Hebrews 13: 8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.

Jesus is good, all the time. In the verse from yesterday, we read that he went about doing good. Everywhere he went, he healed the sick. The good news is that he is the same today as he was on that day and every day he walked the earth. He is still healing. He is still setting free. He is Lord and he has arisen with healing in his wings.

Today concludes the healing series. I hope you have enjoyed this series but, more importantly, that you got something from it. I hope you shared it with others and that they received revelation from the Lord too.

You have a plethora of verses which you can continue to review as often as you wish. All these daily devotionals are archived on the Ivey Ministries website. Besides that, I hope you have retained some verses which captured your attention. If nothing grabbed you, then I strongly encourage you to review them so that you gain what the Lord intends for you.

Today’s verse reminds us that the God of the Old Testament and the God of tomorrow are the same and that the promises are for today. Healing is for today. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to steal from you. Don’t listen to them because they are not speaking Biblically. I don’t care how smart and educated they sound. You don’t need a PhD. in Biblical studies to understand today’s verse. Jesus is the same today as he was yesterday; the same as he was when he healed in the New Testament accounts. That is exactly what this verse was intended to teach us. He has not changed his mind about healing.

Feel free to write me at any time with questions or if there is something you would like to discuss. For those of you who do not own a copy of my book, this might be a good time to purchase it. It is a wonderful tool for a Bible discussion group. Click Here to go to our website to purchase your own copy.

I leave you with this, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers,” (3 John 1: 2).

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