Hang On!

Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Throughout this series we have seen that our words impact our health. We’ve learned not to speak negatively about our bodies or our health and not to ‘own” disease or sickness with our words by talking about “our cancer” or “my bad knees.” We have learned to pray in conjunction with the Word of God so that our words match Father’s words, not to get hooked on sayings like “I am scared to death” but the most important of all lessons is that we can use positive language to bolster our bodies. We saw that when good words were spoken over water, they produced pretty crystals and ugly words produced hideous looking crystals.

Yesterday’s scripture was conclusively clear about our language, our confession, being part of the overcoming of any obstacle. We can pray with very affirming language knowing that He who promises is faithful. Looking back at yesterday’s verse, Revelations 12: 11, I would add that we may be strengthened in holding onto our confession because of the blood of the lamb. Knowing that Christ took our sickness and disease to Calvary and nailed it to the cross should bolster our confidence. By his stripes we were healed and now we can boldly and confidently declare victory in his name.

Today’s verse intimates that we will have need of endurance and perseverance. It is one thing to get our language straight. Quite another to hold onto our confession over time or when confronted with challenge. So, we have need of stamina so that we will not stagger in our profession of faith.

There is one more layer we should consider today. It goes right back to index cards or other memory and reminder devices. In that we have learned that the first step is to stop making negative decrees about our health and our bodies, and that the second step is to replace those words with edifying ones, the third layer is to make positive declarations. By this I mean that we can daily make a point of making affirmative pronouncements about our health. Every morning we can look into the mirror and proclaim our health and wellbeing. We know “they overcame . . . because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony,” so we must hold fast to our confession of faith. One of the best ways to do that is through simply repetition. In other words, practice.

We have need of endurance, but we know that He who promised is faithful and that the blood of the lamb is victorious. Therefore, hang on. Jesse Duplantis says to not let time defeat you. Hold on and keep to your affirmation even when the situation looks rough. In the end, you win. Just don’t give up and don’t stop saying what the word says about your health.

I’m Just Sayin’

Revelations 12:11

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.

You may have noticed that the Old Testament and New Testament verses about healing are different from one another. The Old Testament has the promise, and the New Testament is much more about application. This is one of those application verses. It teaches us how to overcome.
Throughout this series we have seen the implication of our words. Here is yet another verse which leads us to understanding the power of the words we speak. In this case, we learn that our words are a key tool in overcoming the challenges we face. This verse also, I believe clearly, illuminates and resolves the question of who fights the battles of life. We shall never win in our own strength. It is Christ and his victory which has given us the power to be overcomers. However, and this is key, it was not the blood of the lamb alone which delivered. Victory is in the blood and the word of our testimony. In other words, victory is in Christ’s blood and our words.

Jesus paid the ultimate price to gain our release from the shackles that had all humanity bound in slavery. We were destitute, humanity’s only hope, the promised Messiah. Then he came, hallelujah, but was unrecognized by most. In the darkest of hours, Jesus nailed our enslavement to a cross. For all appearances it looked like the ultimate defeat, but out of the shadows arose triumph and that triumph set us all free. Or did it?

Today many remained enslaved. The victory of Christ is ours for the taking, but look around. Many have chosen not to claim the freedom that is theirs in Christ Jesus. It is heartbreaking. Were they to know that their victory is as close as the confession of their lips, then they could be free. Salvation has been won by the bravery and love of the Christ. It is claimed and becomes our own through our words. It is like having something in lay away that all you need to do is claim it through the use of speech. Salvation is for anyone who will claim it.

The great revelation is that all that Christ won for us is claimed in this very same way. As I wrote to you previously, salvation, prosperity and divine health were all purchased at Calvary. The question is why we go to the hill and return with only salvation. It is all there for us if we would only submit our claim ticket. If we can, with confidence, claim, “I am saved,” then we ought to also be able to say, “I am healed” with the same certainty. Likewise, our financial wellbeing is in the blood of the lamb and the words of our mouth.

Here is the point. Jesus’ blood has done its part, but we see from this verse that we have a role as well. Honestly, this truth makes us a bit uncomfortable because we don’t want anything to depend on us. None the less, this is how the Kingdom works. It is how it works for God and for Jesus as well. Remember, the world was not created because God thought it. He said something. That is also why Jesus remained silent when he was tortured and questioned. His words would have changed the outcome. We have been made in God’s image and in Christ’s image too because he is the exact representation of God. Thus, we must operate the Kingdom principles as they have taught and demonstrated. So, the reality is that we must say something. When this verse says “they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony” it means our words are how we participate in the overcoming blood of the lamb. The word of our testimony means the words of our mouth. What are we saying and are we intentionally saying what we want to see manifested in our lives? Look back at the prayer from last Monday’s Word of the Day titled Shift Gears. Borrow language from it, use it to help you write your own if you like. Let today’s word from the Lord affect you. Let it impact how you engage with Christ over your healing. Praise him. Thank him. Oh, what marvelous things he has done for us!

