Healing Faith

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Yesterday, we saw that faith affects healing. What, though, is faith? We talk about it a lot, but do we assume too much, that everyone understands, truly, what faith is? It is a nebulous term in the mouth of many, but the Bible has a definitive explanation of what it is.

Here is another reading of today’s verse, “Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.” It is the certainty of the things we pray for. It is the proof. The Amplified has this language, “Faith is . . . the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses.” It is a fact, not to be argued. Let me give you an example.

Do you believe in Jesus, that he is the Christ, that he came from the Father, that he is alive? Prove it to me. What if I try to talk you out of it? Is there anything I can say to dissuade you? Even though you have no tangible facts, no verifiable evidence, you believe with all your heart that he is alive and that he is the Christ. There is nothing I can do or say to talk you out of it. That is faith. Jesus is unseen but you are 100% convinced. What if you felt the same way about your healing?

Your healing is assured by the blessing of Abraham. It is every bit as certain as your salvation. It was made absolute at the cross. It is real and it is done. So, why is our healing less sure in our hearts than our salvation? Do you have any doubt about your salvation? Do you feel just as strongly about healing?

The point I am trying to make is that most of us are not absolutely convinced that God will heal us. Frankly, most people are a little afraid even as they pray. We are afraid Father won’t heal us and look, there is some legitimacy to that. How many people do you know who are living testimonies of God’s healing? More of our Christian buddies are hurting than healed. We have, as a body, fallen into a place where it is harder to believe that God still heals. If we ask people to answer, intellectually, about what they think, most will say they think God still heals people today. If, however, we were able to dig down in their hearts, we would find that few have experience with God’s healing power, so they don’t have much belief. The people at church are not experiencing healing; the pastor has stopped talking about much less preaching about healing so as a body, we have descended into this place of doubt. It’s not that we are bad people. It’s just that the actuality of God’s healing is not being manifested in our near environment and that is a problem. It is harder for each of us to believe because we don’t have any nearby examples. So, what do we do?

I am attempting to raise your belief by showing you what God’s word says. The thing is, though, that you have to rehearse it over and over before your heart believes it. Your mind will accept God’s word on the surface, at least most people will. Getting the belief built up so that our faith can call that healing into manifestation is different and for most people, more challenging.

Faith is that ability and the substance down in our hearts that knows that it knows. You do have some experience with that kind of faith as I have shown you. There are other things that you know beyond doubt. My goal here is to get your faith for healing to that point. So, think about it for a moment. What do you believe about healing? Is this a doctrine for past times or does Jesus still heal today? I can give you the scriptural answer, but the answer of your heart is the one that matters. Your healing may be very close at hand. Please go back to these verses and continue to meditate on them. Our Father is faithful and wants to do many great and wonderful things for each of us. Let’s agree with him for great things! Do you want to?

Faith in the Blessing

Galatians 3:13 – 14

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” – in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

By now, you know about the curse. Hopefully you know about the blessing too since I have been teaching on it for a while. You understand the curse entered the earth through disobedience. However, we see plainly that Jesus has redeemed us from the curse. We no longer live under the law, but rather under faith and faith is how we inherit the blessing.

What does this have to do with healing? Well, literally, everything. Father God told me recently that my health, healing and prosperity were paid for on that cross right along with salvation. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” he meant everything is done. He didn’t leave healing for later. He didn’t make a plan to work out our financial provision later. Everything pertaining to life, the curse and the blessing was accomplished. Jesus arose with no more work to do. It is done. Finished.

So, Father asked me, “Why are you trying to earn what Jesus has already done?” What? That is a revelation each of us could use. Whatever we need today, it has already been done. Now, we appropriate those things by faith and there is the rub. It’s not necessarily that we don’t have faith, but we don’t always know how to use it.

So, let me ask you, if Jesus has already purchased everything you need, including health, and you accept that you claim it by faith, what does that look like? What would you tell another person about acquiring all of God’s good blessing? I wish the answer was, “Lie on a chaise until the blessing falls upon you.”

