Isaiah 58: 9

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry, and He will say, “Here I am.”

What is the cry of your heart? Is there something deep in your heart that perhaps you have not articulated to God? Let it out. Cry unto the Lord with all your heart. Call His name and expect Him to answer you.

This verse should encourage you that God’s eyes are upon you. He is hearkening to the voice of your call. He is listening. There may even be a secret meditation that you have scarcely allowed yourself to consider. God is moving upon the church and upon His children to answer those heart cries. Perhaps there is something that you have held in your heart but have never had faith to actually believe God for. Secretly you have desired this thing with a deep longing. Maybe you have spoken to God about it but have yet to see it manifest and have harbored doubt and resentment because of its lack of fulfillment. God is speaking to you today. Open up your mouth and converse with Him. Tell Him of the desires of your heart. Reach down into the depths of your heart, to that place even you rarely visit and search out what is there. This is the place where you keep what is most important to you but also those dreams which are so big that you do not even have the faith to give voice to them. You hide them away so that you will not be disappointed when they are not realized but you, none the less, have bitter feelings toward God because they have not materialized. 

Be of good heart. God is listening for the call of His people. He is tuned in to your frequency. Have faith that He is a God of love and truth and that having given you this verse today He will not be silent when you call out. If you believe that He is a God of truth who cannot and will not lie then receive that His answer to you is “Here I am.” He is not a God who is far off but one who is as close as your next breath. He longs to share with you the meditation of your heart and the deep cries of longing. Call out to Him and receive His answer.

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