Heart Guard

Philippians 4: 6 – 7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I was talking about this verse in the context of healing with my friend Charity who is also a minister (www.glorywaves.org). I exclaimed, “How is this not a health verse?” She responded that of course it is since the majority of our illnesses arise from stress. Stress is a killer and is not how we are supposed to live before God. What we fail to understand is that stress is not an emotion. It is a condition. When we place our bodies under stress, it responds. We are also learning that when we stress ourselves emotionally, whether that just be traffic frustration, getting in a hurry, or really any discomfort or departure from peace, our bodies actually respond. I just was on a call recently where the speaker said that even our cell walls respond to stress as the cells try to protect us.

If you look at this verse again, I think you see the interesting synergy between anxiety and peace. We also need to understand that we are not speaking of clinical anxiety here. This is plain, old, garden variety anxiety. You know that feeling inside of you when you’re running late? It’s that kind of thing and what we are learning is that it is toxic to the body. When we give our anxiety to the Father, He restores us to peace and in that peaceful environment is where our cells get to perform their primary functions.

1 Peter 5: 7 says it so precisely, “Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you.” Father God wants you to cast all your anxiety onto His shoulders because He doesn’t want you to carry those bad feelings and because He knows that they stress your body causing sickness and disease.

However, let’s take this one step further. Throughout this series we have learned that part of our healing is in learning to slow down and hear God speak to us. Okay, when you are under time stress or any other type of stress, you do not hear God as well as when you are in a state of peace. Believe me! I still make this mistake routinely. However, I am learning that when I have lost that peaceful feeling, you know, that kind you get at church when the Holy Spirit is flowing through the sanctuary, when I have lost that good feeling I need to stop whatever I am doing and just take a couple of deep breaths, really deep breaths, the kind that make your abdomen move. Then, in that moment we should redirect our focus. Put our eyes back on Jesus and then ask him to help us with whatever we are working on at the moment. Do that again when you move to the next task. I know for myself that I feel better, am kinder and get more done when I follow this pattern. We are all better, and more effective, when connected to God and we all need the peace which surpasses understanding. It is health to our bones and to our hearts. Give away all your stress to the Father today. Be intentional about abiding in peace. It’s God’s good grace for you.

Tomorrow’s Schedule

Luke 13: 32

“Behold, I am casting out demons and performing healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I reach My goal.”

How did Jesus know he would be casting out demons and performing healings the next day? He knew because “The Son is as God is in every way,” (Hebrews 1: 3). “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in the same way,” (John 5: 19). “The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me,” (John 14: 10). Jesus knew he would be healing on the following day because he knows the Father’s heart.

Think of all the Old Testament verses we saw regarding healing or even go back through them and see how many times the Father expressed His will regarding healing. Jesus could say, with confidence, that he would heal on the morrow because he knew, for a certainty, he would encounter someone who needed healing and further, he knew the Father’s will for him was “healing every disease and sickness,” (Matthew 9: 35).

Here’s the thing for us to assimilate. Jesus knows the Father as he knows himself. He knows the Father’s thoughts and desires, so he knew that the Father would have him healing people every day. We can have that same assurance and though I cannot speak for you, that sounds like a great thought to have running around in my heart. Imagine incurring even the smallest injury and your mind leaping to the assurance that Father wants to heal that right now. Oh my! That would do our hearts good.

So, to take a page from Jesus’ book, which is our calling after all, I know that Father wants to heal today and tomorrow. Apparently, He is also open to casting out demons both days, but I don’t want to freak you out too much. However, what I know is that whatever the need is, Dad wants Jesus and us to be deliverers and receivers of His grace. Now, doesn’t that just give you a warm glow?

Let Him Call

James 5: 14 – 15

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.

Earlier in this series I wrote to you on Matthew 18:19. Here is the text of that verse, “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” The point of the message, and indeed of the verse, is that there is power in praying together. James addresses this point specifically related to healing. We all want to know what to do when we get sick and here is Jesus’ brother telling us exactly what to do.

Let me ask you a challenging question. Have you asked an elder of the church or pastor to pray for you for healing? If not, was it because you didn’t know this instruction or was there another reason? Truthfully, we have not been trained in the way we should go, so when things come up, we do not default towards these kinds of instructions. It is a shame that we have not been taught. After today, though, none of us will have that excuse. So, what is the next excuse?

Would you be embarrassed to ask me to pray for you? This isn’t just prayer list praying, is it? This is in person, anointing with oil. What? Does this sound weird to you? I imagine to some it does sound odd and how tragic is that? Jesus’ own brother gave us explicit instructions and yet it sounds strange to us. Some of us have been in the church for many years. This should be old hat by now, but here we are, feeling awkward. I hope, though, by talking about prayer for healing it becomes more natural to us.

