Romans 2: 19

[A]nd are confident that you yourself are a guide to people who are blind, a light to those in darkness.

The way of Christianity, it is not always easy to discern. One thing I have learned, though, is that we must walk in the light. You are not surprised by this, I am sure, but I find it a more challenging issue to live than we may believe.

Jesus said, “I have come as Light into the world, so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness,” (John 12: 46). Because of this statement, we go about the world trying to lure people out of the darkness and into the light. The compassion which drives that task is commendable. The problem I have seen is in the way we go about it. I have witnessed more condemnation, criticism, judgment and loathing in our approach than compassion. Jesus came as the light so that none should remain in darkness. We believe ourselves redeemed from a life of darkness and yet, we plunge ourselves right back into that shadowy world when we begin to address others. Believe this, one cannot defeat darkness with darkness. Only the light can dispel darkness.

The one who fights against another by criticizing and judging, only condemns himself. This is a hard lesson. We think we are of the light, but do we remain in the light when we see something we believe is amiss?

I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life,” (John 8:12). Life is in the light and so is love. I know, it gets old hearing about love, but it really is the only way to fight the darkness. Prayer has the power to change situations and people, but that prayer must be a prayer of reconciliation, healing, redemption and forgiveness. Only the light can overcome darkness. That means there is a better way to pray than asking God to change what we think is wrong with someone. It means hateful speech and harsh criticisms are to be set aside in favor of kindness.

If you watch, you will see other Christians and even whole churches focusing on methods of darkness. Obviously, that is not the way, but we only realize that darkness has crept back in when we stop and look around. I think when you observe the life around you, you will see that many of us are trying to dispel the darkness with more darkness. I know, though, that I can count on you to be a light, a true light in a dark place. Let Jesus’ light within you shine and bring joy and healing to an already hurting world.

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