Psalm 107:20

He sent His word and healed them.

We have reached my very favorite healing verse. I love this one. Just a quick caveat though. It is not the one I use for myself in all circumstances. Often God leads me to a different verse for my situation, which is why it is vitally important to inquire of Him rather than leaning on our own understanding.

Back in the Old Testament, they would not have had the revelation on this that we do. They didn’t have John 1: 1, 14, “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” We know that Jesus is the Word, and we know him as healer so combining the Word with healing seems consistent to us once we piece it together. It is a bit mind expanding though when you consider this is an Old Testament passage.

So, that leaves me with this question, when did God send the Word? My guess is as soon as the curse entered the earth and that would have been as soon as Eve and Adam bowed their knees to Satan.

In God’s kingdom, there is no dis-ease. There is only ease. He made it to operate perfectly. When Satan got a foothold in the earth, corruption and decay entered in like a seething plague. It has been destroying the earth ever since. God had to implement a plan to save his creation, both humans and the earth. So, he sent the Word, and we know the Word has triumphed over Satan.

What does this mean for you and me? Well, it means that Bible you hold in your hands, also holds the keys to life. The more we immerse ourselves in it, meaningfully immerse, not just reading it like reading a school textbook, the more we find the Living Word, Jesus. Jesus is the Word, and the Word is life. “He was the source of life, and that life was the light for humanity,” (John 1: 4 GW).

So, God sent His healing Word and healed us all. Life and healing are in the Living Word. The Living Word is Jesus, as well as all the truths God sent us in the Bible. It is Jesus who brings those words to life. Getting to know one leads to knowing the other. Together they bring life and light. Take daily as directed.

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