Jesus said, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,” (Matthew 21: 22). The answer, then, is that we must believe. Sometimes we have to talk ourselves into believing. We have to chase out the doubt. That is why I have you write on 3 X 5 index cards. If you read God’s Word and keep reminding yourself of His promises, you whittle away at the doubt. You’ve gotta preach to yourself, keep reminding yourself of God’s promises until your heart is convinced. We all have doubt. We all have to put down fear. But we make the Word of God bigger in our minds and hearts than the fear and doubt until the faith rises up and eradicates the doubt.

You have been redeemed from the curse. You are under the blessing. You are an heir to the promise. Those sound like just a bunch of nice words, but they are more than that, they are the gospel. It’s what Jesus did for you. Your healing is right there in verse 14, in the blessing of Abraham which you receive by faith.  Own it.  Don’t let anyone take away your healing anymore than you would let them take your salvation.

Refreshing Wisdom

Proverb 3: 7 – 8

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.

Interestingly enough, this verse, though it is about healing, does not advise about diet or exercise. What is the root of this? Some people will think it is about doing evil and that evil doings make you sick or that God curses those who are doing bad. That is not what this verse says. You’ve got to start at the beginning of the verse and there are really two parts. First, do not be wise in your own eyes and second, revere the Lord and His wisdom. That is really what this is about. Turning away from evil is a natural by-product of serving the Lord. So, let’s look at this more closely and see what the Lord is teaching us.

This passage is really about whose wisdom you will follow. When we inquire of the Lord, which is step one, we fare well. When we rely on our own wisdom, we don’t always make the choices that lead to healthy bodies and refreshed bones. It isn’t that we do not try to make right decisions. It’s just that we don’t know all God knows. I will tell you another implication of relying on our own wisdom and knowledge. It is stressful. The more we learn to rely on God’s direction, the less stress we are under. The less stress we experience, the healthier our bodies.

I have taught in the past about hearing God. I have even sent you my testimony about when I could not hear Him. It was the most frustrating thing! In our fast-paced society, it is definitely harder to hear Him. Another factor is involved too. As the pace of life increased, people found it harder to hear Him. Now, we are raised in the expectation that we won’t hear God speak to us. Of course, that is unbiblical, but church culture is influenced by societal pressures too. Eventually, a doctrine arises to support our failure. The converse is to have to face up to the failure and that is not so easy.

We, however, are fortunate. We are not the generation that created the problem or accepted not being able to hear God speaking to us. That makes the problem existence emotionally neutral to us as far as blame. We can be the fixers since we carry no guilt. Yes, our generation has accepted the failure and believed pastors who taught us wrong but now we have the ability to get free.

If we can follow God’s wisdom for our health, then surely, we will live healthy. If we forsake any pride we may have, choosing not to be wise in our own eyes, but rather to rely on the Father, we really can turn things around. Even if you are a medical professional, did you know that it is not your responsibility to have all wisdom? Your wisdom, too, is supplied by the healer.

Today’s verse is about relinquishing control and not having to have all the answers. It is about expecting God to be God. In our reverence of Yahweh God, we are to turn to Him with questions and, not only expect Him to answer us, but to demand it. Honestly, He is on the edge of His throne wanting to answer you. Let’s get good at hearing God’s voice. Let’s follow His wisdom to arrive at the place of healing.

Every Disease

Matthew 4: 23

Jesus was going about in all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.

Isn’t it easy to believe that if Jesus walked up to you, healing would be a simple matter? Of course, the people of his time didn’t always believe he could heal them or that he would. Those are two forms of doubt we still must deal with today. Even if we accept that Jesus wants us healed, we have a challenge receiving it. How do we get his healing? “If he were still here,” we think, “it would be easy.” However, Jesus said it was to our advantage that he go away (John 16: 7). That hardly makes sense though. Do you agree?

Jesus explained to his disciples that if he should go away, he could send the helper, the Holy Spirit who would come and live within us and be with us forever. Jesus wanted us all to understand that we were not losing him, but rather that we were gaining the third person of the Trinity.
Do you think the Father lost all His power when he sent Jesus to earth? Was He unable to act as long as Jesus was here? Or how about this? We know that Jesus was with the Father in the beginning of time. Was he powerless while he lived with God, before he came to earth? Why did Jesus think it advantageous for the Holy Spirit to come?

