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Luke 22: 17      GW

Then he took a cup and spoke a prayer of thanksgiving. He said, “Take this, and share it.”

This could well be the example of Jesus’ ministry to the modern world. He gives to us freely and then it is our job to share what he has given us with others. For some people this comes naturally. Whenever they find something they enjoy or that benefits their lives, they tell others about it. This is often the best way to find out about books, movies, nutrition and more. This is how people become Christians. It is also how we become stronger and more mature Christians. People share what is helping them, so we learn and discover without having to go through the full process. I really appreciate when people share ministries or messages with me. It helps me out.

Other people, though, seem to hold everything very close to their chest. They don’t extend those things to others. Maybe they are bashful, maybe they fear offending others. I don’t know but I think when we find something good it becomes like a seed when we share it with other people.

Jesus received the cup and gave thanks to the Father. Then he shared the cup with his friends directing them to share it with others. He modeled what he wanted them to do and Christianity has been passed on in this way from generation to generation. I would like to dedicate today as a day of sharing, and I am going to ask something of you. I ask you to share the Word of the Day with at least one other person today. It might be just the thing they are looking for. It could turn out to be a Divine Connection for them. It might be something you could continue to enjoy together. These daily devotions even make good subject matter for Bible study groups. I can’t think of anyone who would not benefit from a daily dose of God’s word. So, today, let’s share the Word of the Day. Send it out of the country. Let’s see how far we can reach together. You never know who you might touch through your sharing. You might start an evangelical fire in another country. That would be great. We also like hearing your thoughts and comments so share those with us. Be blessed!

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