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1 Timothy 6: 18

Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.

You can always recognize people who are full of the love of God. They are always generous. You have to be because God is generous. So, when you are full of Him, generosity naturally flows from you. Why then are some people, even believers, tight fisted? It is their lack of faith, lack of trust or their belief that their own hands have provided for them. Once you truly begin to trust God, you begin to understand that He will always provide for you. You are then able to release the death grip you have on money and things because you know that God is your source, not you.

As long as you see yourself as your source you will have a tendency to be stingy with your hard-earned money. Once you realize that you cannot do anything without God’s grace and that it is He who has blessed you, you will begin let God’s provision flow through you. You can let God use you as a conduit. You will stop being a dead end in God’s flow and instead be a multiplier. As you start really giving, you will see that your supply is not hindered at all and you will become an even greater giver. When we know God and trust Him, we can let go of every concern. Then we can let go of our resources. We become like God himself just looking for someone to bless. What a wonderful way to live life.

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