Love Is . . .

1 John 4: 8

The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

Love and God are interchangeable. They are one and the same. You cannot know God if you do not know love. If there is not love inside of you, then God is not inside of you either. If you are not walking in love, then you are not walking with God. It is just that simple. The very essence of God is love. It is not a personality trait, not something He has a lot of. It is what and who He is. Verse 16 reads, “the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

Here is a revelation for you straight from God. Love is the principle thing. It is what God has been telling us and teaching us about for five thousand years. Jesus left us this one commandment, to love one another even as he loved us (John 13: 34). He only needed to leave us one commandment because the one covers all. You will not hurt others if love guides you. And you will be good to others if you allow love to guide you. Everything that the apostles, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit have tried to teach us is contained in one word. It is so simple that it has eluded us. Love!

Hey, Christianity is not difficult to understand. It is not complex. It is really quite simple. If you want to be the greatest Christian ever, then be the biggest lover ever. Learn to get outside yourself and be kind, generous and considerate. Get yourself off of your mind and ask what you can do for someone else. You are God’s hands in this earth. Allow Him to bless someone through you today. Get completely wrapped up in love and stop being judgmental and critical. Stop finding fault in others and just give yourself over to loving them and blessing them. You will be walking so deeply with God that your every breath will be a greater infilling of Him. That is a pretty good place to be.


Philippians 2: 9 -10

Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth.

Verse eight of Philippians 2 tells us that Jesus humbled himself by becoming obedient even to the point of death. Therefore, God highly exalted Him. Jesus has been given the name which is above all names and the name to which every knee will bow.

Now as soon as some people read that, they chafed against those words. They may not admit it aloud, but they do not like the idea of bowing their knee to anyone. It is even hard to admit to oneself that the idea causes an internal tension. We really must allow ourselves to release our ego to our Father. It was this very thing that caused Jesus to be so highly exalted. He was able to humble himself to the point that His will no longer mattered. Obedience to the Father is all that really mattered. That is not to say that it is easy. It wasn’t even easy for Jesus, but we are able. Jesus fought the temptation to serve His own interest. We can and should do the same. Why? Because God would like also to exalt you.

And truly there is no joy greater than obeying the Father. I do not say that it is always easy, but I do say that there is great gratification in it. We often think that God is trying to get something from us, but it is just the opposite. He is trying to get something to us. If we will really learn humility; if we meditate on what it truly means to be humble and others centered, then we will find great revelation in the Father and in what He can do with us, and nothing is more fun than working with the Father. This week give time to the ideas of humility and obedience. Let yourself ponder what it means to be humble and ask the Father how you can be more obedient. I can promise you will have a very good week if you do.


Philippians 2: 8

And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Jesus took on the form of humanity so that He could lead us into true harmony with our Father God. He did not present Himself as a King or an honored person of any kind. He came as a servant to all.

I am moved by this image of Jesus as so humble and obedient that not even death, not even a horrible death, could sway Him from His committed passion for us and the Father. This is the image of a man who was not here to serve His own selfish interests but rather to pay the price of reconciliation so that the Father and His children could become one again.

If we are truly to imitate Christ, then our imitation must be foremost in humility and obedience. This idea is critically important for us to grasp. Our task isn’t about feeding the hungry or clothing the homeless. It is not about working at church or building a home for the needy. Those are the manifestations of our having gotten ourselves so right with God that we have absolutely learned to humble our needs and desires to the direction of God. Humility is all about getting us off of our minds. It is the call to put other people before your wants and even your needs. It is not about you! It is about Jesus. He has called us to himself that we might be His hands in this earth. But even more importantly, we are to be His heart in the earth.

We must learn radical obedience and honest humility. Let us give ourselves over to the Father completely. See what He can do with you. Let go of yourself and your own control. Let go of all that you are telling Him that you want and just ask Him what He wants. Ask Him to allow you a chance to be obedient. Give Him yourself, your dreams and desires. Then let Him fill you with all that He would do with you. Humble yourself to His great desire and gratefully obey.


Philippians 2: 7

[He] emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.

Jesus was, and is, and always will be. He was with God at the creation of the world. He sat in the high places with God, and He was God. And yet, he emptied Himself of His deity and came to earth in the form of a bond-servant. Why?

No one less than the very Son of God was good enough for God to send into the earth for the redemption of each and every one of us. And what is amazing is that Jesus willingly gave up everything to come to this world as the sacrificial lamb. He gave up sitting on His throne in paradise to come into this broken world to fix all that was broken.

Sometimes we forget that when Jesus came here, He gave up being God to become a man. Sometimes we think that it was easy for Him to perform the miracles that He did because, “After all, He is God.” Yes, He is but he emptied Himself of all of that so that He could be the perfect sacrifice. He had to empty himself of his divinity in order to be that perfect sacrifice. He had to become a regular person in order to redeem people. He took on our form so that He could stand in our place before God. Now His perfection and His blood speak for us because He is standing before the throne in our place. When we, therefore, go to our God, we have the testimony of Jesus Christ as our garment, our robe.

Never underestimate how important you are to God or how glorious Jesus’ sacrifice was. You are God’s precious child. You were the prize Jesus desired. He was willing to sacrifice everything for you.

Will Do

John 14: 13 – 14

And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

In the book of John, I counted no less than six places where Jesus promises us that he and the Father will answer our prayers. Amazing! Why did he feel compelled to say over and over again, ask and I will do it? Look at John 15:7 from the God’s Word translation, “If you live in me and what I say lives in you, then ask for anything you want, and it will be yours.” Are you kidding me? Jesus said for us to ask for anything we want! That’s crazy! He said to ask for what we want, not what we need!

