Were Therefore, Are

1 Peter 2: 24

For by His wounds you were healed.

Does this sound familiar to you? The great prophet Isaiah foresaw the wounds Jesus would bear on his body that would redeem our every sickness and disease. We looked at Isaiah 53: 4 – 5 on March 2nd. If you would like to review, click here.

It seems obvious that Peter understood the prophecy from Isaiah and just as clear that it was fulfilled in Jesus. Isn’t it interesting that Peter wrote that our wounds were healed? Isaiah, many years before Jesus came to earth, wrote, “we are healed.” So here is an interesting question, do you think Isaiah, relying on the wounds of Jesus, could receive his healing then, hundreds of years before the scourging that paid for our healing? I would love to hear your thoughts.

It’s clear that by the time we get to Peter, we are talking about past events and that we were healed. Neither author wrote that we “will” be healed. Isaiah wrote that we are healed, Peter that we were. There is no bargain in either’s proclamation. Neither one made our healing conditional. If we were to take Peter at his word, it would mean our healing is a done deal. It was a past tense event when he wrote 2000 years ago. It is certainly a past event now. We were healed so we are healed.

“But I have this malady and that disease.” I understand that, but between “You were healed” & “I feel sick” which represents the truth? Are you sick or are you healed? The two statements are contradictory. You cannot be both. So, which is it? Is your experience bigger than your belief? This is not judgmental. It’s about growing into this reality.

We all read these healing verses, agree with them and get excited but then, when faced with a cut, bruise or more serious situation, the healing truth does not spring to our minds. It is a matter of habit, right? You have experience with getting sick, going to the doctor, getting a prescription and then getting better. You likely have less experience with hurting yourself, praying and being healed in that moment; and then, even less experience with getting sick, praying and manifesting healing. So, because we have not been taught, trained and then experienced the healing power of Jesus, it really is not within the realm of our belief system. How do we change that? How does God get His healing to be your reality? We will continue to seek this answer as we begin to wrap up this series.

Poisoned Stew

2 Kings 4: 38 – 41         NLV

Elisha now returned to Gilgal, and there was a famine in the land. One day as the group of prophets was seated before him, he said to his servant, “Put a large pot on the fire, and make some stew for the rest of the group.” One of the young men went out into the field to gather herbs and came back with a pocketful of wild gourds. He shredded them and put them into the pot without realizing they were poisonous. Some of the stew was served to the men. But after they had eaten a bite or two they cried out, “Man of God, there’s poison in this stew!” So they would not eat it. Elisha said, “Bring me some flour.” Then he threw it into the pot and said, “Now it’s all right; go ahead and eat.” And then it did not harm them.

How can one not love this story? When I read this story is when I decided to pray over my food. It seems the blessing of God can take poisoned food and turn it into something nutritious and delicious.

How many toxins and poisons are in and on our food these days. Frankly, we have a bigger problem than those guys did because much of our food has been sprayed with poison and we can’t always get it all off simply by washing. So, we sure better be praying over our food.

It would be great if we could all afford to buy everything from the organic food section. It would be even better if all our food just was organic, but we live in an age where that is not always possible. Sometimes there isn’t even an organic option. So, we all do the best we can to get food that is clean and made as God intended it.

One thing that intrigues me about this story is Elisha’s response. He didn’t just pray over the stew which is what I would have expected. Why did he throw flour in the pot? What would you have done? I wouldn’t have thought about adding flour. Do you think, as I do, that Elisha heard from God? Did he inquire of God and flour was the answer God gave him? I think so. It does not seem that Elisha panicked, and he didn’t overreact. I would have turned the pot over and started over, but that’s me thinking in my own wisdom instead of God’s.

Look, there is a lot we don’t know about our food supply these days. We trust our grocery store to sell us good products but guess what. There is a lot they don’t know. It’s best we place our trust in the Lord and follow His advice. Now you might understand why I pray as I grocery shop. It’s a mine field in there.