Finally, with the coming of the Spirit we can talk about living with the Trinity. If Jesus went around healing every sickness and disease, why can’t the Spirit do that now? Furthermore, Jesus is still with us, isn’t he? Sometimes we don’t have a big revelation of that. Where are you right now? Look up from your computer. Look around your office or the room you are in. Where is Jesus? You know, he is right there with you. Really look around. Where do you think he is? We know he inhabits every cell of our bodies. We’ve talked about that, but he is walking the earth too. He is there in that room with you even as he lives and breathes inside you. Imagine him putting his hands on you. What does that feel like? Can you feel the fire? How are your own hands? Do they feel hot in the palms? That is the anointing. Put them on your body and release the healing power.

Look, we decree and declare things to be. We command, but sometimes with healing I like to be sensitive. Think about healing hands. Sure, sometimes they are strong. You should have seen the forearms on my orthopedic surgeon. All in all, though, don’t we imagine healing hands to be sensitive and gentle? What does Jesus look like when he prays for you? Open up your mind to unfolding pictures and see Jesus praying for your health. What does he look like? The reason I bring this up is that sometimes we need to be kind to our bodies. We need to encourage healing rather than demand it. You follow what the Spirit is telling you but consider talking calmly and nicely to your body. Encourage it to heal. Speak prosperity over your cells and organs.

The healer is with you. Not one person he has ever prayed for has been left sick. Just some people wouldn’t let him heal. Their doubt shut him out. Let us be the people who receive the healing that is in his wings. Really imagine opening up your injuries and letting him in there. All sickness and disease, leave in Jesus’ name.


Malachi 4: 2        NLT

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

Are you enjoying this healing series? Are you getting something out of it? I certainly pray so. I would love to hear from you. Reply and let me know what God is saying to you.

What a happy picture this is. If you are from the country, you probably can see the calves running and jumping in your mind’s eye. They are so fun to watch. Imagine being so carefree that you just romp around in the pasture. Imagine your knees and hips and back feeling so good that you can jump like calves. I wish we could all get such a big revelation of God’s will inside us that healing would spring up from within.

I always think this verse should read, the SON of Righteousness. Jesus is righteousness and he certainly has healing in his wings. Whatsmore, he lives inside us! That is the revelation of revelations. If we ever really get a hold of that truth, we will be unstoppable. We will do all things in his name, and nothing will be impossible to us. However, let’s talk about healing today because everyone of us has something in our bodies that needs addressing.

Are you agreed with me that it is God’s desire and Jesus’ intention that you should be made perfectly whole? Do you think they want you healed, because if you can answer that affirmatively your spirit will be juiced with the power of God in the person of the Holy Spirit. Look, the Trinity is just waiting on us to get into agreement with them. Then, this force which is resident within us can go into motion healing our bodies right from the cells themselves. Our bodies are comprised mostly of water. Our cells are predominantly water. The Bible often refers to the Holy Spirit as water. In fact, I believe the Holy Spirit is the river of life from Revelation 22: 1, “The angel showed me a river filled with the water of life, as clear as crystal. It was flowing from the throne of God and the lamb.” My point is that God’s Spirit is the substance of our cells. That holy water transports nutrients into our cells and flushes waste out. It nourishes and hydrates our bodies and carries the very essence of God into every atom of our being. Does that not blow your mind a bit? But see, that is what it means that Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit are living in us. They do not live in the empty places of our body. They are completely intermeshed, intertwined, if you will, with the very fiber of our bodies. That is where healing can take place. God in you. The power that raised Jesus from the dead living in your cells just waiting to go off. The healing force which called Lazarus from the grave is inside each and every one of us. The more we accept this and let our hearts embrace it, the more freedom we give that energy to move within us. We can actively cooperate with what God wants to do in our bodies.

Jesus has healing in his wings, and he wants to share all of his healing ability with each one of us. Bit by bit we are growing and believing. We are stronger and have more belief than when we began this series. Healing is here.

