Nehemiah 10: 39

Thus we will not neglect the house of our God.

To understand where this statement comes into play you need to read at least from verse 28. The context of this passage is that a group of people, Israelites, signed a document by which they made certain obligations of themselves. It caught my eye because verse 28 said that it was people who “had knowledge and understanding.” Since we saw the verse last Monday on God’s storehouse of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, (Proverb 2: 6 -7), I was very interested in seeing God’s perspective on where revealed knowledge takes us.

These people made a solemn vow to themselves, each other and to their God to give. The whole passage is about their giving. It is a wondrous passage. It speaks of giving the first fruits of all trees, crops and herds and the first-born sons. It tells how they will honor the sacred festivals with their giving. We are told that their giving will atone for Israel and provide for the priests and others who work in the house of God.

These people took on a sober obligation to support the house of God and its workers. The tithe was only part of their offering. They made a system of giving for themselves. Two thoughts occurred to me as I read this. One is, “No wonder the Jewish people always seem to have money and be the leaders in banking.” The other thought is that knowledge and understanding led them to give to the house of God. It makes me think that if we could get a revelation of what they understood, we would be givers and prosperous too. You need to understand that these contributions to the temple were what fed the priests, the Levites and all the temple workers. This was their tribute to the Lord, but it was also the upkeep of the ministers. The priests were to minister the Word to the people and go to the altar in prayer for the people. The people, in return, ministered to the physical needs of the ministers.

You know, this has not changed. Ministers are still supposed to spend their time on spiritual matters for the benefit of the people and the people are supposed to take care of the ministers. I don’t really think we are proficient in this yet. Many of us take for granted the work of our pastors and teachers and then the next thing you know the pastors and teachers become diluted in their sowing of time to the ministry of the Word. If we avail ourselves of the wisdom of God, He will show us how to live and how to give. We can see in our support of the ministry of the Word our own maturity in spiritual things. As long as we are like children, always taking and seldom giving, then we are only going to be able to partake in a child’s part. When we mature and take on the responsibility of the maintenance of the servants of God’s Word, then we will all be able to grow into a mature body. The attainment of knowledge, wisdom and understanding should change your life. This passage of scripture shows one of the ways that your life should be dramatically altered.

Further study: Nehemiah 10: 28-39

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