Healing Shepherd

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

This verse may surprise you. Yes, we are still talking about divine health and healing here. Please, go back and read it again. What part of this psalm is not about divine health? This is the perfect picture of God with us. In other words, it is the exact image of Immanuel, Jesus. He is the shepherd. If we follow him, we shall have no want, nor any need. He leads us to the perfect food (pasture) and perfect water. He leads his sheep to the very best so that they may be in perfect health.

He restores our soul which means that he heals our emotions, redeems our thoughts and beliefs and transforms our minds. Is that not absolutely about healing? Of course, it relates to emotional healing but guess what, much of our physical health and well-being is tied to the stress and emotional discomfort in our lives. And, of course, the “paths of righteousness” are as simple as his footprints. In other words, he leads us in “his way” so that we avoid stress, trouble and live in the blessing.

The next stanza talks about walking through the valley of the shadow of death. How is that not about health and healing. We talk through that stinking valley every day. Sometimes it feels like death is trying to get its steely fingers on us. The thing is, though, if we will mind Jesus and listen to his counsel, he will navigate the mine field for us. It really is that simple. I am not suggesting blind courage where we profess our faith and then run through the shadows of death. I am talking about following the shepherd because he knows the way and he will protect us every step of the way. His rod and his staff guide us. My faith is anchored in following him and yours can be too.

He prepares a table for us. Surely by now we understand that an enormous amount of our health is tied to our diet which also includes our drinks. When he prepares my table, he doesn’t put soft drinks on it. That is my doing and even though I enjoy sodas, they do not serve my health. Who is your enemy? That is a pretty simple question, but also think about who his agents are. Who is putting food on your table? Is it the food and drink which will encourage health and healing in your body?

The last stanza, I shall dwell with the Lord all the days of my life and even through eternity. When we dwell with the Lord, when we have that revelation of God with us every moment, then, we constantly are in the path of healing. God with me means He is constantly teaching me, leading me to new technologies, new products and even new ways to think about health and medicine. I think I told you that my good friend has introduced what I call Eden water. It is new to me, but it is helping my health. What if I had not been in the flow of God and had not received His blessing. What if I had not been listening or was closed minded. I would have missed the blessing. I have also been doing physical therapy for my knees. Is this divine healing? Absolutely! My Father provided that for me and, again, it is helping my knees. I want health, so I am inspired to seek the Father and listen to Him. The fact that He lives with me, makes it a bunch easier.

So, there you are. The 23rd psalm. You’ve known it all your life, but did you know it? That dear shepherd is leading you to paths of his own wisdom and knowledge for your health and well-being. I have to think that is some really great news.

Healing Faith

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Yesterday, we saw that faith affects healing. What, though, is faith? We talk about it a lot, but do we assume too much, that everyone understands, truly, what faith is? It is a nebulous term in the mouth of many, but the Bible has a definitive explanation of what it is.

Here is another reading of today’s verse, “Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.” It is the certainty of the things we pray for. It is the proof. The Amplified has this language, “Faith is . . . the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses.” It is a fact, not to be argued. Let me give you an example.

Do you believe in Jesus, that he is the Christ, that he came from the Father, that he is alive? Prove it to me. What if I try to talk you out of it? Is there anything I can say to dissuade you? Even though you have no tangible facts, no verifiable evidence, you believe with all your heart that he is alive and that he is the Christ. There is nothing I can do or say to talk you out of it. That is faith. Jesus is unseen but you are 100% convinced. What if you felt the same way about your healing?

Your healing is assured by the blessing of Abraham. It is every bit as certain as your salvation. It was made absolute at the cross. It is real and it is done. So, why is our healing less sure in our hearts than our salvation? Do you have any doubt about your salvation? Do you feel just as strongly about healing?

The point I am trying to make is that most of us are not absolutely convinced that God will heal us. Frankly, most people are a little afraid even as they pray. We are afraid Father won’t heal us and look, there is some legitimacy to that. How many people do you know who are living testimonies of God’s healing? More of our Christian buddies are hurting than healed. We have, as a body, fallen into a place where it is harder to believe that God still heals. If we ask people to answer, intellectually, about what they think, most will say they think God still heals people today. If, however, we were able to dig down in their hearts, we would find that few have experience with God’s healing power, so they don’t have much belief. The people at church are not experiencing healing; the pastor has stopped talking about much less preaching about healing so as a body, we have descended into this place of doubt. It’s not that we are bad people. It’s just that the actuality of God’s healing is not being manifested in our near environment and that is a problem. It is harder for each of us to believe because we don’t have any nearby examples. So, what do we do?