Please email me and tell me your healing story. I know God is healing people who are reading this series because I have already heard some testimonies. Send me more. Your testimony helps other people believe and thus receive their healing. In his name.

Calling All Believers!

Matthew 9: 28, 21: 22

And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this? If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Yesterday I sent you an unusual Word of the Day, unusual because I have never before asked you to give to this ministry. That wasn’t easy for me but there was a specific reason I made that suggestion and request. First, if you are being fed by this ministry, you should support it, but that is not why I wrote you as I did yesterday. I wrote to you trying to get you blessed.

Why am I anointed to teach the gospel? And for whom? Why did God give me that anointing of increase Sunday? All the anointing that is on me was given for you. I don’t benefit from the anointing on me. I benefit from the anointing that is on Jesse. However, no matter what gifts God sends, it up to each one of us to receive them. So, I want to tell you another story.

A couple of years ago, I decided to test God on this finances thing. You see, we all have trouble believing. As you can see from today’s verse, Jesus couldn’t always get around people’s doubt. Anyway, I took one dollar and sowed it. I prayed over it, I declared, and I put God on notice that I was going to see what He would do. Well, very shortly thereafter I received a check for fifty dollars. Okay, I was expecting one hundred but, where else do you get that kind of return on your money. So, being quite serious about sowing, I sowed the entire fifty dollars. Guess what ministry I sent it to. Jesse Duplantis Ministries. I sent that fifty dollars as soon as I got it. I was working on something. So, then I sat and waited. I was expecting the hundredfold return. And I waited and waited. I began to tell Father, “Hey, you owe me some money here.” Still nothing. Then one day I heard the Father’s voice say to me, “I will make it up to you on your truck.” Well, the thing there was that I wanted a new Tahoe, but I couldn’t afford it. So, I waited some more. Then I reminded Father, “You owe me money!” Again, I heard Him say, “I will make it up to you on your truck.” Okay, fine, but didn’t He understand that I couldn’t afford a Tahoe? How was He going to make it up to me? This went on and I held on though I couldn’t see anything coming in. Some days I was despondent. Other days I was full of faith. Through it all, though, He gave me the strength and tenacity to hold on. Now you see why I titled yesterday’s Word of the Day as I did. I understand. Anyway, time went on and I could see no way I would be able to afford a new Tahoe, but that is the vehicle my heart was set on. Well, long story short . . . you would like the looks of my pretty new Tahoe. I got it in December, and I still don’t know how it happened. What’s more, I got a new stationary bike for indoor training and sold my old Tahoe for the amount that I was going to donate it for. All of this happened within a week and it was purely the blessing of the Lord. Dad isn’t a liar!

Now, what are you going to do? “Do you believe that I (Jesus) am able to do this?” “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” So, who are my believers? Do you believe God is able to do something for you? Some of you sowed yesterday as soon as you read the Word of the Day. God bless you! I am going to pray a prayer over those donations that will rock the walls of hell. Some of you didn’t sow a gift to Ivey Ministries. Why? Why didn’t you? Do you not believe that Jesus is able to bless you? Are you having a battle with doubt? What do you think? You are not the only one to doubt. If you read Monday’s Word of the Day you know that the Lord said to each of us, “Those speculations, wonderings, worries, all those mental gymnastics, must be brought to kneel at Jesus’ feet.” See, all that matters is what Jesus says.

But here is the hard part. Do you believe him? I mean really believe him? Are you willing to risk something on his word? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is,” as the saying goes. Don’t think I don’t know how hard it is to do, but sooner or later we have to decide where we are going to stand. Are you a believer or are you not? Are you going to let Jesus bless you with this special blessing he has for you? Who wins in your heart faith or doubt?

God is able to make all grace abound to you, but you’ve got to get in the game. You have to choose to be a part of this. I am screaming with my outdoor voice that God is doing something here. Let Him include you. Be a part of the blessing. Do you believe?

Hold On Brother!!!

2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 8

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

Guys, we’ve got to pause the Healing Words of the Day because God has something to say. God, your Father, wants to get money to you. He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Word of the Lord is saying. God wants to talk about money, so get ready to shout. If you have a problem with money and church, repent quick, before you get to the next paragraph because Father God wants to speak to you and bless you. Please do not reject the Blessing of the Lord.

