Leviticus 25: 14

In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.

Well, we certainly did return to our own property and stayed there. 2020 is the year we will not forget. Many people have surrounded themselves with more deep thought and philosophy in the months since the coronavirus invaded our lives than perhaps in entire years. Here is the question, though, what do you want to be able to say in say, 2022 when you look back at this year? Will you be able to say that despite the monumental challenges, the unprecedented impact upon our way of living, that you, none the less, we’re able to come out the other side having gained something important?

This could be our year of jubilee despite the trials. It could be the year of redemption. Perhaps this is the year you drew closer to God. Maybe you want to use this time to get in better shape, read a book, do that project that has been neglected. Maybe it is time to work on a degree or undertake a crazy idea for which you have not had time. This might be the year your prayer life takes on a substantial change. There are all kinds of things you can do to redeem this time so that positives come out of this time.

Romans 8: 28 says that God will take whatever lemons life hands you and make lemonade from them. Of course, it is a partnership, right? You and the Lord. Together you can find ways to redeem the year that the locust has stolen. I live by this verse. It is a promise from our Lord, so I am always looking for lemonade, and I love lemonade.

Another philosophy of mine is that today is January 1st, every day is January 1st. By this I mean that we get to treat every day as if it is the first day of the year. We get to start over whenever we want. So, I am suggesting today is January 1st. You are confronted with life being very different. What do you want to do with it? What do want to say about you and your life when this is all said and done? This year has been very disruptive but what can you do to redeem the rest of the year?

What if you decided to write a book? I want you to think big and decide to be better coming out of this year than when you began. I hope you will have grown spiritually as well as personally. Write the book, read one. Paint, workout, walk, learn to play bridge, sit outside, talk with your Father. What will be your silver lining? What will you say you got out of this year?

Let’s all share our thoughts. Leave a comment to this post. We can use this forum to encourage each other to make the best out of a difficult year. Let this be our Year of Jubilee where we redeem the land we lost.

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