I am attempting to raise your belief by showing you what God’s word says. The thing is, though, that you have to rehearse it over and over before your heart believes it. Your mind will accept God’s word on the surface, at least most people will. Getting the belief built up so that our faith can call that healing into manifestation is different and for most people, more challenging.

Faith is that ability and the substance down in our hearts that knows that it knows. You do have some experience with that kind of faith as I have shown you. There are other things that you know beyond doubt. My goal here is to get your faith for healing to that point. So, think about it for a moment. What do you believe about healing? Is this a doctrine for past times or does Jesus still heal today? I can give you the scriptural answer, but the answer of your heart is the one that matters. Your healing may be very close at hand. Please go back to these verses and continue to meditate on them. Our Father is faithful and wants to do many great and wonderful things for each of us. Let’s agree with him for great things! Do you want to?

Faith in the Blessing

Galatians 3:13 – 14

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” – in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

By now, you know about the curse. Hopefully you know about the blessing too since I have been teaching on it for a while. You understand the curse entered the earth through disobedience. However, we see plainly that Jesus has redeemed us from the curse. We no longer live under the law, but rather under faith and faith is how we inherit the blessing.

What does this have to do with healing? Well, literally, everything. Father God told me recently that my health, healing and prosperity were paid for on that cross right along with salvation. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” he meant everything is done. He didn’t leave healing for later. He didn’t make a plan to work out our financial provision later. Everything pertaining to life, the curse and the blessing was accomplished. Jesus arose with no more work to do. It is done. Finished.

So, Father asked me, “Why are you trying to earn what Jesus has already done?” What? That is a revelation each of us could use. Whatever we need today, it has already been done. Now, we appropriate those things by faith and there is the rub. It’s not necessarily that we don’t have faith, but we don’t always know how to use it.

So, let me ask you, if Jesus has already purchased everything you need, including health, and you accept that you claim it by faith, what does that look like? What would you tell another person about acquiring all of God’s good blessing? I wish the answer was, “Lie on a chaise until the blessing falls upon you.”

Jesus said, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,” (Matthew 21: 22). The answer, then, is that we must believe. Sometimes we have to talk ourselves into believing. We have to chase out the doubt. That is why I have you write on 3 X 5 index cards. If you read God’s Word and keep reminding yourself of His promises, you whittle away at the doubt. You’ve gotta preach to yourself, keep reminding yourself of God’s promises until your heart is convinced. We all have doubt. We all have to put down fear. But we make the Word of God bigger in our minds and hearts than the fear and doubt until the faith rises up and eradicates the doubt.

You have been redeemed from the curse. You are under the blessing. You are an heir to the promise. Those sound like just a bunch of nice words, but they are more than that, they are the gospel. It’s what Jesus did for you. Your healing is right there in verse 14, in the blessing of Abraham which you receive by faith.  Own it.  Don’t let anyone take away your healing anymore than you would let them take your salvation.

Refreshing Wisdom

Proverb 3: 7 – 8

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.

Interestingly enough, this verse, though it is about healing, does not advise about diet or exercise. What is the root of this? Some people will think it is about doing evil and that evil doings make you sick or that God curses those who are doing bad. That is not what this verse says. You’ve got to start at the beginning of the verse and there are really two parts. First, do not be wise in your own eyes and second, revere the Lord and His wisdom. That is really what this is about. Turning away from evil is a natural by-product of serving the Lord. So, let’s look at this more closely and see what the Lord is teaching us.

This passage is really about whose wisdom you will follow. When we inquire of the Lord, which is step one, we fare well. When we rely on our own wisdom, we don’t always make the choices that lead to healthy bodies and refreshed bones. It isn’t that we do not try to make right decisions. It’s just that we don’t know all God knows. I will tell you another implication of relying on our own wisdom and knowledge. It is stressful. The more we learn to rely on God’s direction, the less stress we are under. The less stress we experience, the healthier our bodies.