Now hear this!!!! I got back from my sabbatical Saturday. I had a GREAT time with the Lord, and He ministered many things. Interestingly enough, a bunch of it was about finances. It was a definite surprise but a welcome one. I got home in time to go see Jesse Duplantis at Agape Faith Church in Clemmons, NC on Sunday. Whoa! It was good. It was anointed and brother, you would have to be dead not to have felt the anointing in there as Jesse spoke. Glory to God! What do you suppose he spoke on? Finances. God kept right on with the theme of the whole week.

Jesse Duplantis has an anointing of increase on him. People have talked about it for years. He gives away so much, but God just keeps blessing him. This man tries to out give God. Well, guess who’s winning. But I have not gotten to the good part yet. Hold on!!

Now I’ve already told you that Jesse is a giver. He told us he was going to give the offering back to the host church. He wasn’t going to take the gift offering back with him. Nice. However, before he let us give our offering, he wanted to pray over it and bless that ministry and its leaders. What happened next is important to you!

Jesse asked us all to raise our offering envelopes. Then he walked up to me and asked me if he could borrow my offering. He just wanted a point of contact to pray over that offering. Of course, I said, “Yes,” and extended my envelope towards him. He reached out, but he didn’t take my envelope. He took my hand and laid the envelope in my hand. I scooted forward in my chair a little and he said, “Yeah, stand up.” So, I stood up! He took my hand with the envelope in it and covered it with his own hand and started ministering to me. He started praying about the hundredfold return (Matthew 13: 8), bless God!

But wait. I had a problem right there. I had just returned from the mountains and had burned through most of my cash. I forgot to get more money, so when I opened my wallet to get out my offering I just groaned. “Well,” I thought to myself, “I will just give all I have.” I didn’t think of it then, but God has brought it my attention since that in giving all I had, I was like the widow with the widow’s mite (Mark 12: 41) and she blessed Jesus with her giving.

But, back to the story, when Jesse started ministering the hundredfold return my insides roiled and I thought about that measly amount of money in the envelope. Aargghh! In that split second, I was intensely remorseful that there wasn’t a big bill in that envelope and mad at myself for not thinking ahead. You know what? No sooner did I think, “Oh darn” than Jesse, looking right at me said, “I didn’t say a hundred times. I said a hundredfold! This isn’t math. It just keeps folding and folding and folding.” WHOA! Father totally heard my thought and my regret and answered it immediately!

Here’s what I want you to know, Jesse wasn’t just praying over my offering. If you had been there, you would have seen that. It was clear that something was happening. Jesse was praying over my money and ministry. Now, here is the part that is important to you. His anointing of increase got shared to me and this ministry. Let that sink in. God has anointed this ministry for increase. That isn’t just about increasing the ministry. Read the passage above. This is about increasing you. I am to share this increase. That is why the anointing was shared with me. This is how God is going to get blessing to you, through Ivey Ministries. Now isn’t that exciting?!

Read today’s passage again. It is powerful. In fact, it is what Jesse spoke on Sunday. It went off in me then and I hope it is going off in you now. And, I understand how this works. So, you better believe that I sent off a big check to Jesse today! I am getting in on the increase. I want to reap bountifully so I am giving bountifully.

I have never asked any of you for money, but I am going to say today, “Give, so it can be given back to you.” Don’t give grudgingly. If you can’t be happy in it, don’t send money. I want cheerful givers just the same as God, but, if this ministry is ministering to you, sow into it. When we receive your donation, we will pray over it with this anointing present on us for the increase back to you. Maybe you don’t need money, but maybe you have an unsaved family member. Maybe you need healing in your body. Whatever your need is, or your want, let us know and we will lay hands on your offering and petition the Lord, our God, for the hundredfold increase.

God wants to bless you. Listen to me. This is how God is getting the blessing to you. Believe and receive. Let the Lord do all He wants to do. Cooperate with Him. One other thing. Do not delay. Do it now!