Luke 2: 8 – 11

In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock at night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood near them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. And so the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Good News! The angels brought good news! Well, that is not a news flash today but worth remembering. The enormity of what happened on that day so many years ago is as astounding as ever and the news is just as great.

I try to put myself in the place of these lowly shepherds who were out in the fields tending sheep. They were nobodies, no one of significance. Why didn’t the angel appear to the church leaders so that they could spread the good news? Why appear to a bunch of ragged shepherds that no one would listen to? And how much does this remind you of the Samaritan woman, a person so low on the class scale that the disciples were astonished that Jesus even spoke to her? These questions bring up the question, to whom would the angel of the Lord appear to today? Jesus, let it be us, this humble group of believers.

The voice of the angel, and indeed our blessed Lord, still rings out today, “Don’t be afraid. I bring you good news.” The voice of God gives to our hearts news which is of great joy! When God speaks, it is always good news meant to encourage and strengthen you. This good news is meant for “all the people,” even you. Perhaps this is the reason the angel and an entire angelic host appeared to shepherds, so that each of us today would know that we are not below receiving the gift of the Christ child. If they appeared and spoke to the most lowly, then certainly there is no one beneath his grace this year. And brother, that is good news!

Be blessed for the miracle was born, a child has come and remains today to bring good news into our lives. Worship him and his Father for the great miracles they bring to “all the people”. Bless the Lord, all you, His people. Rejoice and be glad for Christ reigns as Lord and King. Rejoice!

1 Comment
  1. Most definitely not ironic, In Mark 16:15, we are given the same command from Jesus that the Angels had gotten from God. Jesus tell his disciples to go out and spread the gospel, the good news “to all creation”. Not to those we favor, those who are friends, those in our social class, but to everyone. I have honestly felt that the angels told the lowly shepherds to show others that no one of us are above any other in Gods eyes and rather the ones who serve others are favored “The last will be the first and the first will be the last”. What good news this must have been for the shepherds and still goods news to us all today–Praise Christ our Lord

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