
Psalm 107: 9            (Amplified)

For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with good.

We all know someone who is hungry on the inside. Their soul longs for something and thirsts desperately. They don’t even know what it is that they so urgently crave. As humans we try to fill that longing with all sorts of things. You know the list.

Each and every one of us has a place in our hearts, in our souls that only God can fill. We can try every sort of thing to make ourselves happy but it never works. We have a deep, spiritual place in our being that needs to be ministered to in like manner as we feed and nourish our minds and bodies. We are tri-dimensional beings and nothing short of spiritual food can feed the spiritual parts of ourselves. You can drink all the booze you want, work all the hours you can, go from lover to lover, and all of the other various things people do in order to satisfy themselves but none of it will satisfy. Money will never fill the void and neither can another person. So, if you are waiting for someone or something to make you whole, give it up. Only God can fill that spiritual void in your life. And don’t get to thinking that a bunch of non-Godly spirituality can do it. That is about like your body living on sugar alone. It will not, cannot satisfy. Only the love of God can fill that hungry spot. Only His Spirit can nourish your spirit. The sooner we all realize that our spirits long for His sweet embrace, the sooner we can get healthy, the sooner we will be whole.

Living Truth

James 1: 22 (Amplified Version)

But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth].

Jesus said we would be known by our fruit (Matthew 7: 16). It will not be by what we say but rather the evidence of how we behave by which we will be known to Jesus as His own. Probably we all know someone who talks a good game but doesn’t seem to really have the proof in the pudding. In other words, they know the right things to say but their life really doesn’t represent the love that Jesus invested in them. I know someone like that. This person seems to read the Bible, listens to tapes by Christian leaders and reads Christian books and yet, the love of Christ and the Truth of Christ is not readily apparent, and I fear that, perhaps, the same could be said of me.

Now we can all make mistakes and we fall into carnality at times but we really should endeavor to do all that Christ is teaching us. The Bible is not a book for intellectual meditation as much as it is an owner’s manual for each of us. We are to apply what we read there. When it says, do not judge, forgive, pray for those who persecute you, love all, pursue peace and the rest, we are actually supposed to give ourselves over to those behaviors. We’ll not do it all in our own might though. Here is where the love of Christ in our lives manifests itself. In all humility we ask our Dad to help us; to create in us a heart capable of behaving like Jesus. Then we surrender to His ministrations as he makes us into an exact image of Christ exemplified in us. Hallelujah! All this is possible in Him. Let us do what we see in the Bible including letting Him, with our help, transform us into the very image of His dear son. Be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only.

Free Indeed

Galatians 5: 1

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

The spirit of Christ has set us free from every type of bondage. Is it possible that you are in bondage to something? Fear, a bad habit, anger? Is there something that keeps you down? Well, Jesus is the good news of the gospel! His accomplishments on this earth and beyond have now provided everything you need in order to be free of every kind of torment. When Jesus purchased our freedom, he meant that we might be free from every sort of bondage. The price He paid was complete and so, too, should be your freedom. If there is anything that dominates you, pray to the Lord about it. Tell Him that you give it to Him and that you receive your freedom. Then, never be subjected again to the yoke of slavery. Shake it off. Every time that same old thing tries to get you down, claim your victory in Christ Jesus and call upon Him for your continued salvation from that torment.

Being Christian

Matthew 7: 21

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.”

Sometimes I like to say, “Don’t judge Christianity by Christians.” Christianity is best judged by looking at Christ. He is the one we are trying to be like. We are still striving and becoming. We are broken, yet overcoming. Sometimes our brokenness is louder than His healing. Yet, as we go along, we change and are changed. Eventually the love of God will dynamically alter our lives and we will better represent the Kingdom of God.

There are some, though, who upon receiving forgiveness and salvation never let the miracle working love of Christ transform their lives. There is no obvious difference between them and the unsaved. The love of Christ, the sacrifice He made for us, ought to have an impact on our lives and our behaviors. We, like him, should walk in love, forgiveness and unselfish affection for others. How does our Christianity show or better still, how should it show? The first and greatest commandment was love and the second one was love; love God, love your brothers. Let the light in you shine and let others see the miracle and blessing of God that you are.

Workplace Woes

Genesis 39: 5

From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph.

The place where you work should be blessed just because you work there. Every organization that you are a part of should be under the blessing just because you are there. Don’t ever minimize that important role you play. You may be wondering why you are where you are or why God does not take you out. Maybe you think you should be in a better job or that another company might appreciate you more. Maybe you are even in an almost unbearable situation. Don’t worry. Wherever you are, God has your back. It may be that you are the only light in that place or maybe you are not the only light but that if you left the few remaining people like yourself will not have the support they need. Whatever the circumstance, take your eyes off of yourself for a minute and ask God if you are in the right place. If you are, then just serve gladly and faithfully. Remember, Joseph went through some undesirable places but he ended up at the right hand of Pharaoh. You are going to end up at the right hand of God so do what you can to bless others even while in unlovely situations.

Follow the Light

Psalm 18: 28

For Thou dost light my lamp; the Lord my God illumines my darkness.

It is nice to know that the Lord is your light in dark times. No matter how tumultuous the situation nor how bleak the horizon, God is your ever present light shedding illumination on your path. You do not have to remain in the darkness. His light will lead you out.

His light reveals the wisdom and knowledge for every circumstance. It is the key idea which launches your project or saves you valuable time. It is the beacon that attracts the right people at the right time. It is the insight to the best decision. It is even light and life to your body.

Let your Father be the lamp unto your feet. Just follow the light.

Believe It

Exodus 15: 26

I am the Lord that heals you.

That is short, sweet and to the point. You would need help in confusing this scripture because it is so simple. And yet, we really are not walking in this simple belief. Most of us believe that God heals. All you have to do is go to a hospital to see that truth. People will receive prayer when they are sick even if they have refused God all of their lives. Why do we ask people to pray for us if we do not believe God heals? Well of course we do believe. Then why are we not all walking in health? Somehow in the body of Christ we have let this simple truth slip away from our daily walk. We know that He is our Lord that heals us. We know it! But I think we only know it with our minds. We don’t believe it with our heart of hearts. We pray for healing when someone is seriously sick hoping that God will heal them rather than believing that God is going to heal them. Then in our daily lives we receive all manner of sickness, pain and suffering. We do not mean to. We have just been led along by the world; by those who do not have a hope of healing. We have started acting like them instead of acting like children of the great healer.

It might be a great task for all of us to get ourselves turned back around but we can do it because all things are possible in Him and to those who believe. We just need to take one small step and then another. We need to encourage one another and we need to keep on praying as we have been but now with greater expectation that the God of miracles really is present for us and that He really will show up on the scene. Help your friends increase their expectation and demands on God’s promises. Encourage them and when you have a sickness or a disease attack your body, ask them to pray for your health too. Working together we can turn around the body of Christ and reclaim the promises of God in our life.