Mark 9: 24

Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”

This is one of the most important prayers we can learn. We know we are not perfect yet nor filled with all knowledge. Guess what! Father knows that too, so, He stands ready to help us in all our imperfections.

I hope you will read the entire story for yourself but, briefly, a father took his son to Jesus for deliverance from a demon which had plagued the boy all his life. He begged Jesus to help, if he could. Jesus replied, “If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes (v. 23).” The father made an immediate declaration of faith. At the same time, though, his heart faltered because he knew that he also had doubt. Faith did not reign in his heart. He did, however, have enough faith to turn to the one who is faith and ask for help with his unbelief.

Sometimes, this is the only prayer we have. Sometimes we want to believe with our whole heart, but we feel the tremors within as we attempt to extend our faith. It is then we must call upon our faith in his faithfulness. Does that make sense to you? Sometimes all we have is our belief in who he is and that is enough to ask him for the help we need in increasing our belief level.

Are you believing for something that is beyond your faith level? Do you have a desire for something that challenges your faith? When you think of this thing you want, do you feel a shutter in your heart because you can’t quite believe for it? Don’t feel alone. Most people experience the same thing. However, you do not have to stay in that space. You can help yourself by letting Jesus help you.

This boy’s father had the right idea. Help me in my unbelief. Replace my unbelief with faith. Jesus wants you to believe for the impossible. He said all things are possible to the one who believes. Therefore, to do the impossible, we must believe. That is why he must help our unbelief. He wants us to become believers so that all things will become possible. Don’t be overcome by the impossible. That is Jesus’ specialty. If a thing is possible, then just make it so. If it is impossible, now you are in the realm of walking with Jesus. If it’s impossible, you are right where you need to be. Fill up on faith by praying this very simple prayer. Let Jesus fill you up. Walk with him. Talk with him every morning. Ask him, every morning, to help you with your unbelief. Ask him to give you another measure of belief. Then you and Jesus go do the impossible.

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