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Psalm 19: 1

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

Have you heard this verse before? I just recently used this in a conversation about the evidence of God’s existence and His creation of earth. I think you have to convince yourself there is no God because if one just looks around or looks up into a night sky, the evidence is there.

As is the norm, I have taken this excerpt from the New American Standard Bible. It is still my favorite version but when reading the Psalms, it is enlightening to read the Passion Translation after you have read from your everyday Bible. The Passion Translation illumines the psalms like no other translation. Here is today’s passage from the Passion Translation, “God’s splendor is a tale that is told; his testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship.” How do you like that reading?

How can one look at a forest, the mountains, animals and nature and deny the existence of God? I think a person must be pretty good at lying to themselves if they are successful in convincing themselves there is no God when His fingerprints are everywhere we look. The Passion Translation says His workmanship, His skill is on tour. Don’t you love that? I think of museum exhibits that tour the country and musical artists as well as other performers. They go on tour demonstrating their skill and artistry throughout the land. Our Father has done the same thing. He has given us a work, greater than the Sistine Chapel, to look upon every night. During the day, His wonders fly overhead. What an amazing thing to see a bird upon the wing. Are you in awe that a fish can breathe underwater? Or have you ever contemplated a spider’s web? How is it that a small spider can spin a thread so small and yet so strong that it remains fixed to a car even at highway speeds?

Yahweh’s creative genius is all around us. He left signs for all to see. He left evidence of His touch so that all might see and come to know Him. Even if an evangelist never reaches some remote part of the world, God has already been there and left signs of His passing. We may not have all called Him by the same name, but every generation of humankind has seen the evidence of God and have called upon Him. In this age in which we live, there seems to be less faith and fewer believers. None the less, I believe that any person who is completely honest within her own heart, knows of the reality of God. We may talk ourselves out of a relationship with Him, we may balk at worshiping Him, but we know, in the depths of our being, that there is a God and that He created the earth and the heavens. He is glorious and worthy of praise. Won’t you share a moment with Him today talking about the things you like most about His creation? Spend a few minutes with Him discussing those things which fill you with awe. He created it all for you and He loves to hear your thoughts on it. Enjoy!

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