Isaiah 43: 2

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched.

There are two messages (at least) in this passage. First, when you are going through rough times, make sure you go through. Don’t pitch a tent and stay there. I have seen people who become so enamored with having problems that they camp out in them. They never seem to move out of the valley of the shadow of death. Instead, they apply for a permanent address. Don’t fall in love with your problems or with the attention you receive from having trouble. Go through. Keep moving.

Secondly, God will be with you so that the troubles do not overcome you. We are overcomers in Christ Jesus, so we are not meant to live under the torment of problems. Jesus will bring you right on through so that not even the stench of the fire will be on your clothing. Put your eyes on Him instead of on the trouble. Don’t let the problem dictate your life when Jesus is your Lord. Stay focused on His victory rather than your problem. Why raise the problem over the glory of the Lord? Why put it on the highest pinnacle? Make those problems bow their knee to Jesus and claim Jesus’ victory as superior to any and all problems.

Life will deal out problems every now and again, but you are not meant to be the slave of them. You were not destined to serve the problem nor grovel under its power. Those problems are to get under your feet. You are in Jesus, and He has already overcome the world and all of its torment. Be, therefore, no longer a victim but rather a victor in Jesus.

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