I have taught in the past about hearing God. I have even sent you my testimony about when I could not hear Him. It was the most frustrating thing! In our fast-paced society, it is definitely harder to hear Him. Another factor is involved too. As the pace of life increased, people found it harder to hear Him. Now, we are raised in the expectation that we won’t hear God speak to us. Of course, that is unbiblical, but church culture is influenced by societal pressures too. Eventually, a doctrine arises to support our failure. The converse is to have to face up to the failure and that is not so easy.

We, however, are fortunate. We are not the generation that created the problem or accepted not being able to hear God speaking to us. That makes the problem existence emotionally neutral to us as far as blame. We can be the fixers since we carry no guilt. Yes, our generation has accepted the failure and believed pastors who taught us wrong but now we have the ability to get free.

If we can follow God’s wisdom for our health, then surely, we will live healthy. If we forsake any pride we may have, choosing not to be wise in our own eyes, but rather to rely on the Father, we really can turn things around. Even if you are a medical professional, did you know that it is not your responsibility to have all wisdom? Your wisdom, too, is supplied by the healer.

Today’s verse is about relinquishing control and not having to have all the answers. It is about expecting God to be God. In our reverence of Yahweh God, we are to turn to Him with questions and, not only expect Him to answer us, but to demand it. Honestly, He is on the edge of His throne wanting to answer you. Let’s get good at hearing God’s voice. Let’s follow His wisdom to arrive at the place of healing.

Every Disease

Matthew 4: 23

Jesus was going about in all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.

Isn’t it easy to believe that if Jesus walked up to you, healing would be a simple matter? Of course, the people of his time didn’t always believe he could heal them or that he would. Those are two forms of doubt we still must deal with today. Even if we accept that Jesus wants us healed, we have a challenge receiving it. How do we get his healing? “If he were still here,” we think, “it would be easy.” However, Jesus said it was to our advantage that he go away (John 16: 7). That hardly makes sense though. Do you agree?

Jesus explained to his disciples that if he should go away, he could send the helper, the Holy Spirit who would come and live within us and be with us forever. Jesus wanted us all to understand that we were not losing him, but rather that we were gaining the third person of the Trinity.
Do you think the Father lost all His power when he sent Jesus to earth? Was He unable to act as long as Jesus was here? Or how about this? We know that Jesus was with the Father in the beginning of time. Was he powerless while he lived with God, before he came to earth? Why did Jesus think it advantageous for the Holy Spirit to come?

Finally, with the coming of the Spirit we can talk about living with the Trinity. If Jesus went around healing every sickness and disease, why can’t the Spirit do that now? Furthermore, Jesus is still with us, isn’t he? Sometimes we don’t have a big revelation of that. Where are you right now? Look up from your computer. Look around your office or the room you are in. Where is Jesus? You know, he is right there with you. Really look around. Where do you think he is? We know he inhabits every cell of our bodies. We’ve talked about that, but he is walking the earth too. He is there in that room with you even as he lives and breathes inside you. Imagine him putting his hands on you. What does that feel like? Can you feel the fire? How are your own hands? Do they feel hot in the palms? That is the anointing. Put them on your body and release the healing power.

Look, we decree and declare things to be. We command, but sometimes with healing I like to be sensitive. Think about healing hands. Sure, sometimes they are strong. You should have seen the forearms on my orthopedic surgeon. All in all, though, don’t we imagine healing hands to be sensitive and gentle? What does Jesus look like when he prays for you? Open up your mind to unfolding pictures and see Jesus praying for your health. What does he look like? The reason I bring this up is that sometimes we need to be kind to our bodies. We need to encourage healing rather than demand it. You follow what the Spirit is telling you but consider talking calmly and nicely to your body. Encourage it to heal. Speak prosperity over your cells and organs.

The healer is with you. Not one person he has ever prayed for has been left sick. Just some people wouldn’t let him heal. Their doubt shut him out. Let us be the people who receive the healing that is in his wings. Really imagine opening up your injuries and letting him in there. All sickness and disease, leave in Jesus’ name.