Philippians 1: 27
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; . . . standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.
I find this an interesting passage from Paul’s letter written from prison to the faithful in Philippi. Can you imagine a minister writing this today? It is a bit harder to imagine because the situation is different. Perhaps if you started a church in a foreign place you might write such a thought. I think there is another difference also. I believe today we pastors, teachers and evangelists speak to audiences of one. We attempt to teach each person who he or she should endeavor to be rather than speaking to the body corporately. It truly makes me wonder how much of a body we honestly are.
A body is more than a collection of individual parts. While a body is a union of many parts all of those constituent parts work together to perform. Can we say that a body is like a machine? Each of the parts have their individual function but all of those functions are for the furthering of a greater purpose which is the greater goal. Different components of our cars do different functions but it is in their collective that a car serves its greater function. This is what Paul was speaking to.
Paul wasn’t preaching to each member individually. He wrote to the body. He wanted to them to stand in unison with one goal, one mind and one purpose. Do you ever wonder what our greater purpose is or where you may fit in to the body? This is why ministers try to get you to partner with them. Partnership with each other is much, much more than financial support. It is a sincere effort to gather all of our separate parts together so that together we can fulfill our greater purpose. Our individualism sometimes causes us to be separate and even breeds loneliness. While we honor the individual it is also true we are most fulfilled and satisfied in togetherness.
I am not asking you, today, to do anything specific. Perhaps today’s devotion causes you to think, maybe it stimulates a prayer. I think it is important, though, that we see ourselves as part of a group; that we understand that our strength is not only in our relationship with our God but also in our unity with each other. God didn’t call just you. He didn’t call just me. He called us and we stand together as the Body of Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5: 17
One of the cultural problems we encounter is that we have built prayer up to a formal event. Read what David wrote and you will appreciate that prayer was never meant to be ritualistic. It is the common communication between you and your father. It has to be familiar rather than formal if we are to pray without ceasing. Prayer is simply talking with your Father, God.
Another element of prayer is making ourselves receptive to His voice. We also use the time in prayer to give Him the authority in every situation. This is when you can put the problem in His “inbox” (see the Word of the Day for June 4, 2014 and October 19, 2015). We need to invite God into our every part of our lives and day and then we need to let Him work out the problems and tasks for us. In prayer give Him your projects and then begin to thank Him and praise Him for the result. And do this all day long, without ceasing. This is your perpetual partner meeting.
Psalm 25: 12
The point, though, is that through prayer, through connecting with God, He told me what to do for that property. You see, I prayed and then He told me what to do. He has a part to do and I have a part to do. When we begin our days, projects and work with Christ, then we will walk in the way we should. He will direct our paths. This is how we work in harness with Jesus, this is the way of partnership.
2 Samuel 22: 31 NLT
God isn’t assumptive or controlling. He has given you and me authority and decision making power. He says, “Okay, here is a protective shield. Put it on if you choose.” We have autonomy. That autonomy has a price though. We have decision making power, and that is great, but it also means that His promises are not automatic. They are all activated by our choices. This is how a friend of mine explains it, “We wait for something to happen, or be handed to us, rather than working hard and reaching for things ourselves. It’s like lying on the sofa, asking for someone to bring us a drink. IT’S IN THE KITCHEN, GET UP AND GET IT!!!!! God’s blessing are there, within our power to have, we are just too lazy to get them.” I think this friend has a revelation. God has already stocked the refrigerator with all the drinks we could ever want or need. We have only to go open the door and take what we want.
All of God’s promises are yea and Amen (2 Corinthians 1: 20) which means that He has already said “Yes.” However, we have a role to play. We must appropriate these blessings for ourselves. The warehouse is stocked; it is full. Now just write out your requisition form and have what you need and want shipped to you. Shipping is free.
Proverb 22: 6 (NIV)
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Every parent confronts a big challenge in raising their children. It has always been a difficult job. God knows it too. He has had a time with disobedient children. That is why He has so constantly sent us prophets and teachers to lead us. Now He has even sent us His own Holy Spirit to be our teacher and our guide. God knows that if we will receive His teaching that it will guide us all the days of our lives. He also sent His son to be an example for us.
In the same way, we raise our own children. It is not enough to just tell them what they have done wrong. We must also tell them when they have done well. We must teach them the difference between right and wrong and help them to make right choices. The most powerful thing we can do for the children in our lives is to set a good example for them just as Jesus did for us. When they see us pray and read our bible, then they learn how life is to be lived. And don’t just read a Bible to them and talk to them about Christ. Live it in front of them. Read your Bible for you. If you don’t want your children to lie, don’t lie. If you don’t want them to steal, don’t steal. Whatever principles guide your life will be the model for them. When you raise your children on Biblical principles they will always have that strength and truth to lean on and to guide them.
It is the toughest job there is to be a parent and there is not a parent out there who couldn’t use the help of the Lord. Parenting is the hardest and most important job you will ever have. Let God lead you and let the Bible be your resource manual. If you raise your children in the Word, they will continue in the Word. Even when they are older and out of your house, they will always have that Word in their hearts directing and keeping them.
2 Corinthians 5: 21 NIV
Well, the key words are “in him”. Those who are “in” Christ have become the righteousness of God, but what does this really mean? We are all saved, does that mean we are all righteous? Does that mean we all act like we are righteous? Can you be saved and not be “in” Jesus?
Righteousness means that we have right standing with God. It does not mean that we always act right, that we always do the things we ought to do. It also does not mean moral conduct. If you look up the word righteousness in a dictionary you will get that idea but it takes Jesus out of the equation. It is a worldly view. Jesus took (became) our burden of sin so that we could stand in the presence of God clean and pure. It is not about anything we have done or will do. You can’t act righteous. You can only “be” righteous and that is entirely about what Jesus did for us.
I am listening to a song as I type these words and the lyric speaks directly to this miracle of righteousness: “For now there is no condemnation, I am under the blood of the lamb.” That is the key, Jesus’ blood paid the price of our sin that we can stand sinless before God. That is just amazing to me. Knowing how we behave sometimes, God worked out this plan for us to be able to be with Him sinless and whole. The key is being “in Christ” and thank God for our savior.