There is one other part that we must tackle. You know if you get sick you are going to be hesitant to call me or another elder to go lay hands on you, anoint you with oil and pray the prayer of faith. Can we predict that? The first question is why? Why are we hesitant? The second question is, what do we call it when we have been given direction by God and choose not to do it? I think you see the problem. How are we availing ourselves of God’s grace for healing while we are in disobedience? This is a very hard lesson, I know, but believe me, things have been changing in my household as well. Once we see what God has said to us, then it is incumbent upon us to obey. Embarrassment is not an excuse for disobedience.

God loves you. He is trying to get blessing and healing to you. He isn’t trying to embarrass you. We embarrass ourselves, but don’t let that be an impediment. Do as the Lord says, receive prayer and be healed, in Jesus’ name.

Sustained and Whole

Psalm 41: 3

The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; in his illness, you restore him to health.

You are never alone, never abandoned. Sickness can be a lonely matter. It is easy to feel isolated, but God is with us even when we cannot feel Him.

He has a two-part plan when you are sick. First, He will sustain you and second, He will heal you. What does it mean that He will sustain you? It means that He is providing what your body needs to heal itself. We cannot see all the small processes going on inside our bodies which keep them running. Even when it feels like your body is betraying you, God is there providing the resources to keep it running and to heal.

Yahweh’s ultimate plan, though, is to restore you to health. He never meant you to be sick one day of your life. We know there are bacteria, germs, etc. and they sometimes cause us problems, but Father’s intent is to eradicate harmful germs and get you back to full strength.

Did you know that He never even intended for you to get sick as the means for you to exit the earth? It’s true. His plan is for us to walk right into eternal life with Him when we are good and ready, indeed, when we are satisfied (Psalm 91: 16). This world has a sick and broke mentality, but that is not God’s way. His way is the Blessing, nothing missing, nothing broken.

Did you also know that right now, wherever you are, as you read this, Father has His intention tuned to you that you might hear His word and believe? “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,” (Matthew 21: 22). In this very moment, He is strengthening your heart so that you may believe bigger than ever before. Then, when you are confronted with an issue, your belief rises up to confront it. God, your Father, is sustaining you now. He is putting His Word in you so that you will have power to confront every obstacle and circumstance that deigns to interfere with your life. You have the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of the Father sustaining and feeding you. Let the healing power of God flow, unhindered, through you that you may be blessed and whole.

Shift Gears

Psalm 30: 2      GW

O Lord my God, I cried out to you for help, and you healed me.

What do you hear when you read this? I can hear emotion and waves of relief. David’s anguish turned into relief. You almost want to take a deep breath for him.

This verse reminds me of 2 Kings 20: 5, “I’ve heard your prayer. I’ve seen your tears. Now I’m going to heal you.” Oh, I love that one. Of course, I believe we should speak words of faith. I think we should be strong in our belief. There is a time, though, to cry out to God. However, one of the things I have learned by reading David’s psalms is that although he may begin with the most forlorn language you have ever heard, he always ends his song in praise and thanksgiving. There is something powerful to be gleaned from that. Cry with all your heart. Bare your soul to the Lord (not to others), but when you are ready, when your grief and despondency have waned, shift into affirmative language about the greatness of God. What does that look like?

You may begin by telling God how sick you are, how bad you feel and how desperate you are. Keep it up, tell him everything. Just pour out until you have emptied yourself. Then, shift gears. “Father, though I feel sick, alone and like I will never fully heal, I know that you are the healer. I know that you sent your word and healed me. Father, the Word tells me that I was healed by Jesus’ stripes and Father, I thank you. Thank you for sending your beloved to earth to take all my sin, sickness and pain. Thank you, Jesus, that you bore, on your body, the stripes by which I am healed. Father, I confess before you that I am healed. Jesus has made me whole. I am not cursed but rather blessed. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am blessed when I lie down and blessed when I arise. I am blessed, Father, when I inhale and when I exhale. You promised your healing power and Jesus has fulfilled every one of your promises. I may look sick, but I am healed. Father, I claim this healing blessing which you have provided for me. I declare, in Jesus’ name and by his precious blood, that the healing power of the Ezekiel river is running through every vein, capillary and vessel in my body. Every cell of my body is saturated with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and I declare and decree, in the name of Jesus, that I am whole. I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. And I thank you Father. Thank you for your love and for your faithfulness. Amen.”

Copy that down. Print it out. Read it out loud when you aren’t feeling your best and speak loudly. Say it until you feel the belief rising up within you and then say what you wish to see manifested. “My knee is healed, praise God.” “I shall live and not die and will proclaim the goodness of the Lord.”

Cry out to the Lord with a loud voice. Complain, moan, groan and whine, but then shift gears. Get in sync with that power which is within you and proclaim the healing in your body. End with thanksgiving and praise. You are going to feel better. I promise.