Habakkuk 2: 2

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”

This verse is the anchor pin of a good goal setting seminar. God told the people that he was going to give them a message in the form of a vision. He then instructed them to write down the vision so that the person who reads it might be able to “run with it.” That language is used in the figurative sense. God wanted it written down so that it would not be forgotten and so that it could be reviewed systematically. He wanted it written in plain language so that it could be clearly understood by all and so they could aggressively go after the goal. God was teaching here as well. He is telling us today to write down the vision he gives us; the vision for our goals, future and calling. Having written it down, review it daily. When we do so, it is easier to daily pursue our dreams and goals. You’ve got to have it written down and in front of your eyes in order to keep you on target for the big things God has for you.

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