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Psalm 119: 49         (NLV)

Remember your promise to me, for it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.

Has God given you a promise? You may struggle with this question a little and I understand that, but here is something that will help you. Yes, He has given you an entire book of promises. The Word says that Yahweh is no respecter of persons (Acts 10: 34 KJV). The NASB Bible says that He is not one to show partiality. That means that what God has done for any one of His children, He will do for another, including you. So, if Yahweh God made a promise to Israel, for example, that is a promise to you. In fact, where I see Israel, I line through it in pencil and write in “Ivey”. This is especially true for a verse which resonates in my heart. Sometimes you read a passage and it comes alive for you. I don’t want to lose that verse or that sense of promise, so I highlight it, write the date beside it and perhaps also make notes in the margin.

Maybe you have a personal promise from God about something specific. If you have not written it down, do so because there will come a time when you will doubt that word from God. The permanence of the scriptures is one of the features I like about Biblical promises. I can always go back to that written Word and refresh myself.

These promises from God, whether from the Bible or received personally can be a source of comfort and encouragement. When the skies look cloudy with a definite chance of rain, the promises of God breakthrough like the sun banishing fog and haze. I find it helpful to write verses on 3 X 5 cards and post them around my desk and home. These represent the promises of God to me. I have a scriptural promise for everything I am hoping for. They keep me on target and revive my hopes and dreams. Keep the promises of God before your eyes and never give up.

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