Whatever we ask in his name, he will do. Now to be honest, we don’t always think in those terms, but what a great big bunch of good news this is on a Monday morning. Surely Jesus understood what he was saying. I went looking for good news for today’s post and I found so many verses just in the book of John alone that I couldn’t use them all. Then, I asked myself, how many verses does it take? How many times does Jesus have to say a thing before it is gospel? Do I really need to find five or six verses of him saying I will do as you ask before we can believe it?

Jesus also said that he came to set the captives free (Luke 4: 18). Were we to grasp today’s passage with our hearts and believe it with our spirits, we, truly, would be set free. The world would change in an instant. That is very exciting! Can you imagine living in this reality? Let your mind, for a moment, think about how Jesus lived. What if you were the one who needed to turn water to wine? It is challenging to wrap our minds around this, but we are supposed to live in the earth as Jesus did. Actually, no, that is wrong. Jesus said we are supposed to do even greater things than he did, “Those who believe in me will do the things that I am doing. They will do even greater things because I am going to the Father,” (John 14: 12). So far most of us haven’t walked on water, changed water to wine, healed the blind or raised the dead. However, Jesus said we can. The point is that we are to live in this earth as he did. He is saying to us that we have the same pipeline to the Father that he did so that whatever we ask, God will do. Whatever we want, we need only ask the Father in Jesus’ name and it shall be done for us. Lord of Glory, help us to believe this! Help us to take these words of yours and deposit them into the deepest part of our spirits so they will produce a rich crop.

As I mentioned previously, I am working on a new series which is sure to be a blessing. I will be cutting back on my schedule for the summer and using this time to study. I will be sending one devotional a week, on Mondays. Remember, though, that I have provided some additional tools this year. Go to the Ivey Ministries website and click on the resources tab. There you will find the search tool instructions as well as the entire healing series. There are hundreds of devotionals archived on the website, certainly enough to keep you busy. We will continue the prayer list so while you are on the website, click on “Prayer Request” and leave us a prayer request. I know we all need prayer, and we all know someone who needs prayer so let’s put our team to work.

Hindered but not Stopped

Daniel 10: 12

“Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.”

It can be very discouraging to pray for something and see no results. Daniel had the same experience. Verse 13 says that the “spirit prince” of the kingdom of Persia withstood the angel God sent for twenty-one days. Isn’t that amazing? From the very first prayer Daniel uttered, God dispatched His angel with the answers Daniel needed. Twenty days passed without Daniel seeing an answer to his prayer. However, on the twenty-first day, the angel arrived and greeted Daniel.

Don’t you find this passage fascinating? It is a glimpse into the spiritual realm. We learn that the bad angel of that region was able to hinder God’s angel. There are angels and then there are angels, and they are not all of the same strength and power. The angel who spoke with Daniel told him that the arch-angel Michael went to his aid. He was withheld until Michael showed up and helped him. Wow!

There is much going on in the spiritual realm of which we are mostly unaware but take heart. There is much good news in this passage. First, from the moment Daniel first prayed, God sent His angel with the answer. Yahoo! That is what we all need to hear. Second, even though Satan tried to prevent the angel from getting through to Daniel, God prevailed; as He always does and as He always will. Yahoo again!

There is a very important lesson in this too. Don’t give up! Jesse Duplantis says, “Don’t be defeated by time.” In other words, just because you have not seen the answer to your prayer yet does not mean that God has not answered it. Hang in there! Remember God’s answer is “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1: 20). There are, though, hinderances to prayer. You do not need to concern yourself with what they are actually. All you need to do is keep your confession of faith in your mouth. Remember, overcoming is achieved through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12: 11). So, we must keep our words in agreement with the Word of God and keep praying in faith. That means that we don’t need to beg to God, repeating the same petition over and over. No, instead we use that prayer time to talk with the Lord, to give voice to the Bible scriptures that speak to our need and to wrap it all up with thanksgiving and praise.

Persevere in prayer because the Lord is in agreement with you. Sometimes, it takes time. Keep making your positive confessions of faith. You may have to break through a battle that is going on in the spiritual realm and you can do that with the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.

Enter In

Deuteronomy 1: 21

See, the Lord your God has placed the land before you; go up, take possession, just as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

This is the word of the Lord for you today. Earlier this week we saw how Joshua and Caleb looked through the eyes of faith and saw the land flowing with milk and honey while the other 10 spies came back with a negative report. They didn’t deny that the land was every bit as sweet as the Lord promised. They denied their ability to take the land. However, God promised them the land and led them to it. He took them to the land of promise and told them the land was theirs and that they should take possession of it. Unfortunately, the ten spies had a self-image problem. They admitted that the land was fruitful saying, “We came into the land where you sent us, and it certainly does flow with milk and honey, and this is its fruit,” and they demonstrated the bountiful fruit the land produced, (Numbers 13: 27). They should have stopped right there but there were some negative Nellies in the group and, so, here is what they said, “We also saw the Nephilim there (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight,” (Numbers 13: 33).

We were like grasshoppers in our own sight.” Their defeat was on their lips. They couldn’t take the land and it wasn’t because of the people there, but because of their self-image. That, and they didn’t believe God. He had already promised them the land. They just needed to enter into the promise.

Oh, what a lesson this is for all of us. Enter into the promise. We, like the Israelites, have many promises from God. We need to learn to enter in. We need to learn how to receive all that He has already given us. This has been a burden on my heart recently. The truth is, we don’t really know how to receive. We pray, but then sometimes the answer to our prayer never quite reaches us. I mentioned in a recent Word of the Day that I am working on a new series for us. It is my prayer that through the new series, we all (including me) will become better receivers. Then we will live in the will of the Lord continually. Amen!