Proverb 4: 7

The beginning of wisdom is: acquire wisdom; and with all your possessions, acquire understanding.

If we wish to be persons of wisdom then the starting point is, seek wisdom. This verse immediately separates the fools from those who would be wise because in order to acquire wisdom, one must seek her. The first step to being wise is to get wisdom. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

From where will you get wisdom? Well, this book of proverbs is a really good start. I hope you are taking the time to read the entire proverb. There is a link at the bottom of this devotion which will take you to Proverb 4.

Most importantly, God gives wisdom. James 1: 5 reads, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Solomon received wisdom from God because he requested it. He understood that the task before him was beyond his means, so he asked God to give him the requisite wisdom and God did. We should not overlook the opportunity to commune with God and receive all we need from Him.

We should understand that God will speak to our own hearts and minds when we inquire of Him. However, it is also likely that God will use another person to impart answers to you. It seems to me that we live in a time when people do not want to acknowledge that others may have knowledge or wisdom that we do not. However, there are people who have travelled the road before us and others who are anointed by God to offices which are intended to aid us. Sometimes, humility is the key we need to open the door to wisdom. That is a difficult admission. Recognize also that God has commissioned libraries of books which reveal His wisdom. If we truly wish to attain wisdom, we must be wise and humble enough to search for it and search passionately. Solomon reveals that in order to attain the wisdom of God, we must exercise enough wisdom to seek His ways.

The first step is ours. God is willing to give us His wisdom generously and without reproach. Ask of God and be willing to hear His answer. Search for wisdom and you shall find her. She is not rain, though and thus, will not fall out of the sky upon us. She is a precious gem which must be sought after.

The beginning of wisdom is, acquire wisdom.

Proverb 4:

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