Abide Securely

Proverb 3: 23 – 24

Then you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid.

Those two verses contain some very nice promises. I imagine that every person would greatly desire the security and steadiness spoken of in those two short verses. They really include a rather large promise. But the first word of the passage indicates that there is something which precedes this divine security. The entire third proverb is about wisdom and Verse 21 tells what leads a person to this specific kind of protected existence. We are directed to pursue wisdom and understanding and specifically to keep sound wisdom and discretion. By wisdom, God created all the heavens and earth. By them, we live in His secure place. We are to live a discrete life, following God’s wisdom and his ways. Wisdom is found by those who seek her. She is found through the pages of his word and meditation therein. Nothing can replace the time we individually spend with God’s word. He is His word and He reveals Himself to us in these pages. Seek wisdom for she will guard your way and be a lamp unto your feet. You will live in peace and comfort.

The Exalted Life

Galatians 2: 20

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.

So many times we try with all our might to be like Jesus. We pray to the Father to make us more like Jesus and ask Jesus to help us conform ourselves to his image. As is clear in this passage, though, that is not what we are to do. We don’t have to be like Jesus. Isn’t that a relief? We are taught to surrender our lives to him so that he lives through us. This is a very atypical thought for a society like ours. Our society tends to be very “self” oriented and because we have been indoctrinated into this thinking we strive with all our might to accomplish lofty goals in ourselves. While it is laudable from one perspective, that really is the worldly perspective. God never called us to be saints apart from himself. He called us into deep relationship with him wherein he lives an exalted life through us. It is his job to live the life of Christ through us as we are the Body of Christ. Our task is to get out of ourselves. It is, in a nutshell, to get ourselves off of our minds. If we listen to our language we sometimes find that the pronoun “I” is much used, even overused. It is not so much a question of what God wants you to do, but rather what you will allow Him to do through you. “I” no longer live. “I” am dead. The life I now live is the life of Christ in me. If we, the church, can get this message deep down into our spirits, we will most certainly see an enormous change in ourselves, our churches and our community.

Powerful Implants

James 1: 21

Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.

The Amplified version of the Bible says that the Word of God, implanted and rooted in our hearts has the ability to save our souls. It is our hearts to which the Word of God must be sown. It is one thing for us to know the Word with our minds and with our intelligence but that is not the way in which we have been instructed. The Lord God is telling us that we must implant the Word into our hearts. Once we do, it has the power to heal our souls. God has not called us to an intellectual relationship with him. He has called us to intimacy through the communion of our hearts with His. Only then can we receive all that He has designed for us. Only then can we walk with him. Only then will we be able to really know him and his plan for our lives. He cannot minister to our deepest needs if he is consigned to our minds and our intellect. He wants to be close and intimate with each of us. When we open up our hearts to Him and to His word, then all the power of heaven comes to reside in our deepest being, leads us and save our souls.

Yesterday’s Word of the Day encouraged us to put on the characteristics of God. Today’s Word has us putting off that which is not consistent with the nature of God. In each case we can only succeed through the power and grace of Jesus. When we fill up with Jesus then we have, within us, the power to put off the negative attributes and put on the glory. Jesus implanted in us is the key to our success.

Putting on the Ritz

Colossians 3: 12 – 13

And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

We are the chosen of God. We have been adopted into the family of God by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and we are now joint heirs with Abraham. We are holy and beloved. Therefore, God wants us to walk in a manner worthy of our high calling. We are to put on the character of Jesus and walk in Him and in the manner of his calling on us. Our lives should be typified by compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness. For these are the characteristics of Christ himself and the life we now live we live in Him. If anyone is lacking in any of these attributes, he should ask of the Lord Jesus and he who gives all freely will anoint you with all you need so that you might also walk in all the grace which he has poured out on mankind. It is a high calling to walk in this kind of grace and fellowship. It is the high calling of Jesus on our lives. So put on Christ and be transformed.

Literal Love

Psalm 119: 97 – 98

O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. Thy commandments make me wiser than my enemies for they are ever mine.

It is the Word of the Lord that instructs us, protects us and guides us. It is life to all who find it. It is refreshment to their bones. All who wish wisdom, peace and success can find those things in God’s word. When we put his word in us, we are literally putting life into our very being. We also find the wisdom we need for these trying times. God said that we are to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. He gave us his word so that through it we would rise to the top. He sowed success and peace and every good thing in the pages of his word. All we have to do is read his word and believe that which we read is truth. He does not wish us to be uninformed so he gave us the book. In it lies the wisdom of God and it is all ours for the taking.

If we ever understand the truth of this passage, if we can utter these same words with the same passion and conviction of the psalmist then I know that we will rise above our circumstances. We will finally live in and exhibit the glory and the power of our dear lord. Let these verses sink in a bit deeper today. Meditate on them until they become integrated with you. There is victory in Jesus and he is the word. Seek him.


Wishing You a Happy New Year!

May it be the best year of your life,
praying your heart is full of high expectations!
from Ivey Ministries
The Word of the Day will return with fresh revelation and inspiration January 4, 2016


Merry Christmas

May the blessings of the Season
be yours
Now and throughout the year!
God bless you and Merry Christmas

Ivey Ministries