fulfill our role in our societies. We have not, because we are failing to stand in our office and do that which we are called to do.

There is another hurdle in this verse we must get over. This verse talks about the person who is good. Is that you? How do we know? What is the standard? Well, there was none good until Jesus came and he even said, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone,” (Luke 18: 19). So, who is this good person that God refers to in this verse. The New Covenant answer is, all those who are in Christ Jesus. Mind you, I did not say all Christians or all who delineate themselves as Christians. But those who have clothed themselves in the robes of Jesus’ righteousness are spotless and blameless before God. Hallelujah! That is you. It’s me. In Christ we are more than we could have ever been or even believed for.

So, meditate on today’s verse and then journal it. Ask God what he would further reveal to you about His economy and your goodness in Christ. They are both big ideas, barely scratched upon in today’s devotion but it should be enough to get you started.

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